Über Occlusion in fixed partial denture
Occlusion has been an important variable in the success of failure of most prosthodontic reconstruction with natural teeth, a certain degree of flexibility permits compensation for occlusal irregularity. Implant dentistry is not as forgiving. The occlusion must be more rigorously evaluated with implant supported prosthesis.Unfortunately, the occlusion of teeth is frequently overlooked or taken for granted in providing restorative dental treatment for patients. This may be due in part to the fact that the symptoms of occlusal disease are often hidden from the practitioner not trained to recognize them or to appreciate their significance. The long-term successful restoration of a mouth with cast metal or ceramic restorations is dependent upon the maintenance of occlusal harmony. The perfection of skills required to provide sophisticated treatment of complex occlusal problems may take years to acquire. However, the minimum expectation of the competent practitioner is the ability to diagnose and treat simple occlusal disharmonies. He or she also must be able to produce restorations that will avoid the creation of iatrogenic occlusal disease.
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