Über Manufactured Witches in West Bengal in India
In the instantaneously electronic communicative society, violence against women in the name of witch persists irrespective of the degree of development of such society.Witch is the scapegoated version of woman. On witticism, it can be emphasized that ¿Witch¿ can be likened to ¿Scapegoated Socrates¿. As Socrates (469-399 BC) was condemned to death and executed on the absolutely baseless accusations or charges of denying the national Gods, introducing new Gods of his own and corrupting the Athenian youth, similarly a particular female/woman irrespective of her age is transformed into a witch on the absurd accusation of inflicting cost, loss, evil, harm, misfortune, worse-off, woe or the like to the individual(s) or the community as a whole, through the dictatorship of the tribal masculinity backed up by pagan, primitive or pristine religious or cultural framework or norm for the execution of preplanned ¿femicide¿ or ¿homicide¿. Like commodity, the witch is ¿manufactured¿ by the discretionary and discriminatory decision of the tribal ¿headmanship¿ guided by pre-historic religious and cultural fetishism or fundamentalism.Woman is not born a witch, rather woman becomes a witch.
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