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  • von Gabor Maté
    24,80 €

    Ein Must-read für Patienten und Ärzte: Es kann Leben retten.- Peter Levine, Bestseller-AutorKann ein Mensch buchstäblich an Einsamkeit sterben? Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Fähigkeit, Gefühle auszudrücken, und Alzheimer? Gibt es so etwas wie eine "Krebspersönlichkeit"?Das Buch WENN DER KÖRPER NEIN SAGT von DR. GABOR MATÉ stützt sich auf wissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse und die jahrzehntelange Erfahrung des Autors als praktizierender Arzt. Das Buch gibt Antworten auf diese und andere wichtige Fragen zur Bedeutung der Leib-Seele-Einheit in Bezug auf Krankheit und Gesundheit sowie auf die Rolle, die Stress, Stressbewältigung und die individuelle emotionale Verfassung bei vielen häufig vorkommenden Krankheiten spielen.Klug und einfach nachvollziehbar liefert der Autor: Antworten auf die Rolle der Körper-Geist-Verbindung bei Krankheiten wie Arthritis, Krebs, Diabetes, Herzerkrankungen, Alzheimer, Reizdarmsyndrom und Multipler Sklerosezahlreiche aufschlussreiche Fallstudien und Geschichten von bekannten Persönlichkeiten wie Betty Ford (Brustkrebs), Ronald Reagan (Alzheimer) und Lance Armstrong (Hodenkrebs)7 Prinzipien zu Prävention und Heilung von KrankheitsbildernWENN DER KÖRPER NEIN SAGT vermittelt neue Kenntnisse und verbessert die Heilchancen von Betroffenen. Es lehrt unter einer Krankheit zu verstehen, dass der Körper ab einem gewissen Punkt nein zu dem sagt, was der Geist nicht einmal wahrnimmt.

  • von Monika Muller
    20,00 €

    Trauernde Menschen haben vielfach keine Unterstützung in ihrem Umfeld. Aus Unwissenheit und Scheu vor den großen Gefühlen wehren Familienangehörige, Kollegen, Nachbarn und Freunde Klagen und andere Leidäußerungen ab. Sie erwarten ein möglichst schnelles Abklingen dieses für sie befremdlichen oder verunsichernden Zustands. Der Rückhalt in einer Gruppe aber ist für die Hinterbliebenen, erst recht als ganz allein Zurückgebliebene, von großer Bedeutung. In einer Trauergruppe erfahren sie, dass sie nicht allein sind, dass sie richtig fühlen, dass sich Trauer verändert und leichter werden kann. Vor allem erleben sie Interesse, Zuverlässigkeit, feste Strukturen, somit Halt in haltlosen Zeiten.Das Buch bietet eine konkrete Abfolge von Trauergruppen-Terminen an, die Gruppenleiter/-innen nutzen und variieren können. Arbeitsmaterial und Kopiervorlagen sind als Download verfügbar.

  • von Christian Larsen
    27,99 €

    Gesund durch anatomisch richtige Bewegung! Verspannter Nacken, Hohlkreuz, schmerzende Knie, Hallux valgus: Was einmal mit falscher Haltung oder schlechter Angewohnheit begann, wird über die Jahre zum schmerzhaften Problem. Christian Larsen zeigt Ihnen die TOP-Übungen der Erfolgsmethode Spiraldynamik®. Mit diesen können Sie gezielt Fehlstellungen und Schmerzen entgegenwirken. Einfach indem Sie (wieder) lernen, sich anatomisch richtig zu bewegen. - Best-of Spiraldynamik®: Die 60 besten Übungen in einem Band. - Kiefer, Schulter, Hüfte und noch viel mehr - Übungen gezielt für Körperbereiche und Indikationen. - Ergänzend zur Physiotherapie: Üben im Alltag, egal ob beim Händeschütteln, Treppensteigen oder Autofahren. Erwiesen wirksame Selbsthilfe bei Bewegungsproblemen

  • von Jennifer McCartney
    12,00 €

    »Ich habe aufgehört, mich anzustrengen, und es fühlt sich so gut an.«Keine Lust mehr auf Stress, Selbstoptimierung und Druck von allen Seiten? Dann nimm dir ein Beispiel an Faultieren. Ihr Mantra ist Entschleunigung. Sie schlafen viel, bewegen sich langsam, essen genüsslich, hängen dauernd rum und sind gerne für sich - dies alles jedoch mit nachhaltigem Erfolg: Faultiere gibt es seit 30 Millionen Jahren. Es ist Zeit, die Faulheit auch für uns zu entdecken und von den besten Entspannungsexperten dieser Welt zu lernen. Denn nur denen, die auch mal nichts tun, geht es dauerhaft gut. Willkommen bei den Faultieren und ihrer Lebensphilosophie! Hier ein paar Weisheiten:Schlaf aus - das ist erholsamer für Geist und Körper als um 6 Uhr früh joggen zu gehen. Faultiere schlafen zwischen 10 und 18 Stunden täglich.Iss langsam - Faultiere gehören zur Slow-Food-Bewegung der ersten Stunde. Sie verzehren hauptsächlich frische Blätter, Zweige und Früchte - und kauen stundenlang drauf rum. Plus: Sie essen im Freien, weit weg von ihren Computern.Halt still - Faultiere sind Meister der Reglosigkeit. Sie entkommen Raubtieren, indem sie ganz stillhalten. In unserem aufgescheuchten Medienzeitalter müssen wir dauernd auf irgendwas reagieren. Dies einfach mal nicht zu tun - was für eine Erholung. Sei dir selbst genug: Faultiere sind von Natur aus ungesellig und verbringen den Großteil ihrer Zeit allein. Wir glauben, uns dauernd verabreden zu müssen - und dass Alleinsein etwas Schlimmes ist. Doch das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Endlich mal wieder Zeit für sich zu haben, kann magisch sein.»Ihre Anleitung zu mehr Gelassenheit in einer tierisch hektischen Welt bietet eine humorvolle Lektüre die zum Nachdenken anregt [...].« Mannheimer Morgen »Das Buch ist eine schnelle und leichte Lektüre, trotzdem hat es mein Leben verändert.« GlamourDE

  • von Julius Firmicus Maternus
    69,00 - 81,00 €

  • - The Classic Text on Value Investing
    von Benjamin Graham
    38,00 €

    Offers the investing principles as the author originally laid them out - principles that continue to stand more than half a century since the book was first published. This book tells about making the right decisions to protect your investments and make them a success.

  • von Robert Greene
    20,00 €

    Mastery, a captivating book penned by the acclaimed author Robert Greene, is a must-read for anyone seeking to unlock their full potential. Published in 2012 by Profile Books Ltd, the book delves into the realm of self-improvement, a genre that Greene is renowned for. Mastery is not just a book; it's a roadmap to success, meticulously crafted by Greene, who has spent years studying the lives of history's most accomplished individuals. It provides readers with a comprehensive guide on how to achieve mastery in their own lives, using historical figures as examples of what can be achieved with dedication, passion, and a thirst for knowledge. The book is written in English, making it accessible to a global audience. This publication by Profile Books Ltd is a testament to Greene's profound understanding of human nature and his ability to articulate complex ideas in an engaging and relatable manner. Grab your copy of Mastery today and embark on a life-changing journey towards personal and professional fulfillment.

  • von James Redfield
    13,00 €

    Drawing on the ancient wisdom found in a Peruvian manuscript, this book tells you how to make connections between the events happening in your own life right now, and lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come.

  • von Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
    15,00 €

    The phenomenal and inspiring bestseller by the father of positive thinking. Norman Vincent Peale, the father of positive thinking and one of the most widely read inspirational writers of all time, shares his famous formula of faith and optimism which millions of people have taken as their own simple and effective philosophy of living.

  • von Louise Hay
    18,00 €

    Recounts the story of the author's own life and emphasises the extent to which your thoughts are your future.

  • 15% sparen
    - (20th Anniversary Edition)
    von Eckhart Tolle
    14,00 €

    The international bestselling phenomenon that has inspired a generation

  • von Leil Lowndes
    11,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Robert Greene
    20,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Robert Greene
    10,98 €

    The Concise 48 Laws Of Power is a captivating book by the renowned author Robert Greene. Published by Profile Books Ltd in 2002, this masterpiece delves into the world of power and manipulation, offering readers a unique perspective on the subject. With each law, Greene presents a riveting narrative on power dynamics, drawing from a wide range of historical figures and situations. This book, belonging to the genre of self-help and psychology, is a must-read for those seeking to understand the subtle art of power and influence. Profile Books Ltd takes pride in bringing this insightful work to the readers. The book is written in English.

  • 15% sparen
    - How to break free of overthinking and reclaim your life
    von Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
    14,00 €

    'Groundbreaking research . . . Women Who Think Too Much tells why overthinking occurs, why it hurts people, and how to stop' USA TodayIt's no surprise that our fast-paced, overly self-analytical culture is pushing many people - especially women - to spend countless hours thinking about negative ideas, feelings, and experiences. Renowned psychologist Dr Susan Nolen-Hoeksema calls this overthinking, and her groundbreaking research shows that an increasing number of women - more than half of those in her extensive study - are doing it too much and too often, leading to sadness, anxiety, and depression. In Women Who Think Too Much, Nolen-Hoeksema shows us what causes so many women to be overthinkers and provides concrete strategies that can be used to escape these negative thoughts, move to higher ground, and live more productively. Women Who Think Too Much will change lives, and is destined to become a self-help classic.

  • - What It Is, Where It Comes from, How It Sabotages Our Lives
    von Pia Mellody
    21,00 €

    A guide to understanding the origins of codependence and the path to recovery, tracing the illness back to childhood describing emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical and sexual abuse. The author creates a framework for identifying codependence and presents a therapy for recovery.

  • 17% sparen
    von Joan Didion
    12,00 €

    From one of America's iconic writers, a portrait of a marriage and a life - in good times and bad - that will speak to anyone who has ever loved a husband or wife or child. A stunning book of electric honesty and passion.Several days before Christmas 2003, John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion saw their only daughter, Quintana, fall ill. At first they thought it was flu, then pneumonia, then complete sceptic shock. She was put into an induced coma and placed on life support. Days later - the night before New Year's Eve -the Dunnes were just sitting down to dinner after visiting the hospital when John suffered a massive and fatal coronary. In a second, this close, symbiotic partnership of 40 years was over. Four weeks later, their daughter pulled through. Two months after that, arriving at LA airport, she collapsed and underwent six hours of brain surgery at UCLA Medical Centre to relieve a massive hematoma.This powerful book is Didion's 'attempt to make sense of the weeks and then months that cut loose any fixed idea I ever had about death, about illness ... about marriage and children and memory ... about the shallowness of sanity, about life itself'. The result is an exploration of an intensely personal yet universal experience: a portrait of a marriage, and a life, in good times and bad.

  • 12% sparen
    - Developing a Personal Practice
    von T. K. V. Desikachar
    18,00 €

    The first yoga text to outline a step-by-step sequence for developing a complete practice according to viniyoga-adapted to the needs of the individual

  • - An Eternal Golden Braid
    von Douglas R. Hofstadter
    24,00 €

    Winner of the Pulitzer Prize A metaphorical fugue on minds and machines in the spirit of Lewis Carroll

  • 18% sparen
    - How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market
    von Peter Lynch
    16,00 €

    In his timeless classic, America's number one money manager and bestselling author, reveals the philosophy behind his spectacular record 'think like an amateur'.

  • 13% sparen
    - The Japanese secret to a long and happy life
    von Hector Garcia
    17,00 €

    Ikigai is a captivating book penned by the talented author, Francesc Miralles. Published by Cornerstone in 2017, this book falls under a genre that promises to intrigue and inspire its readers. Ikigai is a Japanese concept that combines the terms 'iki', meaning 'life', and 'gai', meaning 'value or worth'. Miralles beautifully explores this concept, offering the readers a path to discover their personal Ikigai, thus finding their purpose in life. This book is more than just a read; it is an existential journey. If you're looking for a book that challenges you to look within and find your true purpose, then Ikigai by Francesc Miralles, proudly published by Cornerstone, is the book for you.

  • - An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance
    von Josh Waitzkin
    20,00 €

    Chess and martial arts champion Josh Waitzkin lays out his battle-tested principles of learning and performance to give readers tools for excellence and success.

  • - Book I of the Earth Chronicles
    von Zecharia Sitchin
    13,00 €

    Over the years, startling evidence has been uncovered, challenging established notions of the origins of life on Earth?evidence that suggests the existence of an advanced group of extraterrestrials who once inhabited our world.The first book of the revolutionary Earth Chronicles series offers indisputable documentary evidence of the existence of the mysterious planet Nibiru and tells why its astronauts came to Earth eons ago to fashion mankind in their image.The product of more than thirty years of meticulous research, The 12th Planet treats as fact, not myth, the tales of Creation, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, and the Nefilim who married the daughters of man. By weaving together the biblical narrative with Sumerian and Babylonian clay-tablet texts, it challenges the established notions of the origins of Earth and mankind, and offers a compelling alternative history and prehistory of both.

  • 11% sparen
    von Rhonda Byrne
    17,00 €

    The Secret is a transformative book written by the talented Rhonda Byrne. Published in 2006 by Simon & Schuster Ltd, this masterpiece has since become a global phenomenon. The book falls under the genre of self-help and spirituality, offering readers a unique perspective on life. The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe and promises to change your life by teaching you how to apply this law to create the life of your dreams. Rhonda Byrne takes you on a journey that will open your eyes to a new way of living and thinking. If you're looking for a book that can truly make a difference in your life, The Secret is the one for you.

  • 16% sparen
    - The Journey Beyond Yourself
    von Michael A. Singer
    16,00 €

    Explores the question of who we are and arrives at the conclusion that our identity is to be found in our consciousness, the fact of our ability to observe ourselves and the world around us. The author shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment.

  • - The Key to Success
    von Peter F. Drucker
    11,00 €

    Peter Drucker is widely regarded as the father of modern management, offering penetrating insights into business that still resonate today. But Drucker also offers deep wisdom on how to manage our personal lives and how to become more effective leaders. In these two classic articles from Harvard Business Review, Drucker reveals the keys to becoming your own chief executive officer as well as a better leader of others. "e;Managing Oneself"e; identifies the probing questions you need to ask to gain the insights essential for taking charge of your career, while "e;What Makes an Effective Executive"e; outlines the key behaviors you must adopt in order to lead. Together, they chart a powerful course to help you carve out your place in the world.

  • - The Proven Mental Program to a Life of Wealth
    von Wallace D. Wattles
    14,00 €

    As featured in the bestselling book The Secret, here is the landmark guide to wealth creation republished with the classic essay "How to Get What You Want."Wallace D. Wattles spent a lifetime considering the laws of success as he found them in the work of the world's great philosophers. He then turned his life effort into this simple, slender book - a volume that he vowed could replace libraries of philosophy, spirituality, and self-help for the purpose of attaining one definite goal: a life of prosperity.Wattles describes a definite science of wealth attraction, built on the foundation of one commanding idea: "There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made…A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought."In his seventeen short, straight-to-the-point chapters, Wattles shows how to use this idea, how to overcome barriers to its application, and how work with very direct methods that awaken it in your life. He further explains how creation and not competition is the hidden key to wealth attraction, and how your power to get rich uplifts everyone around you.The Science of Getting Rich concludes with Wattle's rare essay "How to Get Want You Want" - a brilliant refresher of his laws of wealth creation.

  • 12% sparen
    von Robert Greene
    21,00 €

    The 33 Strategies Of War is an enlightening book by the renowned author, Robert Greene. Published in 2007 by Profile Books Ltd, this book is a masterclass in understanding the art of strategic thinking. The book belongs to the genre of self-help and strategy, providing readers with an in-depth understanding of the psychological dynamics that can lead to victory in any area of life. Greene's writing style is engaging and insightful, making the book a must-read for anyone interested in strategy, psychology, or history. The 33 Strategies Of War is not just a book, but a comprehensive guide to understanding and applying the principles of warfare in everyday life. The author's expertise and the publisher's commitment to quality make this book a valuable addition to any reader's collection.

  • 11% sparen
    - Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman
    von Clarissa Pinkola Estes
    17,00 - 18,00 €

    Using a combination of time-honoured stories and contemporary casework, Estes reveals that the 'wild woman' in us is innately healthy, passionate and wise. Thoughtfully written and compelling in its arguments, Women Who Run With The Wolves gives readers a new sense of direction, a self confidence and purpose in their lives.

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