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Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von über Kochbücher spannenden Büchern zum Thema 24.765.
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  • 23% sparen
    von Sami Tamimi & Yotam Ottolenghi
    34,00 €

    Winner of the Observer Food Monthly Cookbook of the Year 2013.Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi are the men behind the bestselling Ottolenghi: The Cookbook. Their chain of restaurants is famous for its innovative flavours, stylish design and superb cooking.At the heart of Yotam and Sami's food is a shared home city: Jerusalem. Both were born there in the same year, Sami on the Arab east side and Yotam in the Jewish west. Nearly 30 years later they met in London, and discovered they shared a language, a history, and a love of great food.Jerusalem sets 100 of Yotam and Sami's inspired, accessible recipes within the cultural and religious melting pot of this diverse city. With culinary influences coming from its Muslim, Jewish, Arab, Christian and Armenian communities and with a Mediterranean climate, the range of ingredients and styles is stunning. From recipes for soups (spicy frikkeh soup with meatballs), meat and fish (chicken with caramelized onion and cardamom rice, sea bream with harissa and rose), vegetables and salads (spicy beetroot, leek and walnut salad), pulses and grains (saffron rice with barberries and pistachios), to cakes and desserts (clementine and almond syrup cake), there is something new for everyone to discover.Packed with beautiful recipes and with gorgeous photography throughout, Jerusalem showcases sumptuous Ottolenghi dishes in a dazzling setting.

  • - Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking
    von Samin Nosrat
    35,00 €

    A beautifully illustrated New York Times bestseller that distils decades of professional experience into just four simple elements - and will set you free from recipes forever.

  • 23% sparen
    von Yotam Ottolenghi
    29,00 €

  • von Snoop Dogg
    22,00 €

    From Crook to Cook: Platinum Recipes from Tha Boss Dogg's Kitchen is a unique culinary masterpiece penned by none other than Snoop Dogg. Released in 2018, this book takes readers on an unforgettable gastronomic journey. Snoop Dogg, a multifaceted personality known for his music, acting, and now his cooking, brings his signature style to the kitchen. The book is a collection of recipes that range from fine dining to classic comfort foods, all with a touch of Snoop's culinary flair. The genre of this book transcends the traditional cookbook, infusing elements of autobiography and cultural commentary. It's published by Chronicle Books, known for their innovative and distinctive publishing. So, if you're a fan of Snoop Dogg or just love cooking, this book is a must-have addition to your collection.

  • 23% sparen
    von Nigel Slater
    28,98 €

    A Cook's Book is the story of Nigel Slater's life in the kitchen . . .

  • 23% sparen
    von Ixta Belfrage & Yotam Ottolenghi
    28,98 €

  • 21% sparen
    - Reflections and Recipes from Omma's Kitchen
    von Joanna Lee Molinaro
    28,00 €

    THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • NAMED ONE OF THE BEST NEW COOKBOOKS OF THE YEAR BY Epicurious • EATER • Stained Page • Infatuation • Spruce Eats • Publisher’s Weekly • Food52 • Toronto StarThe dazzling debut cookbook from Joanne Lee Molinaro, the home cook and spellbinding storyteller behind the online sensation @thekoreanveganJoanne Lee Molinaro has captivated millions of fans with her powerfully moving personal tales of love, family, and food. In her debut cookbook, she shares a collection of her favorite Korean dishes, some traditional and some reimagined, as well as poignant narrative snapshots that have shaped her family history. As Joanne reveals, she’s often asked, “How can you be vegan and Korean?” Korean cooking is, after all, synonymous with fish sauce and barbecue. And although grilled meat is indeed prevalent in some Korean food, the ingredients that filled out bapsangs on Joanne’s table growing up—doenjang (fermented soybean paste), gochujang (chili sauce), dashima (seaweed), and more—are fully plant-based, unbelievably flavorful, and totally Korean. Some of the recipes come straight from her childhood: Jjajangmyun, the rich Korean-Chinese black bean noodles she ate on birthdays, or the humble Gamja Guk, a potato-and-leek soup her father makes. Some pay homage: Chocolate Sweet Potato Cake is an ode to the two foods that saved her mother’s life after she fled North Korea. The Korean Vegan Cookbook is a rich portrait of the immigrant experience with life lessons that are universal. It celebrates how deeply food and the ones we love shape our identity.

  • 22% sparen
    von Ixta Belfrage
    26,98 €

    'One-in-a-million creativity, Ixta's food is simply outstanding!' Yotam Ottolenghi'This is such a beautiful and joyful book.' Nigella Lawson'Ixta is what we all long for in a cook. Innovative, passionate, exciting and accessible.' Andi Oliver'Ixta has a unique culinary voice, producing food that's bold and intense and audacious. Buckle up. It's quite a ride.' Diana Henry'Ixta is an alchemist with flavour. Thrilling recipes full of life and imagination. I can't wait to cook everything.' Jessie WareEveryday eating with built in wow factor - from the Ottolenghi prot g shaking up the food world. MEZCLA means mix, blend or fusion in Spanish and in her first solo cookbook, Ixta Belfrage - loved for her inventive ingredient combinations - shares her favourite mezcla of flavours. Helpfully divided into quick recipes (for when you need something great on the table, fast) and longer recipes (for when you have time to slow down and savour the process), here are 100 bold, impactful recipes inspired by Italy, Brazil, Mexico and beyond. Creative, colourful and always delicious, this is food for every day and every occasion. Includes quick, flavourful recipes, such as Giant Cheese on Toast with Honey and Urfa Butter and Chicken with Pineapple and 'Nduja, as well as dishes to spend more time over: Chiles Rellenos with Salsa Roja Risotto and Prawn Lasagne with Habanero Oil.

  • von Rolf Caviezel
    25,00 €

    Überraschung und Staunen garantiertRolf Caviezel hat mit seinem Einstiegsbuch in die Molekulare Küche ein Grundlagenwerk geschaffen, das dem ganz normalen Hobbykoch ermöglicht, phänomenale Effekte zu erzielen. Unterdessen hat er in unzähligen Schulungen auch Profi s in die Geheimnisse der veränderten Aggregatszustände eingeweiht. Der Clou dabei: Bekannte Speisen lassen uns erstaunt neue Facetten entdecken. An die eigentlichen Rohstoffe, die Lebensmittel, werden dieselben hohen Ansprüche gestellt wie in der klassischen Küche: Frische, hochwertige Naturprodukte, deren Aromen dank verschiedener Texturen optimal zum Ausdruck kommen. Der Effekt für die Sinne ist verblüffend und begeistert jeden Feinschmecker.Aus dem Inhalt:. Einführung Philosophie Texturen und Hilfsmittel Umgang mit flüssigem Stickstoff Geräte und Werkzeuge. Rezepte: Lollis Curry-Lolli Lolli mit Vanillearoma und Limettenduft Brausender LolliDrops/Caviar Randendotter mit Apfelduft Tomatensalat mit Schokoladeraspel auf BasilikumfilmAirs Kaffee-Air mit violettem Kartoffelpüree und Cantadou-Sellerie-RouladeSuppen Gemüsebrühe mit schwebenden Gemüsewürfelchen Erbsensuppe im ReagenzglasFleisch, Fisch, Geflügel Lammfleisch, virtuelle Kartoffel, geeiste Olivenöl-Balsamico-Würfel, Brokkoli im ReisblattÖliges, Süsses, Geräuchertes Vanillierte Olivenölwürfel Heisse Baileys-EiscremeAus flüssigem Stickstoff Schoko-Spaghetti Mangocreme mit dampfenden Wasabiklösschen

  • von Rosemarie Zehetgruber
    34,90 €

    GESUND UND GENUSSVOLL SELBSTVERSORGT: FÜLL DEINE VORRATSKAMMER MIT SCHÄTZEN AUS DER NATUR Einfach gut und gesund essen, solange der Vorrat reicht! Füll deine Vorratskammer, wenn es frische Kräuter im Überfluss gibt, die Tomaten im Garten alle gleichzeitig reif werden und das Zucchinibeet überquillt. So hast du stets vorgesorgt und versorgst dich das ganze Jahr über mit gesunden Vitaminen und selbst gemachten Köstlichkeiten.ALLE METHODEN DER VORRATSHALTUNG UND RUND 200 ERPROBTE REZEPTEOb aus dem eigenen Garten, dem Biokistl oder vom Einkauf am Bauernmarkt - was nicht gleich verbraucht und vernascht wird, lässt sich im Handumdrehen in PRAKTISCHEN VORRAT FÜR DIE GANZE FAMILIE verwandeln. Die Ernährungswissenschaftlerin Rosemarie Zehetgruber beschreibt ausführlich die VERSCHIEDENEN METHODEN DES NATÜRLICHEN HALTBARMACHENS, liefert praktische Tipps zur RICHTIGEN LAGERUNG und gibt in ihren BEWÄHRTEN REZEPTEN jede Menge Anregungen für nachhaltiges und saisonales Kochen.DEINER GESUNDHEIT ZULIEBE: SCHONEND KONSERVIEREN UND DIE NÄHRSTOFFE OPTIMAL ERHALTENEinkochen und sterilisieren, einlegen in Öl und Essig, einfrieren, trocknen, entsaften, Milchsäuregärung oder Essig herstellen - die verschiedenen Methoden werden umfassend und praxisnah vorgestellt. Mit den richtigen Methoden und Rezepten für Gemüse, Obst, Nüsse, Pilze, Kräuter und Blüten ist es ein Leichtes, die reiche Ernte aus der Natur rasch und gesund haltbar zu machen. Und dank der SCHONENDEN ZUBEREITUNG bleiben GESCHMACK UND NÄHRSTOFFE erhalten. KÖSTLICHE VORRÄTE ANLEGEN UND ÜBERS JAHR HINWEG GENIESSENSelbst gemachte Marmeladen, Sirupe, Säfte oder Pestos sind nicht nur preiswerter und schmackhafter, sie erleichtern auch den Alltag. So hast du stets gute Zutaten zu Hause, aus denen sich in kurzer Zeit ein gesundes Essen zaubern lässt. Ob Stachelbeerchutney, Melanzani in Honigmarinade, Tomatensugo, Kimchi oder süß-saure Zucchini - die abwechslungsreichen Küchenschätze sind die ideale Basis für viele einfache und schmackhafte Gerichte, die garantiert gelingen. - alle Methoden, um die wertvolle Ernte natürlich haltbar zu machen- einfach umzusetzendes Praxiswissen zum Frischhalten, richtigen Lagern und Haltbarmachen- rund 200 Rezepte zum Einmachen und Einlegen von Gemüse, Obst, Nüssen, Saaten, Pilzen, Kräutern und Blüten- ein praktischer Vorrat, der gesundes Kochen zu Hause einfacher und schneller macht- umfassende Informationen rund um Vorratshaltung, Ernährung und Gesundheit- zahlreiche Tipps und Tricks zum Verarbeiten und Konservieren von Gartenüberschüssen und saisonalen Angeboten- ideale Geschenkideen: für jede Gelegenheit das passende Mitbringsel auf LagerNutze das saisonale Angebot an heimischen Lebensmitteln, um deine Speisekammer mit wertvollen Schätzen aus deiner Küche zu füllen. Gönn dir den Luxus einer gefüllten Vorratskammer und spare bares Geld dabei.**************************************************************************Das sagen Leser*innen:>>Übersichtlich und nicht zu kompliziert! Hier findet man zahlreiche Möglichkeiten und Rezepte, um die Lebensmittel haltbar zu machen. Besonders toll ist eben, dass man das auf natürliche Weise tun kann. Ich kann das Buch nur weiterempfehlen.>Ich dachte immer einkochen und einlegen ist total aufwendig und die Mühe nicht wert. Bis ich das Apfelmus-Rezept ausprobiert habe. Einfacher geht's nicht, und vor allem, wie viel besser es selbst gemacht schmeckt. In Zukunft gibt es viel mehr Selbstgemachtes bei mir!

  • von Theresa Müller
    26,00 €

    Essen ist der Wohlfühl- und Self-Care-Faktor Nummer einsErnährungsberaterin und Self-Care-Coach Theresa Müller bietet in ihrem Kochbuch Wohlfühl-Rezepte für die ganze Familie: Speisen,die nicht nur großartig schmecken und toll aussehen, sondern zudem gesund sind und glücklich machen.Bekanntlich liegen 70 Prozent unserer Abwehrkräfte im Darm, sie schützen uns vor zahlreichen Krankheiten. Was gibt es also Besseres,als mit der richtigen, ausgewogenen Ernährung etwas für uns selbst und unser körperliches Wohlbefinden zu tun? Auch wirkt dasrichtige Essen nachweislich stressreduzierend und entspannungsfördernd. Wie wissenschaftlich bewiesen wurde, kann uns eine guteMahlzeit für immer in Erinnerung bleiben und obendrein Glücksgefühle auslösen.Ein Kochbuch für Groß und Klein mit gesunden Rezeptideen, die jeden Gaumen ansprechen. Kochbuch für die ganze Familie Balance für Körper und Seele Seelenstreichler-Rezepte Inklusive Kalorienangaben und Tipps für eine gesündere und bessere Ernährung

  • von Birgit Wenz
    14,99 - 24,99 €

  • von Ali Güngörmüs
    19,95 €

    In 100 Rezepten rund ums Mittelmeer mit Ali Güngörmüs Schwelgen Sie in herrlichen Mittelmeer-Aromen! Von Frankreich bis nach Marokko, von Spanien bis in die Türkei - mit über 100 mediterranen Rezepten entführt Sie der Sternekoch Ali Güngörmüs auf eine kulinarische Reise rund um das Mittelmeer. Unter dem Motto "Gute Produkte, einfach zubereitet" beweist er, dass Sie auch mit simplen Zutaten und ohne großen Aufwand echte Spitzenküche auf den Tisch bringen können. Für ein einzigartiges Koch- und Essvergnügen! Kreativ mediterran kochen ohne viel Aufwand Das Beste der mediterranen Küche in einem Buch! Der charismatische TV-Koch Ali Güngörmüs verbindet in seinen Rezeptkreationen die besten Aromen und Gewürze der Mediterranen Küche und Inspirationen aus der Türkei, Spanien, Frankreich, Griechenland, Israel und vielen weiteren Ländern zu einem unvergesslichen Geschmackserlebnis. Eines haben die Rezepte immer gemeinsam: Die ausgefallenen Kreationen bestehen alle aus einfachen Zutaten und gelingen garantiert auch Hobbyköchen! - Mediterranes Kochbuch mit über 100 originellen Rezepten: Ob Artischockensuppe mit Minzpesto, Entenbrust auf Linsen-Radicchio-Ragout oder Rosmarin-Grießknödel mit Zimt-Zwetschgen - diese aromatischen Gerichte lassen Ihnen und Ihren Gästen sicher das Wasser im Mund zusammenlaufen. - Minimaler Aufwand & maximaler Geschmack: Die mediterranen Rezepte überzeugen mit simplen und überall erhältlichen Zutaten sowie extravaganten Kombinationen, die für ganz besondere Geschmackserlebnisse sorgen. - So schmeckt es am Mittelmeer: Es warten kreative Rezepte aus Italien, Griechenland, Frankreich, Spanien, aber auch aus der Türkei, Israel oder Marokko auf Sie! Unkomplizierte Gerichte mit Mittelmeerflair aus simplen Zutaten! Holen Sie sich die Küche vom beliebten Spitzenkoch Ali Güngörmüs ganz einfach nach Hause.

  • 21% sparen
    von Lisa Bryan
    26,00 €

    "When Lisa Bryan began meal prepping several years ago, she quickly became bored eating leftovers and was wasting food. At the same time, she realized she needed to "downshift" the accelerated pace of her life. Seeking balance, she made dietary changes, eating more vegetables and simple proteins, while eliminating gluten (she has celiac disease), processed foods, and reducing refined sugar. Then she flipped the script on meal prep by focusing on individual ingredients. On a whim, she posted a video to YouTube which went viral and she realized how many people were out there, just like her, who wanted a fresh approach to meal planning. By prepping a handful of ingredients at the start of the week--such as flaked salmon, zucchini noodles, peas, proscuitto, soft-boiled eggs, and roasted veggies--and then mixing and matching them throughout the week, she found that she could enjoy a variety of meals and snacks (Creamy Salmon Zoodles, Peas and Proscuitto with Jammy Eggs, and Strawberries, Avocado, and Arugula Salad) without getting fatigued. Lisa's debut cookbook is packed with 100 simple and ingenious, big-batch recipes that can either be frozen or repurposed into delicious meals without resembling leftovers. A dinner of light coconut chickpea curry with rice can be enjoyed the next day atop a tortilla for a crispy tostada at lunch, or as a chickpea shakshuka for breakfast. All of the recipes are gluten-free, low in refined sugar; many are naturally anti-inflammatory, and dairy is minimal and optional. Lisa's approachable method for eating well and preparing meals with ease will inspire home cooks to downshift, too--at least when it comes to making healthy meals without a fuss."--

  • 21% sparen
    von Suzy Karadsheh
    25,98 €

    The Mediterranean Dish, penned by the talented Suzy Karadsheh, is a captivating exploration of Mediterranean cuisine. Published by Random House LCC US in 2022, this book takes you on a gastronomic journey, offering a fresh and vibrant perspective on the traditional dishes of the region. The author, with her profound knowledge and passion for Mediterranean food, brings the vibrant flavors, vivid colors, and aromatic spices of the region to your kitchen. The book is more than just a collection of recipes; it's a celebration of a rich and diverse culinary tradition that has been passed down through generations. Whether you're a novice in the kitchen or an experienced chef, The Mediterranean Dish is a must-have addition to your cookbook collection. Dive into the pages of this book and embark on a culinary adventure that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Published by the renowned Random House LCC US, this book guarantees a delightful and enriching reading experience.

  • von Thomas Marcussen
    21,00 €

    Med en billig ismaskine med fryseelement er det ikke svært at lave is, der smager som var den lavet af en professionel ismager. Mestrer man nogle få simple grundtrin, er det også muligt selv at opfinde velsmagende iskreationer. Isbogen for ismasnineejeren lærer dig på overskuelig vis at lave god is af nemt tilgængeligeråvarer, og viser dig de simple grundtrin, der giver dig redskaberne og inspirationen til selv at eksperimentere med fremstilling af is.Bogen indeholder:• Vejledende grundopskrifter på gelato, parfait, youghurtis og sorbet.• 41 forskellige isopskrifter primært inspireret af let tilgængelige danske råvarer og klassiske ingredienser til is.• Opskrifter på nemt tibehør til is, der gør din anretning mere lækker.• Praktiske anvisninger til hvordan en ismaskine med fryseelement anvendes, så resultatet bliver optimalt og gode råd om dybfrysning, servering og anvendelse af devigtigste råvarer.

  • 21% sparen
    von Steven Raichlen
    25,00 €

    Introducing 'Barbecue Bible the Revised Ed', an exceptional work by the renowned author, Steven Raichlen. First published in 2008 by Workman Publishing, this book has since become a staple in the culinary world. As the title suggests, this book is a comprehensive guide to all things barbecue. Steven Raichlen, a well-respected figure in the world of cooking, brings his expertise and passion to the pages of this book. The genre of this book is food and drink, specifically focusing on the art of barbecue. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics or a seasoned pro wanting to expand your barbecue repertoire, this book has something for everyone. It's more than just a cookbook; it's a celebration of the joy of outdoor cooking. So, if you're ready to take your barbecue skills to the next level, 'Barbecue Bible the Revised Ed' by Steven Raichlen, published by Workman Publishing, is your perfect companion.

  • von Anon
    24,00 €

    This compact encyclopaedia details various herbs used in natural remedies and explores their benefits for restoring and maintaining health. The Famous Book of Herbs describes each herb in detail and features information on the various uses and benefits of every plant included. A perfect short read for those interested in herbalism.The chapters featured in this volume include:- Tonics- Herbal Smoking Herbs- Enjoyment- Purity- Benefit- Reducing and Slimming- Intemperance- Abscesses- Acidity- Acne- Anaemia- Asthma- Backache- Biliousness

  • von Pernille Jensen
    41,00 €

    "Mikrobølgeovn Madlavning" er en revolutionerende opskriftsbog for alle, der ønsker en nem og hurtig måde at lave mad på i en travl hverdag. Med mere end 100 lækre opskrifter, der kan tilberedes på under 20 minutter i mikrobølgeovnen, kan du nu nyde velsmagende retter, uden at skulle bruge timer i køkkenet.Fra sunde salater og krydrede suppe til fyldige pastaretter og dessert, er denne bog fyldt med opskrifter, der passer til enhver smag. Alle opskrifter er skabt med fokus på en sund og balanceret kost, så du kan spise godt og stadig passe på din krop.Uanset om du har travlt med arbejde, studier eller familie, er "Mikrobølgeovn Madlavning" den ideelle løsning på dine tidsproblemer i køkkenet. Spar tid og energi med disse nemme og lækre retter, der vil imponere selv de mest kræsne smagsløg.

  • 23% sparen
    von Yotam Ottolenghi
    29,00 €

    This is comfort food, Ottolenghi-style.In his much-anticipated new book, Yotam Ottolenghi brings his inspiring, flavour-forward approach to comfort cooking, delivering new classics that taste of home.A bowl of pasta becomes Caramelised Onion Orecchiette with Hazelnuts & Crispy Sage, a warming soup is Cheesy Bread Soup with Savoy Cabbage & Cavolo Nero, and a plate of mash is transformed into Garlicky Aligot Potato with Leeks & Thyme.Weaving memories of childhood and travel with over 100 irresistible recipes, Ottolenghi COMFORT is a celebration of food and home - of the connections we make as we cook, and pass on from generation to generation.

  • 19% sparen
    von Irina Georgescu
    28,00 €

    Inspired by the lands of the Danube, its people and food, Irina explores the rich tapestry of flavors, traditions, and stories that have shaped the cuisine of this captivating region. With over 80 extraordinary recipes, 90% of which are for vegetarians and vegans, this cookbook is a testament to the vibrant and diverse cultures of Romania, Serbia, and Bulgaria.

  • - Better Home Cooking Through Science
    von J. Kenji Lopez-Alt
    46,00 €

    A grand tour of the science of cooking explored through popular dishes.

  • 16% sparen
    von Taylor O’Halloran
    19,00 €

    The Unofficial Sims Cookbook is an intriguing book written by the talented Taylor O'Halloran. Published in 2022 by the renowned Adams Media Corporation, this book falls under a unique genre that appeals to both cooking enthusiasts and video game lovers. The Unofficial Sims Cookbook transports you to the whimsical world of Sims, offering you a chance to recreate the game's most iconic dishes. The book's charm lies in its ability to blend culinary arts with the fun elements of a globally popular video game. With O'Halloran's engaging writing style and the publisher's commitment to quality, this book is a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of creativity to their cooking or simply enjoy a good read. Don't miss out on this 2022 publication from Adams Media Corporation!

  • 21% sparen
    von Nick DiGiovanni
    25,00 €

    Knife Drop, a gripping novel penned by the talented Nick DiGiovanni, takes you on a thrilling literary journey. Published by Dorling Kindersley Ltd. in 2023, this book stands as a remarkable addition to the contemporary genre. DiGiovanni's masterful storytelling and unique voice make Knife Drop an unforgettable read. The plot unfolds with a captivating intensity that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The author's knack for creating vivid, relatable characters enhances the immersive experience. Knife Drop is not just a book; it's a journey that transports you into a world where every turn of the page brings a new surprise. Published by Dorling Kindersley Ltd., known for their high-quality publications, this book is a testament to their reputation. Reading Knife Drop is an experience you wouldn't want to miss. Grab your copy today and embark on an unforgettable literary journey.

  • - Home Style Cookery
    von Matty Matheson
    31,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Joshua Weissman
    21,00 €

    Joshua Weissman: Texture Over Taste is an exciting new book from renowned author Joshua Weissman. Published in 2023, this book dives into the world of culinary arts like never before. Weissman, known for his unique approach to cooking, takes readers on a journey, emphasizing the importance of texture over taste in food. This book is a must-read for all food enthusiasts and aspiring chefs. It's a delightful exploration of the senses, challenging the conventional wisdom of taste being the most important aspect of food. The book is published by DK, a publisher known for its high-quality publications. So, if you're looking to expand your culinary horizons, Joshua Weissman: Texture Over Taste is the book for you.

  • 29% sparen
    von Rene Redzepi
    55,00 €

  • 21% sparen
    von Jamie Oliver
    28,00 €

    Create delicious, nutritionally balanced dishes in just 15 minutes with the revolutionary kitchen companion, Jamie's 15-Minute Meals'Far and away the most balanced and exciting everyday cookbook out there' THE TIMES_________Packed with clever, methodical, recipes full of big flavours, Jamie's 15 Minute Meals takes the concept of fast, everyday food to a new level.In this essential collection, Jamie has taken inspiration from all over the world, embracing tastes that we all love and playing on classic chicken, steak, pasta and global street food dishes.You'll be amazed what you can create in just 15 minutes . . .- CHICKEN TIKKA with lentil, spinach and naan salad- GLAZED PORK FILLET with Cajun-style pepper rice- CRAB BOLOGNESE with crunchy fennel salad- MEXICAN TOMATO SOUP with chilli nachos- FALAFEL WRAPS with grilled veg and salsaWhether you're cooking for your family or grabbing a quick bite, Jamie's 15 Minute Meals has the perfect combination of light snacks and hearty meals to satisfy everyone.These are some of the quickest, easiest meals Jamie's ever done, reliable companion for you and your family. In Jamie's extensive collection of internationally loved and trusted cookbooks, this is the one about cooking good food, fast.'Far and away the most balanced and exciting everyday cookbook out there - and if you liked 30-Minute Meals, this will knock your socks off. Jamie should be given the Victoria Cross' The Times

  • 23% sparen
    von Gordon Ramsay
    28,98 €

    'My rules are simple. Home cooking has to be easy. It got to be fast. It's got to be delicious. If you think you can't cook amazing food at home, think again. I'm going to prove that however busy you are it's still possible to cook stunning food. These are the only recipes you'll ever need.'GORDON RAMSAY Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Home Cooking is a collection of over 120 delicious new recipes that are infused with Gordon's expertise and skill gleaned from his years in professional kitchens. Divided into chapters to see you through the whole day from weekday breakfasts through to Saturday night dinners, the book is all about the pleasure of cooking and sharing the very best home-cooked food with family and friends.AS SEEN ON CHANNEL 4

  • - 120 Vegetarian and Vegan recipes from Bangalore to Beijing
    von Meera Sodha
    27,00 €

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