The history of humanity is interwoven with the presence of disasters, spanning across ages and cultures. These catastrophic events have consistently presented formidable challenges to societies, regardless of their belief systems, ethnicities, or national origins. While it is beyond human capacity to prevent disasters outright, the acquisition of knowledge and preparedness can substantially mitigate the loss of life. What makes disasters unsettling is the abrupt erosion of control over circumstances, leaving individuals in fear of the inexplicable forces that could suddenly terminate life.The creation of this book owes its completion to the collaborative efforts of numerous individuals, and the authors extend their heartfelt gratitude to all involved parties. Drawing extensively from secondary data sources, the intricate topics discussed within these pages are informed by the wealth of information available. While diligent efforts were made to acknowledge these sources, any unintentional omissions are regrettable. The authors earnestly encourage readers to contribute missed citations for inclusion in future editions, fostering a spirit of continuous improvement and accuracy.
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