Über Students' Intercultural Relationships.
Nowadays , Schools become more multicultural as aresult of fast growth of interaction betweendiversified cultures. Pupils in the school facedchallenges to develop relationships easily due tocultural variations in the school population. This inturn impacted students' academic achievement andoverall life career. To this effect, the book assessthe impact of students' and teachers' attitudes andbeliefs for the development of interculturalrelationships between Afar and Amhara students inAfar Region(Afar and Amhara are two distinct ethnicgroups in Ethiopia, Afar Region). Further more, thebook deals about the role of curriculum for thebetterment of students' relationship. This researchedbook also insight the significance of extracurricular activities for the enhancement of pupils'collegiality. The book descriptively analyzedstudents' relationships from the perspectives ofmulticultural education. So, therefore, schools,educationalists, teachers, multiculturalists, oranyone else who interest in the arena ofintercultural relationships in the multiculturalenvironment surely benefit from this book.
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