Über Strangers In Their Own Land
Sales of HC and EB: 120,000 copies in all editions, with 100,000 hardcovers in print
Recognition for HC: NYT, national bestseller, and National Book Award finalist [these will be featured on cover of pb]
With a new introduction by the author: Brings the argument into the midst of the Trump Era
Ongoing media attention: Hochschild continues to actively tour and promote the book, and has become a go-to expert for the media when they want to understand the white lower-middle class voter in America
Public intellectual: Hochschild has been invited to speak before the Democratic Congressional Caucus, done Q&As and interviews with The Washington Post and NPR, and placed opinion pieces in The Nation, The Boston Globe, and elsewhere.
Constant news opportunities: The historical moment that made this book so relevant - the election of Donald Trump to the white house - is an ongoing concern. The light the book sheds on the average voter will be of urgent importance during the upcoming midterm elections in 2018
Study guide and reader's guide available
Adoption potential already been adopted as a school-wide read at colleges and universities across the country
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