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Bücher veröffentlicht von Budrich

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  • von Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
    24,90 €

    Start-ups are generally seen as innovative enterprises, important for the future development of the economy. In addition to stimulating innovation in new business models, modern working methods and the digitalisation of business processes, start-ups are expected to create jobs. In a recent study, we examined the types of jobs created by startups, and their qualification and skill requirements. The study is based on the assumption that the staffing needs of start-ups can be seen as a predictor of future skill and labour demands. The findings support start-up¿s job creation potential, especially in the field of computer science and communication technology. The study also found that, academic degrees dominate the skill demands of startups. However, the characteristic 'openness' of start-ups also applies to the qualification level of personnel, as the surveyed enterprises were open to both academically trained and professionally qualified specialists. Furthermore, start-ups attach great importance to IT, personal and interprofessional competencies.

  • von Dorothea Wojtczak
    24,90 €

    Participation not only means taking part, but above all expresses an inner attitude. Learning and practising this attitude is essential for community life so that people of all ages can contribute to debates and discourse. This is only possible if a solid knowledge base is built to be able to contribute in a substantive, reflective and factual manner. This volume provides a contribution as to how this can be achieved, dealing with participation against the background of a Christian value framework from a scientific, theoretical and practical perspective. The following applies: Don't be a dumb dog and don't agree to just anything!

  • von Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
    24,90 €

    Based on central results of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, this publication shows how vocational education and training for sustainable development (VETSD) can be measured and how corresponding indicators can be determined in a theoretically and empirically sound manner. Using qualitative and quantitative research methods, promising starting points for measuring VETSD were first identified. From this, three indicators were derived, which were subjected to testing in practice due to their feasibility and expected informative value. The results of these tests are presented and discussed in the main part of this publication to show which steps can give the indicators even more precision and efficiency for prospective use.

  • von Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
    34,90 €

    Die Ausbildungsbetriebsquote ist rückläufig und vor allem kleine Unternehmen ziehen sich aus der Ausbildung zurück. Verbünde werden bildungspolitisch als eine Möglichkeit propagiert, die Ausbildungsbeteiligung der Betriebe zu stabilisieren. Über die Gegebenheiten und Herausforderungen solcher Zusammenschlüsse ist jedoch wenig bekannt. Im Zuge von Fallstudien konnten vier unterschiedliche Beispiele für betriebliche Ausbildungspartnerschaften, bei denen sich allein ausbildungsberechtigte KMU mit einem oder mehreren anderen Betrieben zusammenschlossen, ausführlich untersucht werden. Dabei wurden Interviews mit Führungskräften, Personalverantwortlichen und sonstigen Akteuren auf der Organisationsebene, Ausbildern/Ausbilderinnen auf der Durchführungsebene und Auszubildenden geführt.Die Publikation gibt Einblicke in die Entstehung, Struktur und Praxis der Modelle, bündelt die Erfahrungen sowohl aus Sicht der Betriebe als auch der Auszubildenden und leitet aus dem Vergleich allgemeine Erfolgsfaktoren für die Anbahnung und Aufrechterhaltung solcher innovativen Organisationsformen ab.

  • von Karin Büchter
    76,00 €

    The Section for Vocational and Business Education of the DGfE is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The volume takes this as an opportunity to look at continuities and changes within the discipline and the section. The contributions illuminate discourses or lines of discourse, research, self-image and professionalisation issues in vocational and business education.

  • von Christian Knoop
    60,00 €

    How do technologies shape participation? The rise of digital technologies has facilitated novel modes of engagement, such as political campaigns, protest movements, or civic education initiatives. However, changing economies of attention and politics of affect have allowed right-wing populist and far-right actors and movements to also reap benefits. This volume brings together new perspectives from general education and media education on digital democratic publics.

  • von Elise Pape
    33,00 €

    Based on a multi-sited study combining biographical interviews and ethnographic observations, this book examines intergenerational transmission processes in families of Moroccan origin in France and Germany. It addresses the "strategies of self-regard" developed by the families and the concept of historical transnationalism, which combines postcolonial and transnational research perspectives.

  • von Claudia Rademacher
    29,90 €

    Understanding and professional reflection of milieu-conditioned lifestyles in the context of social inequality relations are necessary to make social work more sustainable and professional. On the basis of this main thesis, the author aims to make habitus-milieu reflexivity understandable and applicable as a key qualification. An important book that sharpens the self-concept of social work from a perspective based on the sociology of inequality.

  • von Karin Bräu
    68,00 €

    School and classroom research show that inequality and discrimination are present in schools despite inclusion efforts. This volume discusses approaches to school development, professionalisation and diversity in subject teaching that are critical of racism, ableism and heteronormativity. The focus is on the tension between persistent discrimination and inequality (re)production on the one hand, and legal and pedagogical claims for participation on the other.

  • von Anke Wegner
    69,90 €

    This anthology inaugurates the new series "Interdisciplinary Papers on Teacher Education" and presents contributions from the conference on teacher education in the 19th and 20th centuries, which took place at the University of Trier in spring 2022. The focus is on (trans)national perspectives on the development of teacher education, especially in relation to Germany and Austria - a valuable insight into the development of this important field and its contexts.

  • von Jürgen P. Rinderspacher
    69,90 €

    Time pressure has become the central challenge for political action. Catastrophes, crises, wars, and the great transformation process of society toward climate neutrality overlap and leave little room for communication and democratic processes. Freedom, prosperity and, not least, the right to one's own time seem to be increasingly called into question by the countermeasures taken by those with political responsibility. However, if action is not taken in time, these goods are also threatened. Are there ways out of this dilemma?

  • von Armin Schneider
    26,00 €

    The sole intention and the most interesting methods of democracy education cannot replace two essential prerequisites for a living democracy from an early age: The attitudes and structures that help to also implement democratic convictions and give children the necessary support in a democratic society. This volume presents experiences and examples concerning structures, networks and attitudes that contribute to the early promotion of a participatory and democracy-promoting attitude in day care.

  • von Thomas Rauschenbach
    29,90 €

    Der Kinder- und Jugendhilfereport 2024 analysiert die Situation der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe anhand der wichtigsten sozial- und bildungsstatistischen Kennzahlen, etwa zur Inanspruchnahme, zu Trägern, zu Einrichtungen, zum Personal oder zu den Kosten. Dadurch bietet die Publikation einen zuverlässigen und aktuellen Überblick über die Entwicklung in der gesamten Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, ihren wichtigsten Arbeitsfeldern und Leistungen. Thematischer Schwerpunkt des Reports 2024 sind Analysen und Perspektiven zum aktuellen Fachkräftemangel in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland.Der Kinder- und Jugendhilfereport erscheint seit 2018 im Verlag Barbara Budrich.

  • von Claudia Equit
    49,00 €

    Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child establishes the right to participation: children and adolescents are entitled to participate and to have their views taken into account in all issues affecting them in accordance to their age and maturity. The volume explores this right to participation in residential care. The impact of participation and complaint procedures in residential care facilities are evaluated by means of crucial results from an empirical study. How do these participation and complaints procedures work? The authors discuss crucial facilitators and barriers with regard to the implementation of children's rights to participate.

  • von Tobias Zimmermann
    44,00 €

    How can university lecturers organise performance assessments as well as the assessment and feedback of learning outcomes in a way that is as conducive to learning as possible? The book offers application-orientated advice on the design, assessment and feedback of examinations and many other formats of assessment. It also addresses the fundamentals of learning psychology, knowledge of which is valuable for effective and valid assessment practice.

  • von Brigitte Geißel
    50,00 €

    The future of democracy needs to be redesigned - this book offers a new approach. It argues that citizens should decide for themselves how they want to govern and be governed, linking representative, deliberative and participatory theories of democracy with empirical evidence. On this basis, it proposes practices that support communities in developing their own visions of democracy. As such, this book is of central interest to scholars and students of democracy and citizenship education, as well as policy makers and civil society.

  • von Jürgen Budde
    28,00 €

    The volume presents current research approaches in the field of pedagogy and educational science and asks how "the new" shows itself in educational ethnography. The authors take a look at the phenomenon of the new from theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives. The consideration of tradition and transformation opens up broader perspectives on pedagogical dynamics and social challenges.

  • von Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher
    24,90 €

    The book presents the programme "KiQ - Together for Childcare Quality". It also contains three expert reports on the topics of "Learning Kita", "Process support for daycare centres in change processes" and "Change processes in the elementary sector from a field-tested perspective", which served as the professional basis for the programme. In addition, the results of the scientific monitoring of the programme are highlighted.

  • von Volker Bank
    90,00 €

    Unsere berufliche Bildung gründet tief in einer gesamteuropäischen Kultur. Die aktuelle deutschsprachige Berufsbildung, insbesondere auch das Duale System, hat in dieser Tradition ihre prägende Ausformung gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts gefunden. Mit ihr entstand die zugehörige Wissenschaft der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. Manche traditionelle Einsicht jedoch ist über die Zeit verlorengegangen. Über neun Grundfragen erschließt dieser Band einen Weg, der vermittels traditioneller Schlüsseltexte und grundlegender neuerer Beiträge zu einem tieferen Verständnis der beruflichen Bildung und ihrer Wissenschaft weist.  Zur Reihe Moderne der Tradition:  Zeiten ändern sich. Doch das stets 'Neue' ist viel zu oft nur zwischen modernistischer Technologiebegeisterung und postmoderner Beliebigkeit zu verorten. Die Reihe Moderne der Tradition versucht demgegenüber, das Bewährte in der beruflichen Bildung zu würdigen. So wird Raum geschaffen, die Kraft der Tradition in der Moderne wieder fruchtbar werden zu lassen.

  • von Andrea Günter
    25,00 €

    Women are most affected by climate change: The crises triggered by climate change push them into traditional gender relations. This is why climate policy must not only promote a new conception of the economy, but also go hand in hand with a critique of patriarchy that extends into concepts of justice. If sustainable economic concepts are to be developed, they must take the category of gender into account and analyse climate relations in a gender-sensitive way. Ariel Salleh's concept of ecofeminism and Hannah Arendt's Vita activa are used for a new perspective. The ethics of goods and virtues are updated in terms of climate ethics and a feminist theory of money is discussed.

  • von Sabine Tiefenthaler
    36,00 €

    Which conditions and factors influence the negotiation processes of resilience and vulnerability among refugee women? What are the central dimensions of their resilience processes? This feminist ethnographic participatory study examines these processes among women in Italian emergency reception centres. The results emphasise the importance of contextual influence on resilience and vulnerability and show how visual participatory methods can contribute to co-constructive knowledge building.

  • von Anna Hartmann
    38,00 €

    The new issue of the Jahrbuch erziehungswissenschaftliche Geschlechterforschung (Yearbook of Gender Studies in Education) focuses on the significance of care for education. While care is receiving increasing attention in educational science, there is a lack of gender-theoretical foundations. The volume offers analyses of the connection between care and pedagogy from the perspective of educational gender studies, therefore contributing to closing this research gap.

  • von Nadine Rose
    45,00 €

    This volume is dedicated to the relevance of subjectivation research in educational science and related disciplines. It combines basic theoretical and methodological contributions to subjectification research with analyses that focus on gender and race aspects. The diverse contributions of the authors cover current problems and questions and offer insights into subjectivation research and its significance for society.

  • von Alban Knecht
    44,90 €

    How can labor market policy best help young people enter the workforce? This in-depth analysis of employment support for disadvantaged youth in Austria discusses the introduction of measures such as the supra-company apprenticeship, the training guarantee and compulsory training against the background of their political discussion and their socio-political implementation. The research findings obtained are not only relevant for Austria, but also offer valuable insights for training systems worldwide.

  • von Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha
    34,90 €

    Die Erziehungswissenschaft entwickelt sich als eines der größten Fächer an deutschen Hochschulen stetig weiter. Mit dem alle vier Jahre erscheinenden Datenreport informiert die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) die Fachöffentlichkeit, die Bildungs- und Hochschulpolitik und die Öffentlichkeit über diese Entwicklung und den erreichten Entwicklungsstand des Fachs. Auf dieser Grundlage dient der Datenreport der Identifikation fachpolitischer ebenso wie hochschul- und bildungspolitischer Handlungsbedarfe.

  • von Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins
    49,90 €

    What form does social change take with regard to equal opportunities in academic careers? How can gender bias be counteracted structurally and sustainably? The anthology pursues a double focus on this change towards an increase in equal opportunities in academic careers. The contributions analyse the experiences of scientists as well as micro-politically active stakeholders in research organisations and provide answers to the question of equal opportunities at national and European level.

  • 12% sparen
    von Sabine Meier
    53,00 €

    Die Beiträge in diesem Buch werfen ein kritisches Licht auf die Ausgestaltung, Verhandlung und Schaffung inklusiver Bedingungen. Die Autor*innen analysieren politische Programme und reflektieren über deren inklusive oder exklusive Auswirkungen in europäischen und außereuropäischen Kontexten. Trotz dieser globalen Effekte, die durch überlokal getroffene Entscheidungen zustande kommen und die Handlungsspielräume vor Ort beeinflussen, betonen viele Beiträge die maßgebliche Rolle der kommunalen Ebene für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Inklusion.

  • von Franz Kolland
    25,00 €

    Older people are online: Although they are often portrayed as digital laggards or resistant digital offliners, many older adults regularly consume digital content. The book examines the significance of the digital in the course of aging and discusses in a practical way what it takes to further strengthen the participation of older groups in digital spaces.

  • von Nora Sellner
    52,00 €

    The most vulnerable group in public spaces are homeless people. Their use of public space, especially during the corona pandemic, has not yet been researched. The authors reconstruct it using the example of the city of Cologne within the framework of a participatory study and consider data from questionnaires, GPS tracking, interviews and photography. The volume presents the innovative study and the methodological approach, bundles the extensive quantitative and qualitative findings of the study and thus makes a contribution to the theory and practice of social work with homeless people.

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