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  • von Elischa Matthias Rietzler
    15,90 €

    Wird das Bild heutiger Städte durch den Einfluss von Karten als Planungsinstrument bestimmt? Welche Verbindungen haben Stadtplaner des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts zu heutigen ("autogerechten") Verkehrskonzepten? Kann die Abstrahierung durch grafische Darstellung zu willkürlicher Planung führen?Die Untersuchung von Elischa Matthias Rietzler, am Beispiel der Stadt Augsburg, zeigt die Kontinuitäten der Stadtplanung ab den 1920er-Jahren zur aktuellen Stadtentwicklung. Dabei wird die herausragende Rolle der Raumplanung anhand von Karten unterstrichen. Die entstandenen Schlüsse können auf deutsche und internationale Forschungsfelder übertragen werden.

  • von Fritz Abel & Christiane Facke
    49,00 €

  • von Stephan Böhm
    34,99 €

  • von Nobukazu Niigata
    16,99 €

  • von Martin Kaufhold
    32,90 €

  • von Karl-Heinz Moritz, Kim Hartmann, Cordelia Friesendorf, usw.
    25,00 €

  • von Tanja Vöhringer, Christoph Moss, Christian Happ, usw.
    25,00 €

  • von Stephan Böhm
    39,99 €

    Internet and mobile technologies are drivers for innovation and growth. Entrepreneurs all over the world are using these technologies to develop new user-centered products and launch new business models. In this context, the International Workshop on Entrepreneurship in Electronic and Mobile Business (IWEMB) is a joint initiative of the Center of Advanced E-Business Studies (CAEBUS) at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, Germany, and the International College of the National Institute of Development and Administration (ICO NIDA) in Bangkok, Thailand. Relevant topics of the IWEMB workshop within the electronic and mobile business are studies on business model innovations, customer and user behavior, new concepts for entrepreneurship and leadership, user-centered design and lean startup methods, as well as the impact on existing market structures. Within this scope, the aim of IWEMB is to offer a platform for researchers in this emerging research field in order to generate relevant new insights and international exchange of ideas. The third workshop was held in Vestfold, Norway, as a two-days event in September 2019. The proceedings of this workshop cover a wide range of innovative scientific work in the fields of electronic and mobile business from young and experienced researchers from all over the world.

  • von Lothar Eberz
    79,99 €

  • von Anais Wiedenhöfer, Jens Bley, Kay Hartkopf & usw.
    59,99 €

  • von Werner Kuhlmeier, Johannes Meyser & Marcel Schweder
    19,80 €

    Die durch die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Berufliche Bildung (AGBB) organisierten 20.¿Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung standen unter unter dem Motto "Digitale Welt. Bildung und Arbeit in Transformationsgesellschaften". Die Fachtagung Bau, Holz, Farbe und Raumgestaltung hat dieses Thema aufgegriffen und unter den Titel "Bezugspunkte beruflicher Bildung - Tradition, Innovation, Transformation" gestellt. Der Tagungsband möchte die hier begonnenen Diskurse aufgreifen sowie die Ergebnisse in Form von verschiedenen Theorie- und Praxisbeiträgen aus den drei thematischen Schwerpunkten zugänglich machen.Digitalisierung von Arbeit und Bildung: Inwieweit bietet die Transformation in die digitale Welt einen Brückenschlag zwischen tradierten Konzepten und innovativen Entwicklungen der beruflichen Arbeit sowie der Aus- und Weiterbildung?Didaktische Konzepte und Lehrkräftebildung: Wie lassen sich sowohl etablierte als auch innovative Zugänge zu den Aneignungsgegenständen sowie den Verstehensprozessen von Auszubildenden und Studierenden verbinden?Nachwuchssicherung und Inklusion: Wie können die Herausforderungen in der Transformationsgesellschaft unter der Anerkennung von Heterogenität und Vielfalt in der beruflichen Bildung sowie der universitären Lehrer*innenbildung gemeistert werden?

  • von Stephan Böhm & Sid Suntrayuth
    34,99 €

    Internet and mobile technologies are drivers for innovation and growth. Entrepreneurs all over the world are using these technologies to develop new user-centered products and launch new business models. In this context, the International Workshop on Entrepreneurship in Electronic and Mobile Business (IWEMB) is a joint initiative of the Center of Advanced E-Business Studies (CAEBUS) at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, Germany, and the International College of the National Institute of Development and Administration (ICO NIDA) in Bangkok, Thailand. Relevant topics of the IWEMB workshop within the electronic and mobile business are studies on business model innovations, customer and user behavior, new concepts for entrepreneurship and leadership, user-centered design and lean startup methods, as well as the impact on existing market structures. Within this scope, the aim of IWEMB is to offer a platform for researchers in this emerging research field in order to generate relevant new insights and international exchange of ideas. The second workshop was held in Wiesbaden, Germany, as a two-days event in September 2018. The proceedings of this workshop cover a wide range of innovative scientific work in the fields of electronic and mobile business from young and experienced researchers from all over the world.

  • von Bo Yeon Lee
    21,50 €

    This study comparatively analyzes the actual implementation of RIA in Germany and Korea. To reach the destination, the legislative process, the system of RIA, and the immigration law and policy in both countries are studied. The RIA statements on immigration law are empirically reviewed to check whether a piece of legislation properly went through RIA and documented in the required forms. In conclusion, the compliance levels and key features of both countries are compared, and the validity of current RIA is discussed.

  • von Stephan Böhm & Sid Suntrayuth
    29,99 €

    Internet and mobile technologies are drivers for innovation and growth. Entrepreneurs all over the world are using these technologies to develop new user-centered products and launch new business models.In this context, the International Workshop on Entrepreneurship in Electronic and Mobile Business (IWEMB) is a joint initiative of the Center of Advanced E-Business Studies (CAEBUS) at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, Germany, and the International College of the National Institute of Development and Administration (ICO NIDA) in Bangkok, Thailand. Relevant topics of the IWEMB workshop within the electronic and mobile business are studies on business model innovations, customer and user behavior, new concepts for entrepreneurship and leadership, user-centered design and lean startup methods, as well as the impact on existing market structures. Within this scope, the aim of IWEMB is to offer a platform for researchers in this emerging research field in order to generate relevant new insights and international exchange of ideas. The first workshop was held in Bangkok, Thailand, as a two-days event in November 2017. The proceedings of this workshop cover a wide range of innovative scientific work in the fields of electronic and mobile business from young and experienced researchers from all over the world.

  • von Shimels Sisay Belete
    25,90 €

    Particularly in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attack, the threat of terrorism, however, defined, has been invoked as a common 'justification' in the pursuit of remodelling policies, laws, and institutions, both at the international and in the domestic politico-legal showground. The broader central theme that this book explores is the normative vibe under which the present-day counterterrorism discourse is construed and sculpted in the legislative and institutional structures of an authoritarian state where the political power and government institutions are functioning under a single-party-monopolised system. Presenting the Ethiopian legislative and institutional frameworks as a case study, the book critically reflects on the extent that the international legal and/or institutional counterterrorism response is sensitised in a manner lessening the risk of conflating authoritarian regime's unbearable reactions to citizens' legitimate demands and resistances against its repression vis-àvis that of its response to the common threat of international terrorism. In particular, the book ponders whether or not the range of the substantive and procedural aspects of the Ethiopian antiterrorism legislative and institutional frameworks are wrought to fit into the main objectives and standards that emanate from the pertinent international laws relating to terrorism and the international human rights law as well as the domestic constitutional law maxims.

  • von Lara Frisch
    19,90 €

    In dieser Forschungsarbeit untersucht Lara Frisch die Gruppenkommunikation, wie sie in improvisierenden Ensembles stattfindet. Dabei wird das Thema im Rahmen der qualitativen Sozialforschung anhand einer vergleichenden Einzelfallanalyse erörtert. Um die dokumentierten Diskurse einer noch genaueren Untersuchung unterziehen zu können, wird als Analyseverfahren die dokumentarische Methode hinzugezogen. Ziel der Studie ist es, die Gruppenkommunikation nicht nur als Teil des kreativen Prozesses improvisierender Ensembles darzustellen, sondern auch ihr eigenes kreatives Potenzial in diesem Kontext zu beleuchten.Die Forschungsarbeit weist nach, dass der kreative Prozess eines Ensembles sich nicht nur durch dessen kollektiv-improvisiertes Handeln und Arbeits- und Lernprozesse auszeichnet, sondern außerdem die Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen verbalen Kommunikation umfasst.Ferner zeigen die Analysen, dass die Gruppenkommunikation improvisierender Ensembles auf linguistischer Ebene eine affektive beziehungsweise relationale Art der Kommunikation ist, in der die Metapher die Hauptcharakteristik darstellt.

  • von Meinhard Michael
    18,00 €

    It is wonderful: you will be able to understand The Garden of Earthly Delights! Hieronymus Bosch's famous painting is explained here as an enjoyable theological essay. The painter did not create a 'Find the Hidden Objects' puzzle at all, because even the smallest detail has its function and its precisely appropriate placement. The emphasis will be on a dream and what can be learnt from it; on the senses and on perception, and on imagination and on the commandment to control the senses. The soul and its mystical marriage to God are integral to the discussion as well as human sexuality both within marriage and for its own sake. Furthermore, we will explore self-knowledge, humility and pride, free will and grace, and God's love. Its converse can be found in Hell in an ugly polemic employing a catalogue of anti-Jewish motifs. To unravel the meaning of the Garden of Earthly Delights is not to detract from the painting's enchantment. Its aesthetic and intellectual beauty will, in fact, fascinate even more than before because of the ambition of its discovered allegorical meaning.

  • von Sabine Baabe-Meijer, Werner Kuhlmeier & Johannes Meyser
    19,80 €

  • von Sabine Katharina Götz
    59,00 €

    Anhand empirischer Untersuchungen wird aufgezeigt, dass dissoziatives Depersonalisationserleben als peritraumatisch eingesetzte Emotionsregulationsstrategie initial eine belastungsreduzierende Wirkung entfaltet. Bei einer hohen Anzahl an Intrusionen und laborexperimenteller Induktion eines negativen kognitiven bias führt peritraumatisch eingesetzte positive Neuinterpretation zu einem signifikant höheren Belastungsniveau.Peritraumatische Dissoziation kann zwar kurzfristig adaptiv zum Erhalt des Funktionsniveaus beitragen, sich jedoch langfristig dysfunktional auswirken. Positive Neuinterpretation befördert hingegen langfristig eine Verarbeitung von traumatisch erlebten Erfahrungen aufgrund einer verstärkten Auseinandersetzung und Konfrontation.

  • von Martin Pfeiffer
    69,99 €

    Kurux (Oraon), with Malto and Brahui a member of the North Dravidian subfamily of the Dravidian languages, is spoken primarily in the Indian state of Jharkhand. The objective of the present study is to investigate the evolution of the Kurux phonemic system. This evolution can be described as a sequence of the Proto-Dravidian stage, the processes of sound change thatfollowed upon this stage, the Pre-Kurux-Malto stage, and the further processes of sound change which led to modern Kurux. Both stages and both sets of processes of sound change are reconstructed in detail, proceeding from the Kurux etyma included in the revised edition of the Dravidian Etymological Dictionary (1984), from which selections had to be made, however: Items of non-Dravidian (Indo-Aryan, Munda, Persian) origin as well as doubtful cases had to be identified and left out of account, so that the Proto-Dravidian reconstructions presented here are based on only 43 per cent of the Kurux etyma registered in the revised edition of the Dravidian Etymological Dictionary. Additional subjects dealt with include identification of the comparative evidence available for Proto-North-Dravidian, discussion of features that can serve as isoglosses for the North Dravidian subfamily, and considerations regarding the original home of the speakers of North Dravidian languages.

  • von Michael Sethe
    39,90 €

  • von Dankwart Kirchner
    10,00 €

    Das Idealbild des biblischen Israel und das von ihm historisch ermittelte Bild unterscheiden sich erheblich. Wurden ideal Sklaven in Ägypten berufen, so konstituierte sich das Volk Israel in Kanaan zwischen anderen Völkern, ebenso wie diese polytheistisch. Im Zusammenhang seiner Vernichtung durch die Assyrer 722 v.Chr. und Babylonier 597/587 v.Chr. entwickelte sich das Sündenverständnis, um Israels Gott für seine Untätigkeit zu schützen. Dieses vom Christentum übernommene Sündenverständnis brachte nicht die Befreiung des Menschen, wie das christliche Abendland zeigt. So ist es notwendig, die damaligen Entstehungsbedingungen erneut zu betrachten.

  • von Martin Pfeiffer
    16,99 €

    Doubtless Sanskrit must be called a difficult language. This is a fact that cannot be helped. But even though nothing can be done about the language itself, some thoughts may be given to the preparation of teaching aids that can make the task of learning Sanskrit less arduous. The present collection of texts comprises 30 specimens from original literary works written in Sanskrit, which have been chosen employing objective criteria regarding script and language, and which are suitable as first reading material for learners who have already acquired a certain familiarity with Sanskrit grammar and lexicon. However, the choice of texts has not been guided by formal criteria alone, but also by considerations regarding content: For the most part, the specimens belong to the narrative genre; they have been taken from narrative literature, from the epics Mah¿bh¿rata and R¿m¿yana, and from the Pur¿nas. It goes without saying that all texts are printed in Devan¿gar¿ characters.

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