Über Technical Analysis Applications in the Stock Market ¿ III
Fundamental analysis is one of the leading methods used in the selection of firms for investment decisions in stock markets. Fundamental analysis is used to obtain information about a firm by taking into account its financial information such as sales, profitability, cash flows and growth rates. In other words, fundamental analysis tries to show the "big picture" of the financial position of firms in the future. Technical analysis is used to determine the time to invest in the stocks of the firm for which an investment decision is made. Technical analysis predicts the course of prices by taking into account general trends and tries to model it. The combination of fundamental analysis and technical analysis can provide investors with extra gains. In this third book of the technical analysis applications series, algorithmic trading systems used in technical analysis are introduced. It also presents the results of an application in Borsa Istanbul. (This study is titled "Using Algorithms in Stock Markets: Turtle Trade Application in Borsa Istanbul").
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