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Körper & Seele

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von über Körper & Seele spannenden Büchern zum Thema 264.737.
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  • - How To Cleanse Parasites For People and Pets With All Natural Methods
    von Stephen Tvedten
    21,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    13,00 €

  • - What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex
    von Angela Chen
    16,00 €

  • - The Real Science Behind What We Eat
    von Professor Tim Spector
    13,00 €

    One of the leading scientists in the field explores the hidden connection between our guts and our health

  • - 100 Mediterranean-Inspired Recipes
    von Rebecca Fett
    30,00 €

    The cookbook companion to the groundbreaking fertility book, It Starts with the Egg

  • 13% sparen
    - The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Microbiome
    von Will Bulsiewicz
    24,00 €

    A bold new plant-based plan that challenges popular keto and paleo diets, from an award-winning gastroenterologist.The benefits of restrictive diets like paleo and keto have been touted for more than a decade, but as renowned gastroenterologist Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, or "Dr. B," illuminates in this groundbreaking book, the explosion of studies on the microbiome makes it abundantly clear that elimination diets are in fact hazardous to our health. What studies clearly now show--and what Dr. B preaches with his patients--is that gut health is the key to boosting our metabolism, balancing our hormones, and taming the inflammation that causes a host of diseases. And the scientifically proven way to fuel our guts is with dietary fiber from an abundant variety of colorful plants.Forget about the fiber your grandmother used to take--the cutting-edge science on fiber is incredibly exciting. As Dr. B explains, fiber energizes our gut microbes to create powerhouse postbiotics called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that are essential to our health. SCFAs are scientifically proven to promote weight loss, repair leaky gut, strengthen the microbiome, optimize the immune system, reduce food sensitivities, lower cholesterol, reverse type 2 diabetes, improve brain function, and even prevent cancer. Restrictive fad diets starve the gut of the critical fiber we need, weaken the microbes, and make our system vulnerable.As a former junk-food junkie, Dr. B knows firsthand the power of fiber to dramatically transform our health. The good news is that our guts can be trained. Fiber-rich, real foods--with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes--start working quickly and maintain your long-term health, promote weight loss, and allow you to thrive and feel great from the inside out. With a 28-day jumpstart program with menus and more than 65 recipes, along with essential advice on food sensitivities, Fiber Fueled offers the blueprint to start turbocharging your gut for lifelong health today.

  • 14% sparen
    - Find your inner peace with the international bestselling author of A New Earth & The Power of Now
    von Eckhart Tolle
    11,98 - 12,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    - Simple Lessons for Radical Results
    von Esther Wojcicki
    13,00 €

    The Godmother of Silicon Valley, legendary teacher, and mother of three superstar daughters, shares her tried-and-tested methods for raising happy, healthy, successful children. How we raise and educate our children determines not only the people they become but the society we create.

  • - The new neuroscience that shatters the myth of the female brain
    von Gina Rippon
    13,00 €

    Do you have a female brain or a male brain?Drawing on her work as a professor of cognitive neuroimaging, Gina Rippon unpacks the stereotypes that bombard us from our earliest moments and shows how these messages mould our ideas of ourselves and even shape our brains.

  • 10% sparen
    - The Sunday Times Bestseller: How to Accept Yourself in a World Striving for Perfection
    von Haemin Sunim
    13,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    - How DNA Makes Us Who We Are
    von Robert Plomin
    11,98 €

  • - 44 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day
    von Roman Tschappeler & Mikael Krogerus
    13,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    - Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
    von Gary Vaynerchuk
    15,00 €

    Gary Vaynerchuk has captured attention with his multi-faceted approach to personal branding and business. After utilizing traditional advertising techniques to build his family's local wine business into a national industry leader, Gary leveraged social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook to promote Wine Library TV, his video blog.

  • - How successful people become even more successful
    von Marshall Goldsmith
    12,00 €

    Perhaps one small flaw is the only thing that keeps you from where you want to be. This book states that people often do well in spite of certain habits rather than because of them - and need a 'to stop' list rather than what 'to do'. It intends to help global leaders overcome their unconscious annoying habits and become more successful.

  • 15% sparen
    - Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy
    von Adam Grant & Sheryl Sandberg
    14,00 €

    In 2015 Sheryl Sandberg s husband, Dave Goldberg, died suddenly at the age of forty-eight. Sandberg and her two young children were devastated, and she was certain that their lives would never have real joy or meaning again.Just weeks later, Sandberg was talking with a friend about the first father-child activity without a father. They came up with a plan for someone to fill in. But I want Dave, she cried. Her friend put his arm around her and said, Option A is not available. So let s just kick the shit out of Option B. Everyone experiences some form of Option B. We all deal with loss: jobs lost, loves lost, lives lost. The question is not whether these things will happen but how we face them when they do.Thoughtful, honest, revealing and warm, OPTION B weaves Sandberg s experiences coping with adversity with new findings from Adam Grant and other social scientists. The book features stories of people who recovered from personal and professional hardship, including illness, injury, divorce, job loss, sexual assault and imprisonment. These people did more than recover many of them became stronger. OPTION B offers compelling insights for dealing with hardships in our own lives and helping others in crisis. It turns out that post-traumatic growth is common even after the most devastating experiences many people don t just bounce back but actually bounce forward. And pre-traumatic growth is also possible: people can build resilience even if they have not experienced tragedy. Sandberg and Grant explore how we can raise strong children, create resilient communities and workplaces, and find meaning, love and joy in our lives. Dave s death changed me in very profound ways, Sandberg writes. I learned about the depths of sadness and the brutality of loss. But I also learned that when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface and breathe again.

  • von Joan Didion
    12,00 €

    From one of America's greatest and most iconic writers: an honest and courageous portrait of age and motherhood.Several days before Christmas 2003, Joan Didion's only daughter, Quintana, fell seriously ill. In 2010, Didion marked the sixth anniversary of her daughter's death. 'Blue Nights' is a shatteringly honest examination of Joan Didion's life as a mother, a woman and a writer.Recently widowed, and becoming increasingly frail, 'Blue Nights' is Didion's attempt to understand our deepest fears, our inadequate adjustments to ageing and to put a name to what we refuse to see and as a consequence fail to face up to, 'this refusal even to engage in such contemplation, this failure to confront the certainties of ageing, illness and death. This fear.' This fear is tied to what we cherish most and fight to conserve, protect, and refuse to let go, for, 'when we are talking about mortality we are talking about our children.' To face death is to let go of memory, to be bereft once more, 'I know what it is I am now experiencing. I know what the frailty is, I know what the fear is.'The fear is not for what is lost.The fear is for what is still to be lost.You may see nothing still to be lost.Yet there is no day in her life on which I do not see her.A profound, poetic and powerful book about motherhood and the fierce way in which we continue to exalt and nurture our children, even if they only live on in memory.'Blue Nights' is an intensely personal, and yet, strangely universal account of how we love. It is both groundbreaking and a culmination of a stunning career.

  • 11% sparen
    - Kærlighedshistorier om parforholdets udfordringer
    von Katrine Axholm
    28,00 €

    Katrine Axholm tror på kærligheden. Hun er parterapeut, og hun tror på,at vi mennesker inderst inde ønsker os at elske og blive elsket. En at dele livets op- og nedture med. At lykkes med familien og sidde sammen på en bænk, når vi bliver gamle og se tilbage på vores fælles liv. Hun ved også, at mange synes, kærligheden er svær. Kompliceret og smertefuld. Derfor opgiver over 50 procent og lader sig skille. Hun synes, de ofte går af de forkerte årsager. Fordi de ikke ved bedre. Fordi de tror, at kærlighed handler om at få noget af en anden. At et andet menneske skal give dem alt det, de har brug for og gøre dem lykkelige. Og når ikke det lykkes, så er det bedre at leve uden eller at prøve lykken med en anden. Men sådan behøver det ikke at være. Her i bogen inviteres du direkte ind i en række kærlighedshistorier, der beskriver de typiske udfordringer i parforholdet: midtvejskriser, utroskab, kulde, manglende kærlighed, tillid, kedsomhed og meget mere. Hovedpersonerne er både mænd og kvinder, der er nået til et punkt, hvor de ikke kan mere. De står ved en skillevej og skal træffe en beslutning.Du kan læse om deres dilemmaer, hvorfor de vælger at gå i parterapi, deres og partnerens indsigter og erkendelser i løbet af terapien, Katrine Axholms overvejelser undervejs og de perspektiver, som garanteret vil få dig til at se på dit eget parforhold med nye øjne. Du vil også få nogle direkte råd til, hvad du selv skal holde øje med i dit eget parforhold. Bogens formål er at inspirere dig til at se på dig selv og forstå din egen adfærd, så du og din partner kan lære at gøre noget andet og bedre og sammen (gen)finde kærligheden.

  • - 3. reviderede udgave. 2. oplag
    von Torben Næsby
    14,00 €

    Børnene er det råstof, Danmarks fremtid skabes af. Derfor er det helt afgørende, at vi som samfund hele tiden gør os klogere på, hvordan vi giver alle vores børn den bedst mulige trivsel, tryghed, læring og udvikling. Det er et rigtig stærkt afsæt for at forske i, hvordan vi som samfund skaber den bedste kvalitet for alle vores børn i deres dagtilbud. Samtidig giver det os en særlig forpligtelse til, at vi som samfund bruger den viden, forskningen stiller til vores rådighed, når vi træffer de afgørende beslutninger om, hvordan dagtilbuddenes indhold og rammer skal være. Bogen her er en revideret og udvidet udgave af "Barndom og pædagogisk kvalitet i dagtilbud 2", der udkom sidste år. Der er nye kapitler om sociale relationer i og omkring skolestart, overgange mellem dagtilbud, skole og SFO, tidlig indsats og sundhed og sundhedsfremme. Endelig er der et nyt metodeafsnit med præsentation af konceptuel ramme og et nyt dialogværktøj, KVALid.

  • von Anand Gupta
    14,00 €

    Ayurvedic slankekure handler om at spise og at spise godt. Vægtøgning er ikke på grund af, hvor meget vi spiser, det handler om, hvor meget af det, vi spiser. Det er præcis det problem, at ayurvedisk kost adresser gennem sine centrale principper. Gennem denne bog har jeg forsøgt at bygge en relation mellem natur og fødevarer gennem principperne i Ayurveda, der ikke kun hjælper med sundt vægttab, men også fokuserer på holistisk velvære. Jeg har brugt tips og grundlæggende viden til at uddanne dig om denne diæt form, således at du kan foretage et informeret valg udstyret med alle de centrale oplysninger, der danner grundlag for ayurvedisk slankekure.

  • - Quick and Dirty Tips for Surviving a J-Pouch
    von Aw Cross
    16,00 €

    You've just gotten a j-pouch. Now what?Life with your new j-pouch might feel intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. In Unicorn Farts and Glitter: Quick and Dirty Tips for Surviving a J-Pouch, author and j-pouch veteran AW Cross gives you a first-hand, non-medical perspective about what to expect from your j-pouch and how to manage it successfully.Through her usual blend of practicality and humor, you'll learn how to: Cope with the physical consequences and emotional impact of having a j-pouch Manage pouchitis, cuffitis, obstructions, strictures, and skin care Pack a survival kit and leave the house with confidence Dress, eat, and have sex Deal with healthcare professionals and enjoy your stays in the hospital Use social media and parley with non-pouchersWhether you've just gotten your j-pouch, or you've had one for years, if you're determined to make the most of it, this book is for you.If you'd rather pretend that you're normal, have no sense of humor about your j-pouch, and hate unicorns and rainbows, DON'T BUY THIS BOOK!

  • - A Practical Workbook for Integrating Themes, Ideas, and Inspiration into Your Class
    von Sage Rountree
    21,00 €

    Create class themes with yoga philosophy, inspirational quotes, and simple concepts to inspire and motivate students Experienced yoga instructors Sage Rountree and Alexandra DeSiato give yoga teachers the tools to find their voice and tap into innate wisdom. The authors offer ready-made, detailed themes to use in classes and provide flexible templates for building a toolkit of themes for future use. Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses offers guidance for both new and experienced teachers starting with a section on voice, authenticity, emulation, phrasing, practice, repetition, and finding inspiration. It continues with a second section that contains fifty-four complete themes that instructors can easily use in their own classes. The final section includes blank templates for instructors to create their own class themes and notes. With a unique angle and practical feel, this workbook will appeal to yoga teachers, teacher trainers, and at-home practitioners who want to move to the next level.

  • von Barbara Pease & Allan Pease
    38,99 €

    Har du også undret dig over, hvorfor en mand, der læser avis, ikke kan høre, når man beder ham gå ned med skraldet? Og hvorfor kvinder altid vil tale alting rigtig godt igennem? Og hvorfor mænd kommer med løsningsforslag, men hader at få gode råd? Ja, så er du langt fra den eneste og kan finde mange af svarene i denne humoristiske guide til det gode, men svære samliv.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlDet australske ægtepar Allan og Barbara Pease er eksperter i kropssprog og har skrevet en lang række bøger om parforhold og kønsforskelle. Parrets bøger har haft stor international succes, og mange af dem er udkommet på dansk.

  • von Lovebook
    19,00 €

    The Big Activity Book For Couples is an exhilarating work by Lovebook, a renowned author in the realm of relationship literature. Published in 2015 by Love Book LLC, this book stands as a testament to Lovebook's creative prowess and deep understanding of relationship dynamics. The book belongs to the genre which blends practicality with entertainment, providing couples with a unique opportunity to bond, communicate, and learn about each other in a fun and engaging manner. The Big Activity Book For Couples is more than just a book; it's an experience that Lovebook invites you to partake in. With its publication in 2015 by Love Book LLC, it has continued to foster love, understanding, and unity among couples. Dive into this exciting journey and discover a new dimension of your relationship that you never knew existed.

  • von Catherine Wilks
    49,00 €

    p-i-l-a-t-e-s Reformer Teacher Training Manual - The second of 5 Reformer programs it includes 50 Beginner/Intermediate Exercises. The 5 Reformer Manuals collectively include over 300 exercises in this series. An excellent resource for Pilates Instructors to increase the range and variations of the traditional Reformer Exercises created by Joseph H Pilates.

  • 12% sparen
    von Katrine Granholm
    15,00 €

    By enhancing your ability to identify connections, you can enhance your creativity. This exercise book strengthens your ability to recognise connections. The exercises are based on the theory of the book The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker, as well as observations in neuroscience, and seventy years of creativity studies.

  • - How to read others' attitudes by their gestures
    von Allan Pease
    15,00 €

    This international bestseller explains everything you need to know about body language, how to read it, and how to put your best self forwards.

  • von Juno Dawson
    13,00 €

    A funny and pertinent book about being lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer, transgender or just curious - for everybody, no matter their gender or sexualityFormer PSHCE teacher and acclaimed YA author Juno Dawson gives an uncensored look at what it's like to grow up as LGBT.

  • 11% sparen
    - Or; Disease and the Art of Medical Illustration
    von Richard Barnett
    28,00 €

    Presents a visual tour through disease in an age before colour photography. This volume combines detailed illustrations of afflicted patients from some of the worlds rarest medical books, that forms a profoundly human reminder of mankinds struggle with disease. It features historic maps, pioneering charts and contemporary case notes.

  • 10% sparen
    - The Path to Fulfilling and Sustainable Sexuality
    von Diana Richardson
    14,00 €

    A revolutionary practice for couples to enhance sexuality and reach higher states of consciousness.

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