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Bücher veröffentlicht von Globeedit

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  • von Saodat Nasirowa
    46,00 €

    Jewakuaciq schitaetsq zawershennoj, kogda wse podlezhaschee äwakuacii naselenie budet wywedeno za granicy zony dejstwiq porazhaüschih faktorow istochnika ChS w bezopasnye rajony.Vo wwedenii obosnowywaetsq aktual'nost' wybrannoj temy, otmechaetsq stepen' ee izuchennosti, izlagaütsq celi i zadachi, nauchnaq nowizna i prakticheskaq znachimost' issledowaniq. V rabote tak zhe imeetsq äxperimental'naq chast'. V zaklüchenii byli prosummirowany wywody i predlozheniq po spaseniü lüdej. Pri formirowanii nastoqschej raboty byli uchteny trebowaniq rukowodqschih i normatiwnyh dokumentow, ukazannyh w spiske literatury. Material, izlozhennyj w monografii swoewremennyj i ochen' poleznyj.

  • von Ibrohim Mamajonov Olimjon o¿g¿li
    34,00 €

    Vatanimiz tarixida o¿ziga xos o¿rin tutgan Amir Temur buyuk saltanat barpo qilgan davlat arbobi va tengsiz sarkarda sifatida alohida ahamiyat kasb etib kelgan va kelmoqda.Sohibqiron bobomizning harbiy san¿at va davlatchilik borasida amalga oshirgan sayi-harakatlari, nafaqat o¿z zamonasi, balki bizning Yangi O¿zbekistonni barpo etishimiz va jahonda o¿z o¿rnimizni topishimizda muhim o¿rin tutadi.Ushbu risolada Amir Temur o¿z qo¿shinlarini qay tarzda tashkil etgani va moddiy täminotini tashkil etishi, qo¿shin moddiy täminotini qanday amalga oshirgan, hamda qanday amaliy chora-tadbirlar ko¿rgani, bo¿yicha tarixiy misollar keltirilgan. Shu bilan birga oddiy xalqning qo¿shinlarni har jihatdan täminlash: qurol-yarog¿, oziq-ovqat, kiyim-kechak va moliyaviy täminotlarni yetkazib berishdagi o¿rni va xissasi ham yoritilgan. Amir Temur shaxsini chuqur o¿rganishimiz biz uchun milliy ruh va milliy mas¿uliyatimizni anglab yetishimiz bilan birga yengilmas irodamizni shakllanishda ham beqiyos manba va omil vazifalarini o¿taydi.

  • von Arzu Hüseynova
    34,00 €

    Elmi inki¿af - qlobal dünyaya inteqrasiya prosesind¿ nüfuzlu paya malikdir. ¿nki¿af ölçül¿n k¿miyy¿tdir. Kitabda ¿Elmin ölçülm¿si elmi¿, ¿Elmi prosesin ölçülm¿si n¿y¿ laz¿md¿r?¿, ¿Niy¿ elmin ölçülm¿si elmi populyä¿b?¿ - suallar¿na cavab axtar¿l¿b v¿ bu mövzuda veril¿n suallar cavabland¿r¿l¿b. Sonda Az¿rbaycanda elmin ölçülm¿si m¿s¿l¿l¿rinin t¿kminl¿¿dirilm¿si üzr¿ t¿klifl¿r t¿qdim edilib. Kitab elm il¿ m¿¿¿ul olan v¿ elmi f¿aliyy¿t¿ bälayanlar üçün n¿z¿rd¿ tutulub.

  • von Muradova Railya Rustamovna
    67,00 €

    Monograph devoted to issues pathogenesis, clinics And principles treatment multiple organ insufficiency, one from important And formidable manifestations burn illness. IN monographs successively outlined mechanisms of development and clinical manifestations, pathogenesis and pathogenetic principles of treatment of burn disease in children. On a large enough clinical material shown influence comprehensive intensive transfusion therapy, combined antibiotic therapy, organopro- tector therapy, corrections weighed down premorbid background, nutritional support and early surgical excision of necrotic tissues with simultaneous autodermoplasty in the prevention of multiple organ insufficiency at heavily burned in children.

  • von Sitorabonu Abduyeva
    59,00 €

    Mazkur o'quv qo'llanma "Sport va harakatli o'yinlarni o'qitish metodikasi (Gandbol)" fanidan Jismoniy madaniyat mutaxassisligi talabalari, professor-o'qituvchilari hamda sport sohasida faoliyat olib borayotgan murabbiylar uchun mo'ljallangan. O'quv qo'llanmada fanni o'rgatish bo'yicha kasbiy pedagogik mahorat va ko'nikmalarni, yo'l yo'riqlarni ta'lim muassasalarida jismoniy tarbiya tizimida gandbolni o'rgatish jarayonlari ifodalangan.

  • von Shoira Daniyarova
    34,00 €

    The role of fiction in our social society is incomparable. The work of art is a key factor in the formation and enrichment of the human spiritual world. Especially in today's novels, a new worldview of man, the colors of the world of thought are reflected. In the novels, the creative personality, his position in the creative world, his stylistic peculiarities are reflected in the skill of the writer.In this monograph, you will learn about the role of artistic innovations in the modern literary process through the analysis of the novels of the author Omon Mukhtor, who worked effectively during the independence. It analyzes the problem of national spirit and national hero as much as possible.

  • von Shakhnoza Bobojonova
    46,00 €

    The research presented an assurance that if cooperative learning is implemented effectively, the likelihood of positive results is reasonably high. The mixture of research, theory, and practicality makes cooperative learning one of the most eminent of all instructional practices. However, it is difficult to advise the exact cooperative learning methods to use in every classroom, since there have been only a few studies conducted comparing achievement of the various CL methods.

  • von Muyassarkhon Rozikova
    34,00 €

    At a time when the economy of countries around the world is growing at a rapid pace, leadership skills are important in ensuring free competition and the well-being of the population, and in the effective organization of management activities in organizations and enterprises. The leader must have a broad worldview and a system of thinking about internal interactions in organizations and their final interaction with the external environment. He should have high universal human qualities and psychological abilities, be able to organize his work intelligently and consciously. The activity of the leader occupies an important place in the management system. This increases the responsibility of the leader even more. The leader implements the state's instructions, he is the representative of the state in the economic system. In other words, a real leader is the most advanced person of this team, he is a person who thinks about the benefit of his company and organization and protects the honor of the company.

  • von Lutfillo Abdunazarov
    46,00 €

    Ushbu öquv uslubiy qöllanma öquvchilarni 5-sinf tabiiy geografiya boshlang¿ich kursini oson, qiziqarli va yaxshi özlashtirishlari uchun möljallangan. Unda darslikda berilgan mavzularga oid qöshimcha jadval, rasm, karta körinishidagi mashqlar öquvchilarni mavzularni tushunishga va mavzu böyicha ijodiy fikrlashga kömakchi bölib xizmat qiladi. O¿quv uslubiy qöllanma Muqimiy nomidagi Qöqon Davlat Pedagogika Inistituti ilmiy kengashining yig'ilishida tasdiqlangan va nashrga tavsiya etilgan.

  • von Layloxon Tojiddinova
    46,00 €

    Mazkur qo`llanma Oliy ta`lim muassasasining psixologiya yo`nalishidagi har qanday bosqichi uchun mo`ljallangan bo`lib, psixologiya faniga oid terminlar mazmun va mohiyati haqida tushuncha beradi. Bu qo`llanma hozirgi ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy o`zgarish davrida psixologlar gardaniga murakkab vazifalar yuklanayotgan bir sharoitda yosh psixolog mutaxassislarning psixologik bilimlar bilan qurollanishida ko`nikma va malakalar hosil qilishida yordam beradi.

  • von Alexandr Vasil'ewich Tolmachöw
    32,00 €

    Za poslednie desqtiletiq na territorii Rossii prakticheski proizoshla smena ciwilizacij: wmesto socialisticheski orientirowannoj prishla ciwilizaciq global'nogo obschestwa potrebleniq i finansowo-rostowschicheskogo kapitalizma. Vopros o proizoshedshem pereworote i smene ciwilizacii dolzhen byt' osmyslen russkimi uchenymi, teologami, Russkoj Prawoslawnoj Cerkow'ü. Segodnq dlq ewrazijskih narodow wazhno ukreplenie hristianskih duhowno-nrawstwennyh cennostej i formulirowaniq sowremennyh teologij. Awtor otmechaet, chto russkoe prawoslawie segodnq stoit pered wyborom: wozrodit' tradicii drewnej hristianskoj cerkwi i priblizit' russkogo cheloweka k samoorganizacii i samoopredeleniü na osnowe takih tradicij, libo otricat' wozmozhnost' samoorganizacii russkogo naroda i primirit'sq s cennostqmi global'nogo obschestwa potrebleniq.

  • von Sugdiyona Turgunboyeva
    34,00 €

    "Strategies for learning English as a second language" - is a book aimed to help the language learners to succeed in their adventures to learn English.You can find useful tips and methods for increasing vocabulary, memory strategies and effective techniques for how to teach students too. The importance of the usage of new technologies, brainstorming, and mnemonics in learning and teaching English as a second language has been written in this book.Hope you will enjoy reading and finding more about this.

  • von Mirzaaxmedov A. T.
    63,00 €

    O¿quv qo¿llanma temirbeton konstruksiyalarini hisoblash va Loyihalashni nazariy va amaliy masalalarini o¿z ichiga olgan bo¿lib, unda temirbeton konstruksiyalarini loyihalash asoslari, yuklar va täsirlar, temirbeton konstruksiyalarini chegaraviy holatlar bo¿yicha hisoblash usullari yoritilgan. Egiluvchi, siqiluvchi va cho¿ziluvchi elementlarini qanday hisoblash kerakligi, hamda talabalarni mustaqil ishlashlari uchun topshiriqlar berilgan. Qo¿llanmada ko¿p qavatli sanoat va fuqaro binolari xamda ko¿prik krani bo¿lgan sanoat binolari va ularning elementlarini hisoblash usullari bayon qilingan. Mazkur o¿quv qo¿llanma oliy o¿quv yurtlarining qurilish soxasi bo¿yicha tälim olayotgan 5340200 - ¿Bino va inshootlar qurilishi¿, 5340300 - ¿Shahar qurilish va xo¿jaligi¿ tälim yo¿nalishlari bakalavriat talabalari hamda loyihalovchi muxandislari uchun mo¿ljallangan.

  • von Adiba Musayeva
    34,00 €

    This book intends to assist students who are having trouble deciding which nation is the best fit for their academic needs. In this book, the top 20 countries' educational systems are briefly described. The authors hope and anticipate that it will be useful and beneficial for readers who are weighing numerous possibilities.This book has been written by teacher Adiba Musayeva and her students, Sevinch Isomiddinova and Malika Uktamova.

  • von Ramakrishnan Vivek
    46,00 €

    The performance of organization and employee motivation has been the focus of intensive research effort in recent times. Employee performance is a most important factor in an organization, high performance is a well pronounced trend in most institutions especially in the hospitality sector. This book is an attempt to analyze motivation in relation to employee¿s performance among the employees of Beach Restaurants in Jaffna. In this book employee performance will be stated as the dependent variable of this study and the independent variables are salary, work environment, recognition and management support.

  • von Ikrom Dawletow
    72,00 €

    V dannom uchebnike oswescheny celi i zadachi discipliny Tehnicheskaq mehanika wklüchaet osnownye swedeniq iz takih disciplin, kak teoreticheskaq mehanika, soprotiwlenie materialow i detali mashin w sootwetstwii s gosudarstwennymi obrazowatel'nymi standartami. Priwedeny testy i wideo roliki po wsem razdelam. Uchebnik razrabotan na osnowe kwalifikacionnyh trebowanij kafedry ¿ Mezhfakul'tetskaq kafedra obschetehnicheskih disciplin¿ i tipowoj uchebnoj programmy discipliny ¿Tehnicheskaq mehanikä. Kniga podgotowlena na kafedre Mezhfakul'tetskaq kafedra obschetehnicheskih disciplin i prednaznacheno dlq studentow obrazowatel'nogo naprawleniq bakalawriata 5320400- Himicheskaq tehnologiq i 5310000- Tehnologii pischewyh produktow.

  • von Bert Biliet
    24,00 €

    În acest manual, am încercat s¿ ofer viitorului educator o perspectiv¿ semnificativ¿ a interac¿iunii umane în munca educäional¿. Aceast¿ introducere este departe de a fi complet¿, în cadrul muncii ortopedagogic¿ se cer aplicäii specifice, considerându-se c¿ scopul este munca împreun¿ cu grupul. În consecin¿¿, ä dori s¿ recomand acelora interesäi de acest domeniu, probleme concrete de comunicare în vederea anumitor r¿spunsuri, urm¿toarea a programelor curente, cu referin¿e la autori. Aceasta în afar¿ de ideea central¿ ca propus¿ de Vîgotski, c¿ materializarea ¿i evolu¿ia depind de dezvoltarea limbajului.

  • von Shakhlo Davirova
    63,00 €

    Prepared in accordance with the State Standards of Continuing Education in Uzbekistan, covering such topics as the training program "Money and Banks" in the field of "Social Sciences, Business and Law".In a concise and schematic form, the theoretical aspects of the study of monetary, currency, credit relations, the monetary system, inflation issues, the fundamental concepts of the subject ¿Money and Banks¿, such as the banking system, the Central Bank and commercial banks, international financial institutions, are described with examples and statistical data on their management, study and application in Uzbekistan. Also, special attention is paid to the organization and features of the monetary and banking system of Uzbekistan.Designed for students in all areas of economic universities, teachers, researchers, banking and financial professionals.

  • von Bakhodir Khasanov
    51,00 €

    This monograph explores topical issues of improving strategic management accounting and analysis in the activities of farms specializing in rice cultivation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions. Comprehensive research has been carried out in the field of organizational areas to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of strategic management accounting and analysis at enterprises operating in a cluster system and other forms of ownership and management in agriculture, as well as to improve the methods of strategic management accounting, the system of strategic income analysis and costs in making efficient management decisions in compliance with international standards.

  • von Shamsiddin Raisov
    34,00 €

    This hand book was created in addition to the English language textbook and is designed to improve the reading comprehension and listening comprehension skills of high school students. By doing exercises, they may improve their both skills: listening and reading. In this hand book, pupils practice listening exercises based on B1 level and they improve their listening skill day by day. And also they will learn new word, phrase and collection in this hand book.

  • von Zakir Magerramow
    67,00 €

    V knige dostupnoj forme sostawleny materialy lekcii po oblachnoj tehnologii. Lekcii ohwatywaüt pochti wse wazhnye aspekty oblachnoj tehnologii, takie kak, wysokoproizwoditel'nye wychisleniq, setewye i serwisnye modeli oblachnoj tehnologii, arhitektury oblachnoj tehnologii i fajlowyh sistem, wirtualizaciq, widy i obzor platform wirtualizacii, obzor platform Amazon Web Services, Google, i Windows Azure, a takzhe bezopasnost' oblachnoj tehnologii.Kniga prednaznachena dlq studentow i magistrow, obuchaüschiesq po special'nostqmi IKT. Ona mozhet byt' poleznoj i dlq prepodawatelej i specialistam po komp'üternoj inzhenerii.

  • von Khaled Chemaa
    51,00 €

    The aim of the present book is to study a well known problems in oil and gas industries which are the surface failures of the different types of valves in one side and their high manufacturing cost in the other side. This techno-economic dilemma can have many solutions from the different existing sciences. As tribologists and material scientists, our solution is to replace the valves materials from massive stainless steels into carbon steels with nitrided and optimized stainless steel coatings using thermal spray process and plasma nitriding technique with improved surface properties (hardness, friction, wear resistance and corrosion resistance) and so with lower cost.

  • von Ahmadbek Jalilov
    46,00 €

    O¿zbekistonning 63,7% dan ortiq aholisi (taxminan 24 mln. fuqaro) 8 - 9 balli seysmik hududlarda istiqomat qilayotganligi bois, kuchli zilzila (5 balldan yuqori) bilan bog¿liq favqulodda vaziyatlarda ularning hayotini va sog¿ligini saqlash, xavf-xatarlarni kamaytirish, talofatlarni minimallashtirish maqsadida zilzilabardosh bino va inshootlar qurish muhim vazifalardan biridir. Afsuski, hozirgi paytda aksariyat xususiy uylarni (individual binolar) qurishda zilzilabardoshlikni täminlashning prinsiplari qo¿pol tarzda buzilmoqda. Hatto, zilzilabardoshlikni täminlovchi oddiy hajmiy va konstruktiv talablar ham bajarilmay qolmoqda. Shuning uchun, ular zilzilaga bardoshli emasligi sababli, kuchli zilzila vaqtida jiddiy shikastlanadi, hattoki bäzilarining butunlay buzilib ketish ehtimoli yuqori darajada saqlanib turadi. O¿zbekiston hududida XX asrning ikkinchi yarmi va XXI asrning birinchi yigirma yilligida sodir bo¿lgan kuchli zilzilalarning oqibatlari bundan yaqqol dalolat beradi.Shu munosabat bilan, past qavatli, mahalliy materiallardan qurilgan binolarning seysmik xavfsizligini baholash va täminlash, O¿zbekiston Respublikasining seysmik faol zonalarida ularning mustahkamligini osh.

  • von Shahnoza Abraeva
    46,00 €

    Monografiq poswqschena odnomu iz aktual'nyh woprosow sowremennoj lingwistiki, esche nedostatochno polno razrabotannomu wo francuzskom qzykoznanii. Perwaq glawa poswqschena teoreticheskim woprosam frazeologii i ispol'zowaniü frazeologizmow w stilisticheskih celqh, opredelqütsq osnownye priznaki frazeologicheskih edinic, ob'em i granicy frazeologii francuzskogo qzyka. Postawlennye w ätoj glawe zadachi w celom rescheny uspeshno. Vo wtoroj glawe prowoditsq funkcional'no-stilisticheskaq differenciaciq frazeologizmow, ispol'zuemyh w proizwedeniqh dü Gara. Awtor klassificiruet ih po funkcional'no-stilisticheskoj roli na sleduüschie: nejtral'nye, razgoworno-bytowye, prostorechnye, argoticheskie i knizhno-poäticheskie frazeologicheskie edinicy. Dannaq klassifikaciq predstawlqetsq cennoj w plane bolee glubokogo opisaniq ispol'zowaniq frazeologizmow w stilisticheskih celqh. Tret'q glawa zanimaüschiaq central'noe mesto w issledowanii soderzhat nemalo udachnyh nablüdenij, tochnyh opredelenij i produmannyh obobschenij.

  • von Fred Popovici
    22,00 €

    This work is conceived as a de-construction ( as the French pholosopher J. Derrida defined it) of a famous score by Beethoven: the String Quartet op.130, including the Grosse Fugue, as its legitimate Finale.For this, the author used several procedures taken from electroacoustics and musical informatics, together with techniques found in generative grammars, particularly those free-of-context grammars (Chomsky sensu).With these complex tools he forged a series of sound organisms, from micro up to macro size(s).The entire score is a continuous series of transformations of different (micro)structures in Beethoven¿s music, that become the new sound organisms,mentioned above.The main aim of the present work is to avoid, in a radical manner, the teleological traditional rhetoric of the classical music, but permanently emerging from this rhetoric.

  • von Shodiya Shadieva
    46,00 €

    So'nggi yillarda yallig'lanishli periodontal kasalliklarni davolash va oldini olish dunyoning turli mintaqalari aholisi orasida eng muhim tibbiy va ijtimoiy muammolardan biriga aylandi. Jahon sog'liqni saqlash tashkiloti (JSST) ma'lumotlariga ko'ra, "... 53 mamlakatda stomatologik monitoring tufayli odamlarning 65-98 foizi periodontal kasallikdan aziyat chekmoqda va periodontal kasalliklarning eng ko'p tarqalishi 35 yoshdan 45 yoshgacha bo'ladi" . Tishlarning yo'qolishi va sog'lom turmush tarzining buzilishi erta tashxis qo'yish va davolash choralarini ishlab chiqishni talab qiladi.Ilmiy tadqiqotning ustuvor yo'nalishi periodontda hujayrali va gumoral immunitet parametrlarining o'zgarishini aniqlash bo'lib qolmoqda; og'iz bo'shlig'i va uning qonining o'ziga xos bo'lmagan himoya tizimining ko'rsatkichlarini aniqlash; bakterial infektsiyani samarali davolashni ta'minlash; kasallikning rivojlanishi va surunkali kechishi omillarini aniqlash, bemorlarning hayot sifatini yaxshilaydigan turli profilaktika choralari samaradorligini oshirish, davolash va diagnostikaning patogenetik jihatdan asoslangan yangi usullarini ishlab chiqish.

  • von József Abaffy
    63,00 €

    In our earlier works we have given the` ¿twice is enough` ¿ type algorithms to determine conjugate directions of positive definite symmetric matrices. In this work we show that it can be generalized to any symmetric matrices. By testing 32 algorithms from the S2 subclass we show that there are 4 algorithms that yield very precise conjugate directions. We compared 13 well-known algorithms like the Lanczos and Hestenes types as an example and the results show the superiority of the best performing algorithms from the S2. Furthermore we show that there are 4 algorithms that give almost exact ranks in for the test problems. We propose some very good algorithms for the difficult and ill-conditioned test problems derived from the Pascal and Hilbert matrices. As a partial result we computed the rank of the matrices as well. In some cases the S2 subclass computes more accurate ranks compared to the MATLAB built in rank function. According to our difficult and ill-conditioned test problems we found that in most cases algorithms the S2 subclass yield far better results than the classical methods.

  • von Armando Bau Mau Afonso
    46,00 €

    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh penambahan kadar daun pepaya pada ransum ayam buras terhadap sifat kimia, fisik, struktur mikro dan sensori daging, hati, dan ginjal ayam buras. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 72 ekor ayam betina berumur empat bulan dengan berat badan 906 gram dengan koefisien varians 20%. Daun pepaya dan ransumnya dibuat sendiri. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah daun kering (K) dan daun segar (S) dengan kadar daun pepaya (L): L0 = 0%; L1 = 5%; L2 = 10%; dan L3 = 15%. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis varians (ANOVA) berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan pola faktorial. Perbedaan signifikan diuji lebih lanjut dengan Uji Duncan, dan uji sensori dengan Uji Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daun pepaya kering dan segar menghasilkan perbedaan yang nyata (P

  • von Kapuszta Bálint Gábor
    34,00 €

    Ezen kiadvány a 2020-as NKE-HHK ITDK-n különdíjat nyert, majd a 2021-es, 35. OTDK haditechnika, hader¿fejlesztés szekcióban harmadik helyezést elért, azonos néven megjelent pályamunka könyv kiadása. Pályam¿vem célja bemutatni a jelenleg zajló Honvédelmi és Hader¿fejlesztési Program keretében a m¿szaki csapatok képességfejlesztését. Hogy a téma lényegi részét és szerepét be tudjam mutatni, illetve el tudjam helyezni a programon belül, el¿bb szükséges a hader¿fejlesztési program, valamint a m¿szaki támogatás szerepének, jelent¿ségének bemutatása a Magyar Honvédség feladatrendszerében. Ezeket követi a m¿szaki csapatok fejlesztésének ismertetése. Pályam¿vemben bemutatom az újonnan érkez¿ LEGUAN hídvet¿ harckocsit és a WISENT2 speciális m¿szaki járm¿vet. Az eszközök csapataink általi alkalmazhatóságuk és technikai jellemz¿ik szerint kerülnek elemzésre, emellett elhelyezem azokat rendeltetésük alapján a m¿szaki támogatási feladatok között. A téma bemutatásához és a következtetések levonásához az elméleti kutatás módszerét alkalmaztam, különböz¿ források tanulmányozásával. Csak nyílt forrásból származó, mindenki számára elérhet¿ információkat használtam fel.

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