Über London Algorithmics, 2008: Theory and Practice
This volume of the Texts in Algorithmics series is a collection
of work by the participants and friends of London Stringology
Days (LSD) and London Algorithmic Workshop (LAW) 2008,
sponsored by the Department of Computer Science, King's College
London. The form of this volume is that of a special
issue, focussing on core computer science theory along with
bringing that theory into the real world of computing via
practical implementation. Contributed works research:
structures in music and text, diffusion tensor
imaging, compression, automata, stringology, nondeterminism, transposition
networks, heuristics for NP-hard problems,
and novel Crochemore Sets.
We dedicate this volume to Maxime Crochemore on the occasion
of his 60th birthday.
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