Über Healing the Mother Wound with Mother Earth
"Healing the Mother Wound: With Mother Earth" is a book of poetry that has initiated me into living a life of joy and fulfillment. I share poems written by me in some of the darkest times of my life, as well as poems inspired and guided by my time with Mother Earth. Listening to her guidance acted as a salve to my wounds. Reading this book will be like a journey through parts of you that you may know and not know about. It will be a ceremony that walks you home to your true, inner nature so that you can remember who you truly are. Immerse yourself in the depths of your soul as you explore where distortion, divinity, and destiny live within you. My hope is that you feel seen, heard, and not alone. May these poems be like nectar to the seemingly bitterness of life. May you walk away with a newfound appreciation and reverence for it all.
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