Über Impact of Rotavator as a Conservation Tillage Implement
Tillage is basic operation in farming. It is generally done to create a favorable condition for seed placement and plant growth, these operation inculdes ploughing, harrowing and mechanical destruction of weeds and soil crust etc. Rotavator used for tilaage and inter-culture operation in the preperation of seedbed, requires three to four passes. Thus it saves time and energy (22-25%)in the field operation in comparison to other implement. However, in context of Indian Agriculture where tractors are mostly used in 26-65 hp by a large number of farmers, it is essential that matching size rotavator be available for different power ranges of tractors. Rotavator are mostly available in size of 120-150 mm, which is suitable for tractor having 45 hp and above. Further, due to wide variation ib soil type, texture, Irrigation, cropping pattren etc., it is necessary that different design of ratavator br available to suit particulat croping condition.
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