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  • 10% sparen
    - Naturlig og effektiv terapi
    von Henrik Jul Jørgensen
    30,00 €

    Nu har du mulighed for at få et dybt og detaljeret indblik i hypnosens verden. En verden af uendelige muligheder, hvor sindets enorme kapacitet udforskes og undersøges. Du lærer om, hvordan underbevidstheden arbejder som en super computer, der styrer og kører en række programmer, som har til hensigt at hjælpe dig bedst muligt gennem din hverdag, og sikre din overlevelse i farlige situationer. Desuden får du indsigt i, hvordan den helt naturlige tilstand som hypnose i virkeligheden er, kan anvendes til at opnå både større selvforståelse og selvindsigt, men også dybe og varige, positive forandringer. Bogen giver dig endvidere indblik i hypnotiske teknikker, og terapeutiske metoder og principper. Gennem 35 klientcases, får du desuden et dybdegående kendskab til den praktiske anvendelse af hypnose og hypnoseterapi som redskab til at give slip på psykiske og fysiske problemstillinger og opnå større psykisk og fysisk velvære.

  • 13% sparen
    - Med æteriske olier
    von Heidie Kosiara
    28,00 €

    "Duft dig glad" er en opslagsbog, der guider dig til at bruge æteriske olier til at få en bedre hverdag. I bogen beskrives 41 æteriske olier i forhold til deres indvirkning på dine følelser, og du får helt konkrete tips til, hvor og hvordan du kan bruge disse olier. Bogen er skrevet, så den er let læselig for alle, og den giver brugbar indsigt i, hvor unik en krop du har, og hvor meget din emotionelle trivsel påvirker alt i din hverdag. Dufte kan fremkalde minder, stemninger og sindstilstande, for dufte påvirker dig, endda meget mere, end du måske er klar over. En duft kan gøre dig glad, opstemt eller rolig. Med æteriske olier og dufte kan du selvkærligt åbne op for at slippe de tanker og følelser, som tynger dig. Vidste du at: Marjoram hjælper med at lindre de følelsesmæssige sår fra fortiden, så du kan åbne op for hjertet og skabe endnu mere tillid til og tryghed i, at andre vil dig det godt? Marjoram viser dig, at du kan være tryg i at være dig. Peppermint bringer fornyet glæde til dig og dit hjerte, og den hjælper dig til at åbne op og tage livet ind på alle planer. Wild Orange inviterer på alle planer overflod ind i dit liv. Den bringer glæde ind i dit sind og minder dig om, at når du er i dit hjerte, så er du uden begrænsninger, du kan skabe dine drømme.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ray Dalio
    20,00 €

    A distillation of Ray Dalio's bestselling "Principles: Life & Work" in an entertaining and visual graphic format for all ages. Dalio reveals the unconventional principles that helped him become one of the world's top investors.

  • - What You Don't know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life
    von Lynne Farrow
    28,00 €

  • - Making Sense of Preschoolers (Or Anyone Who Acts Like One)
    von Deborah MacNamara
    24,00 €

    Foreword by Gordon Neufeld, PhDBased on the work of one of the world's foremost child development experts, Rest, Play, Grow offers a road map to making sense of young children, and is what every toddler, preschooler, and kindergartner wishes we understood about them.Baffling and beloved, with the capacity to go from joy to frustration in seconds, young children are some of the most misunderstood people on the planet. Parents and caregivers struggle with these little ones, who are known for their extreme behaviour, from tantrums, resistance, and aggression to separation anxiety, bedtime protests, and not listening. The key to understanding youngsters lies in realizing that their challenging behaviour is not personal, nor is it a disorder or deficit.Based on science and the relational developmental approach of renowned psychologist and bestselling author Gordon Neufeld, Rest, Play, Grow reveals how critical adults are in shaping the conditions to ensure young children flourish. This is the story of how young children develop, from their intense need for attachment and the vital importance of play to discipline that preserves growth. Engagingly written, with compassion for its subjects and rich with stories from them and their parents, Rest, Play, Grow will forever change the way you think of the preschoolers in your life.Dr. Deborah MacNamara is a clinical counsellor and educator with more than twenty-five years experience working with children, youth, and adults. She is on faculty at the Neufeld Institute, operates a counselling practice, and speaks regularly about child and adolescent development to parents, childcare providers, educators, and mental health professionals. She continues to write, do radio and television interviews, and speak to the needs of children and youth based on developmental science. Deborah resides in Vancouver, Canada, with her husband and two children.Praise for Rest, Play, Grow "Rest, Play, Grow notes the preeminence of early parent-child attachment in optimal development, and it passionately affirms the primary value of play to children's well-being and creativity.-Raffi Cavoukian, singer, author"This book is developmental science translated into practical love."-Gabor Maté, MD, co-author of Hold On to Your Kids"This is a must-read for every parent of a preschooler or younger. Read this and you will truly be your 'kid's best bet.'"-Kristy Pillinger, editor-in-chief of Nurture Parenting Magazine"Deborah has translated the beautifully chaotic world of being a preschooler. If there is only one book you should read as a parent, this is the one."-Traci Costa, CEO of Peekaboo Beans"This is not a quick-fix script but, instead, presents a road map to better understand this amazing age in all its glorious imperfections."-Keyvan Hadad, MD, pediatrician"Rest, Play, Grow is a refreshing reminder of the importance of slowing down and allowing children to mature at their own pace, unhindered by societal expectations."-Lori Petro, TEACH through Love"Dr. MacNamara truly has the gift of writing, always grounding concepts in very relatable moments from her life and work as a researcher, professor, counsellor, and, of course, parent."-Genevieve Simperingham, Peaceful Parent Institute"Finally, a book for parents of young children that weds neuroscience and attachment research and is consummately useful!"-Sil Reynolds, co-author of Mothering and Daughtering

  • von Sigmund Freud
    46,99 €

    "Drømmetydning bind 2" er det andet af to bind om drømmetydning i forhold til menneskets sjæleliv og det ubevidste, der på sin egen særegne måde bevidstliggøres i drømme.Drømmetydning"Drømmetydning" er en serie bestående af to bind om drømmetydning af den verdenskendte psykolog Sigmund Freud i forhold til menneskets sjæleliv og det ubevidste, der på sin egen særegne måde bevidstliggøres i drømme.Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) var en verdensberømt østrigsk nervelæge og forfader til psykoanalysen. Han åbnede i 1886 sin private praksis som nervelæge og giftede sig samme år med Martha Barnays (1861-1951). Han har skrevet adskillige værker om psykologi, og er kendt for sit arbejde inden for dette fag; arbejde, der blandt andet omfatter ødipuskomplekset, den infantiles seksualitet og psykoser og neuroser. I 1938 drog Freud sammen med sin familie til England, hvor han levede sit sidste år.

  • - Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men
    von Lundy Bancroft
    18,00 €

  • - Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement, 2nd Edition
    von Katy Bowman
    30,00 €

    Updated and expanded to include a comprehensive three-level exercise program, Move Your DNA addresses, in layperson's terms, the disease we are suffering from, identifying our lack of movement as the primary cause. Readers can use the corrective exercises and lifestyle changes to transition to healthy, naturally moving bodies.

  • 13% sparen
    - The Science of Changing Your Mind
    von Joe Dispenza
    16,98 €

    Star expert on What the Bleep Do We Know?! Joe Dispenza uses cutting-edge research to show how we can consciously 'rewire' our brains in order to break our emotional patterns and reach our full potential.

  • 10% sparen
    - Lose weight and reprogramme your body
    von Dr Michael Mosley
    13,00 €

    Title: The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet, Author: Dr Michael Mosley, Publication Year: 2015-12-17, Publisher: Short Books Ltd, Language: eng

  • 11% sparen
    - Godsfield Bibles
    von Judy Hall
    17,00 €

    Over 250 new-generation stones for healing and spiritual alchemy.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    9,98 €

    In this gripping story, Paulo Coelho is on a quest for the ultimate in self-knowledge, wisdom and spiritual mastery.

  • - The Eternal Validity of the Soul
    von Jane Roberts
    23,00 €

    One of the most powerful of the Seth Books, this essential guide to conscious living clearly and powerfully articulates the furthest reaches of human potential, and the concept that we all create our own reality according to our individual beliefs. Having withstood the test of time, it is still considered one of the most dynamic and brilliant maps of inner reality available today.

  • von M. Scott Peck
    13,00 €

    The Road Less Travelled is a remarkable work by M. Scott Peck that has stood the test of time. Published by Cornerstone in 1990, this book delves into the genre of self-help and psychology. It explores the idea that life is a series of challenges and lessons that need to be confronted and learned from. Peck's unique perspective and insightful wisdom have made this book a timeless classic. The Road Less Travelled is more than just a book; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It's about choosing the road less travelled and making a difference in your life. Published by Cornerstone, this book is a must-read for those who are on a journey of self-improvement and personal growth. Don't miss out on this life-changing book.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ellie Middleton
    18,00 €

  • von Radhi Devlukia-Shetty
    26,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Annie Duke
    20,00 €

    Through a blend of compelling exercises, illustrations, and stories, the bestselling author of Thinking in Bets will train you to combat your own biases, address your weaknesses, and help you become a better and more confident decision-maker.What do you do when you''re faced with a big decision? If you''re like most people, you probably make a pro and con list, spend a lot of time obsessing about decisions that didn''t work out, get caught in analysis paralysis, endlessly seek other people''s opinions to find just that little bit of extra information that might make you sure, and finally go with your gut. What if there was a better way to make quality decisions so you can think clearly, feel more confident, second-guess yourself less, and ultimately be more decisive and be more productive? Making good decisions doesn''t have to be a series of endless guesswork. Rather, it''s a teachable skill that anyone can sharpen. In How to Decide, bestselling author Annie Duke and former professional poker player lays out a series of tools anyone can use to make better decisions. You''ll learn:  •  To identify and dismantle hidden biases.  •  To extract the highest quality feedback from those whose advice you seek.  •  To more accurately identify the influence of luck in the outcome of your decisions.  •  When to decide fast, when to decide slow, and when to decide in advance.  •  To make decisions that more effectively help you to realize your goals and live your values.Through interactive exercises and engaging thought experiments, this book helps you analyze key decisions you''ve made in the past and troubleshoot those you''re making in the future. Whether you''re picking investments, evaluating a job offer, or trying to figure out your romantic life, How to Decide is the key to happier outcomes and fewer regrets.

  • 10% sparen
    von TBC Author
    13,00 €

  • von Eddie Stern
    18,00 €

    Yoga was created as a science for liberation, but in modern times it is used by many to improve physical and mental health, helping us become more productive at work, more caring in relationships, more responsible contributors to society, and better inhabitants of this planet. If yoga does accomplish all that-as many practitioners report-how exactly does yoga do it? How does yoga work? Believe it or not, the answers lie in how the human body and mind function. Eddie Stern's One Simple Thing: A New Look at the Science of Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life explains from both a yogic and a scientific perspective how the human nervous system is wired. It describes the mechanics taking place beneath the surface of our bodies and shows how we can consciously use yogic practices to direct and change our lives in positive ways. Drawing on modern neuroscience, ancient wisdom, and decades of practice and teaching, Eddie Stern reveals how what we do-from diet to chanting, from postures to meditation, from ethical practices to breathing techniques-affects who we become, and how a steady routine of activities and attitudes can transform our bodies, our brain functions, our emotions, and our experience of life.

  • 19% sparen
    von Kim Krans
    19,00 €

    From the author of the New York Times bestseller The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook comes a never-before-published oracle deck and guidebook that takes readers on a journey of self-discovery through the realm of archetypes, the place where myth and dreams meet.

  • 21% sparen
    von Steve Magness
    23,00 €

  • von John Bradshaw
    19,00 €

  • von Thomas Erikson
    15,00 €

    Surrounded by idiots at work? Fed up with a bad boss or lazy colleagues? Thomas Erikson, author of the runaway international bestseller Surrounded by Idiots, will help you handle them and get things done, the right wayWhy is good leadership so rare? Everyone has to manage up to some extent but frankly some bosses are worse than others. If you're being driven crazy by a micro-manager, frequently drown under your boss's unreasonable expectations or struggle with being handed out responsibilities but no authority international behavioural expert Thomas Erikson is here to help. Drawing on the simple four-colour system that made Surrounded by Idiots a global bestseller, Erikson shows how understanding your boss's behavioural tendencies as well as your own will lead to a more harmonious and productive workplace. He also sets out what characterises an exemplary leader type and how you can adapt your behaviour to model it. Because there are two sides to every coin, Erikson also looks at employees themselves and why some colleagues frequently underachieve and what you can do to change this.Written with Erikson's signature humour and warmth, Surrounded by Bad Bosses (and Lazy Employees) will help you deal with the most hopeless managers and employees you can imagine - and keep you entertained along the way.

  • 10% sparen
    von David McRaney
    12,98 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Mark Lanegan
    13,00 €

    The COVID diaries of the alternative rock star and bestselling author of SING BACKWARDS AND WEEP

  • - A Revolutionary Guide to Access High-Frequency States of Consciousness That Rejuvenate and Repair
    von R.J. Spina
    19,00 €

    An introductory guide to RJ Spina s unique seven-step healing program called Ascend the Frequencies Healing Technique

  • - Understanding the Borderline Personality
    von Jerold J. (Jerold J. Kreisman) Kreisman
    21,00 €

    I Hate You - Don't Leave Me: Third Edition is a gripping and insightful book by the renowned author Jerold J. Kreisman. Published by the prestigious Penguin Putnam Inc in 2021, this book delves deep into the human psyche, offering readers a unique and compelling narrative. Kreisman, known for his thoughtful and engaging writing style, has once again outdone himself with this third edition. The genre of the book is hard to pin down, reflecting Kreisman's versatile writing skills. It's a book that will make you question, make you think, and most importantly, make you feel. Don't miss out on this masterpiece from Penguin Putnam Inc.

  • von Richard Cooper
    19,00 €

    Most men today are sent off into society with a broken belief system, which they use to make choices, that get them terrible results with life and women.Men have been conditioned to be the quintessential "nice guy." They''re trained to be overly humble, kind to a fault, and that just "being themselves" is enough to attract and keep the woman of their dreams. Men are told to believe that conventional masculinity is toxic, and to put women ahead of their own interests, passions, and purpose.This has led to an entire generation of men forming very unhealthy attachments to women that they, unfortunately, often make their sole focus of their lives.The playbook to women and life has changed, but most men missed the memo. Do you want to succeed, and level up in every area of your life?If so, then this book explains:- The importance of maximizing your looks, money, social status, and game.- Why it''s essential to get genuine burning desire from a woman who wants to date you.- The top 20 red flags that you must vet women for a long term relationship.- How to become one of the top 20% of men that women swipe right for on online dating.- Why smart men avoid marriage. And much more.This book exposes the comforting lies you''ve been told throughout your life for what they really are. Enabling you to become a truly authentic Alpha that chases excellence, and leads a successful passion-filled life.

  • von Kae Tempest
    9,48 €

    FROM THE TED HUGHES AWARD WINNER AND SUNDAY TIMES-BESTSELLING AUTHORThe increasingly hyper-individualistic, competitive and exploitative society that we live in has caused a global crisis at the turn of the new decade;

  • - My Autobiography - The Sunday Times No 1 Bestseller
    von Captain Tom Moore
    24,00 €

    Sit down and enjoy the charming, uplifting and inspiring story of Captain Tom this Christmas*** THE SUNDAY TIMES NO 1 BESTSELLER ***'A wonderful life story with lessons for us all . . . beautifully written' DAILY TELEGRAPH'Gloriously enthralling' DAILY MAILFrom his humble Yorkshire childhood, via the battlefields of Burma and the peaks of the Himalayas, to becoming the NHS and the nation's hero during Lockdown, this is a journey for all of us.__________ Who is Captain Sir Tom Moore? You've seen him on the television walking the length of his garden. A frail elderly man, doing his bit at a time of crisis. But he wasn't always like this.Where did he come from? Where was he made? From a childhood in the foothills of the Yorkshire Dales, Tom Moore grew up in a loving family, which wasn't without its share of tragedy. It was a time of plenty and of want. When the storm clouds of the Second World War threatened, he raised his hand and, like many of his generation, joined up to fight.His war would take him from a country he had never left to a place which would steal his heart, India, and the Far East, to which he would return many years later to view the sight he had missed first time around: the distant peak of Everest. Captain Tom's story is our story.It is the story of our past hundred years here in Britain.It's a time which has seen so much change, yet when so much has stayed the same: the national spirit, the can-do attitude, the belief in doing your best for others. In this rich, happy life packed with incident you will encounter time and again the curiosity, courage and generosity that saw Captain Tom look around him during our current crisis and decide that something had to be done . . .'Engaging . . . His upbeat nature shines through and reminds us how much worse this year would have been without him' Evening Standard'A wonderful read. Captain Tom is a beacon of light, and hope, and positivity' Piers Morgan, Life Stories, ITV'A great book' Good Morning Britain'A beautiful book. We have so much to learn from Captain Sir Tom' Chris Evans, Virgin Radio'Fascinating. It's the life story of an ordinary man who is extraordinary' Michael Ball, BBC Radio 2

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