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  • 10% sparen
    - The Psychology of the Con and Why We Fall for It Every Time
    von Maria Konnikova
    12,98 €

    A compelling investigation into the minds, motives and methods of con artists by a New York Times bestselling psychologist

  • - Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days
    von Sara Gottfried
    24,00 €

    The Harvard-educated physician and New York Times bestselling author of The Hormone Cure shows you how to grow new receptors for your seven metabolic hormones, making you lose weight and feel great fast!When it comes to weight loss, most people don't think about hormones.

  • - An Encyclopedia of Feeling from Anger to Wanderlust
    von Tiffany Watt-Smith
    14,00 €

  • - The myth of individual thought and the power of collective wisdom
    von Steven Sloman & Philip Fernbach
    15,00 €

    The human mind is both brilliant and pathetic. We have mastered fire and have stood on the moon, and yet every one of us is fundamentally ignorant, irrational and prone to making simple mistakes every day.'In The Knowledge Illusion, the cognitive scientists Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach hammer another nail into the coffin of the rational individual . . . positing that not just rationality but the very idea of individual thinking is a myth.'Yuval Harari, bestselling author of Sapiens and Homo DeusIn this groundbreaking book, cognitive scientists Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach show how our success as a species is down to us living in a rich community of knowledge where we are drawing on information and expertise outside our heads. And we have no idea that we are even doing it.Utilizing cutting-edge research, The Knowledge Illusion explains why we think we know more than we do, why beliefs are so hard to change and why we are so prone to making mistakes. Providing a blueprint for successful ways to work in collaboration to do amazing things, it reveals why the key to human intelligence lies in the way we think and work together.

  • 17% sparen
    - The Facts Visually Explained
    von DK
    20,00 €

    Get the answers to hundreds of financial questions with How Money Works, including how to invest for the future, how to maximise your income, how financial markets work, and how governments control money. Discover essential know-how on everything from debt management to online fraud, and learn to manage your own money from payments to pensions. This intriguing guide breaks down the jargon of the financial world, with insights into personal, business, and governmental finance, and giving you the definitions to cash flow, bonds, superannuation, the open market, and hundreds more. Fully up-to-date with the latest financial developments, including quantitative easing and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, How Money Works is your indispensable guide to the world of money.

  • 10% sparen
    - A Survival Manual For a Sexist Workplace
    von Jessica Bennett
    13,00 €

    'Engaging, hilarious and practical - I will proudly proclaim myself a card-carrying member of the FFC' - Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and bestselling author of Lean InThis is a call to arms.Are you aged zero to infinity? Finished with the sexist status quo? Ready to kick ass and take names?Welcome to the Feminist Fight Club. You have lifetime membership.Feminist Fight Club provides an arsenal of weapons for surviving in an unequal world. You will learn how to fight micro-aggressions, correct unconscious bias, deal with male colleagues who can't stop 'manterrupting' or 'bro-propriating' your ideas - and how to lean in without falling the f*ck over.Every woman needs this book - and they needed it yesterday.This is not a drill.

  • - On the Role of Death in Life
    von Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon & Tom Pyszczynski
    13,00 €

    Proof of a ground-breaking psychological theory: that the fear of death is the hidden motive behind almost everything we do.'A joy ... The Worm at the Core asks how humans can learn to live happily while being intelligently aware of our impending doom, how knowledge of death affects the decisions we make every day, and how we can stop fear and anxiety overwhelming us' Charlotte Runcie, Daily Telegraph'Provocative, lucid and fascinating' Financial Times'An important, superbly readable and potentially life-changing book . . . suggests one should confront mortality in order to live an authentic life' Tim Lott, Guardian 'Deep, important, and beautifully written ... utterly original' Daniel Gilbert

  • - An Eater's Manual
    von Michael Pollan
    11,00 €

    Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much. Using those seven words as his guide, Michael Pollan offers this indispensable handbook for anyone concerned about health and food. Simple, sensible and easy to use, Food Rules is a set of memorable adages or 'personal policies' for eating wisely, gathered from a wide variety of sources: mothers, grandmothers, nutritionists, anthropologists and ancient cultures among them. Whether at the supermarket, a restaurant or an all-you-can-eat buffet, this handy, pocket-size resource is the perfect manual for anyone who would like to become more mindful of the food we eat. For the past twenty years, Michael Pollan has been writing about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agriculture, gardens, drugs, and architecture. The Omnivore's Dilemma, about the ethics and ecology of eating, was named one of the ten best books of 2006 by the New York Times and the Washington Post. He is also the author of The Botany of Desire, A Place of My Own and Second Nature and, most recently, In Defence of Food.

  • - Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload
    von Daniel Levitin
    15,00 €

    Author and neuroscientist Daniel Levitin tackles the problems of twenty-first century information overload in his New York Times bestselling book The Organized Mind.'The Organized Mind is smart, important, and as always, exquisitely written' - Daniel Gilbert, Harvard University, author of Stumbling on HappinessOverwhelmed by demands on your time? Baffled by the sheer volume of data?You're not alone: modern society is in a state of information overload. The Organized Mind investigates this phenomenon and the effect it has on us, analysing how and why our brains are struggling to keep up with the demands of the digital age.The twenty-first century sees us drowning under emails, forever juggling six tasks at once and trying to make complex decisions ever more quickly. Using a combination of academic research and examples from daily life, neuroscientist and bestselling author Daniel Levitin explains how to take back control of your life.This book will take you through every aspect of modern life, from healthcare to online dating to raising kids, showing that the secret to success is always organization. Levitin's research is surprising, powerful and will change the way you see the world. It's time to learn why there's no such thing as multitasking, why email is so addictive and why all successful people need a junk drawer.In a world where information is power, The Organized Mind holds the key to harnessing that information and making it work for you.Dr. Daniel J. Levitin has a PhD in Psychology, training at Stanford University Medical School and UC Berkeley. He is the author of the No. 1 bestseller This Is Your Brain On Music (Dutton, 2006), published in nineteen languages, and The World in Six Songs (Dutton, 2008) which hit the bestseller lists in its first week of release. Currently he is a James McGill Professor of Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience and Music at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

  • von Alain de Botton & The School of Life
    13,00 €

    In this rigorous and supremely honest book Alain de Botton helps us navigate the intimate and exciting - yet often confusing and difficult - experience that is sex. Few of us tend to feel we're entirely normal when it comes to sex, and what we're supposed to be feeling rarely matches up with the reality. This book argues that 21st-century sex is ultimately fated to be a balancing act between love and desire, and adventure and commitment. Covering topics that include lust, fetishism, adultery and pornography, Alain de Botton frankly articulates the dilemmas of modern sexuality, offering insights and consolation to help us think more deeply and wisely about the sex we are, or aren't, having. One in the new series of books from The School of Life, launched May 2012: How to Stay Sane by Philippa Perry How to Find Fulfilling Work by Roman Krznaric How to Worry Less About Money by John Armstrong How to Change the World by John-Paul Flintoff How to Thrive in the Digital Age by Tom Chatfield How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

  • - On Marriage and Separation
    von Rachel Cusk
    15,00 €

    Using her own life as a starting point, Rachel looks at the issues that arise for a woman in the years after she has lived the defining experiences of feminity. She writes about marriage, separation, motherhood, work, money, domesticity and love. Cusk considers the kinds of generational knowledge the contemporary woman harbours, the terrors or expectations that have been passed down to her and that are refracted through the modern transformation of female status.Aftermath is written in the personal/political mode that characterised A Life's Work, Cusk's acclaimed book about becoming a mother.

  • 12% sparen
    von Naja Marie Aidt
    11,48 €

    'I raise my glass to my eldest son. His pregnant wife and daughter are sleeping above us. Outside, the March evening is cold and clear. "To life!" I say as the glasses clink with a delicate and pleasing sound. My mother says something to the dog. Then the phone rings. We don't answer it. Who could be calling so late on a Saturday evening?' In March 2015, Naja Marie Aidt's 25-year-old son, Carl, died in a tragic accident. When Death Takes Something From You Give It Back is about losing a child. It is about formulating a vocabulary to express the deepest kind of pain. And it's about finding a way to write about a reality invaded by grief, lessened by loss. Faced with the sudden emptiness of language, Naja finds solace in the anguish of Joan Didion, Nick Cave, C.S. Lewis, Mallarme, Plato and other writers who have suffered the deadening impact of loss. Their torment suffuses with her own as Naja wrestles with words and contests their capacity to speak for the depths of her sorrow. This palimpsest of mourning enables Naja to turn over the pathetic, precious transience of existence and articulates her greatest fear: to forget. The insistent compulsion to reconstruct the harrowing aftermath of Carl's death keeps him painfully present, while fragmented memories, journal entries and poetry inch her closer to piecing Carl's life together. Intensely moving and quietly devastating, this is what is it to be a family, what it is to love and lose, and what it is to treasure life in spite of death's indomitable resolve.

  • 12% sparen
    - Kanaliseringer fra de ydre kanter af Universet
    von Marianne Lane
    23,00 €

    Jeg har længe fået besked på, at jeg skal til at kanalisere beskeder fra intelligente bevidstheder, der er ikke jordiske. Jeg har, i sommers, haft kontakt med dem i meditativ tilstand, og har indvilliget i at samarbejde. På grund af min sædvanlige indre modstand, så har jeg udskudt og udskudt. Men i dag, da jeg stod op, så vidste jeg pludselig, at nu går den ikke længere ... Her er de så, de første halvtreds kanaliseringer fra de ydre kanter af universet. God fornøjelse med dem. Jeg vil anbefale dig, at du højst læser en om dagen, og lader den sive ind et stykke tid, inden du læser den næste.

  • von Marianne Rose Dupont
    18,00 €

    Arketype betyder urform, mønster, struktur. Arketypernes sprog er billedligt og symbolsk. Arketyper findes i det kollektive ubevidste. Vi har dermed alle sammen adgang til alle arketyper, men vores opvækst gør, at vi har præferencer for nogle af typerne. Arketyper indeholder al den visdom/viden, hele menneskeheden har haft siden vores oprindelse, og alle arketyper indeholder en sol- og en skyggeside. Arketyperne kommer ikke kun til udtryk i personligheden, men også i forskellige konkrete, menneskelige udtryk, såsom kultur, religion, myter og symboler. Eksempler på sådanne fællesmenneskelige grundformer kan være arketyperne Den store moder, Den åndelige fader og Helten. Nøglen til børns ressourcer og healende udvikling er bevidstgørelse af de arketypiske energier. Symboler er det sprog, der tales i det ubevidste. Symboler er arketypernes sprog. Dets hensigt er at gøre det ubevidste mere bevidst. Marianne Rose Dupont arbejder som integreret psykoterapeut, spædbarnsterapeut og sandplayterapeut. Denne bog beskriver, hvorledes man ved hjælp af forholdsvis enkle redskaber kan skabe sund grobund for vækst og trivsel hos børn.

  • - 101 Ways to Love the Most Difficult People in Your Life
    von Debbie Joffe Ellis
    22,00 €

  • von Cornelia Funke
    12,00 €

    When restless Dustfinger plunges back into _Inkheart_'s storybook world, Meggie is soon pursuing him into a fresh tale of magic, rivalry and danger...

  • von Marguerite Porete
    23,00 €

  • - 3 Books in 1 - Communication in Relationships, Effective Communication, Conversation Skills. Uncover Simple Yet Amazingly Useful Strategies to Improve Your Social Confidence
    von Keith Coleman
    29,00 €

    Do you struggle in social situations? Stand up for yourself, get others to listen to you, and finally get your point across.So much of our lives depend on the conversations we have, and where they lead us to. Every one of them is an opportunity to assertively develop into something more if done right.Strike up a conversation that makes you memorable and likable. Have smooth and flowing conversations.This 3 book collection includes:1. Communication in Relationships: Find Out How Simple Yet Amazingly Powerful Communication Skills Can Shape a Stronger, Deeper & More Fulfilling Relationship2. Effective Communication: Skills and Strategies to Effectively Speak Your Mind Without Being Misunderstood3. Conversation Skills: Useful Methods and Advice to Conquer Small Talk, Improve Social Confidence and Network Like Never BeforeDiscover how to talk to your spouse to resolve conflicts, conquer small talk, and improve your confidence. Fight respectfully when you can't see eye to eye with each other Different ways to create shared meaning within the relationship Validation and how it can be a relationship saver Communicate using non-verbal signals Build Effective Communication Skills Handle Public Speaking Body Language that Compliments Your Verbal Skills Communication obstacles you need to be aware of Become a conversational whiz at work Build your everyday assertiveness by adding this to your cart

  • - The #1 Guide for Beginners - Over 75+ Bodyweight Exercises (Photos Included)
    von Bruce Harlow
    23,00 €

    New to Bodyweight Training? You NEED This Book! The #1 Beginners Guide to Calisthenics (With Photos)!From the best-selling author, Bruce Harlow, comes Calisthenics Workout Bible: The #1 Guide for Beginners - Over 75+ Bodyweight Exercises (Photos Included). This book will introduce you to bodyweight training with simple calisthenic workouts!If you're bored with the same workout program and have hit a plateau...If you want to improve your core by building a stronger, more flexible & sexier body...Or if you just want to ditch the gym and train with your body weight...THEN THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!This book provides you with a simple beginners guide to calisthenics that has now been rated the #1 Beginners Guide with Photos on Amazon!It comes with all the instructions and photos that you will need to begin pushing your body further than ever before. You can expect to see great health benefits and physical changes within just a few days.If you successfully implement the plan in this book, you will… Become stronger and more flexible - with greatest improvements in your core strength Feel relaxed and healthy all day because calisthenics is a natural bodyweight workout Power up your body to boost your metabolic rate and burn more fat all day Be able to ditch the gym with a great list of home workouts to increase strength

  • von Charlotte Bech
    49,00 €

    Glæd dig - en befriende forvandling venter! Her med anden udgave af bogen får du både kvindedøgnet og kvindekostplanen med flere opskrifter på hormonvenlig mad og kølende ansigtsmasker. Hvad nu, hvis det virkelig er muligt at passere de 40 uden stigninger i kropsvarme og uden at tage på i vægt, og uden hormoner, og i stedet blive sundere, slankere og smukkere end før? Med denne bog i hænderne er alt dette inden for din rækkevidde. Bogen giver redskaber til, hvordan man bedst plejer sit ydre ved at styrke kroppens celler, væv og organsystemer og sit indre gennem erkendelse, indsigt og meditation. Du får masser af kyndige og - i vores del af verden - hidtil ukendte råd til, hvordan du lettere kan tabe dig, få mere energi, sove bedre og få en sundere hud med større udstråling. Samtidig får du praktiske råd og vejledning i, hvordan du tackler de gener, du kan møde i overgangsfasen, såsom tørre slimhinder, vægtøgning, rynker, slap hud, mormorarme, svedeture, nedture og træthed.

  • - No Gimmicks, Luck, or Trust Fund Required
    von Bryce Leung
    18,00 €

    From two leaders of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement, a bold, contrarian guide to retiring at any age, with a reproducible formula to financial independence

  • - Somatics, Healing, and Social Justice
    von Staci Haines
    22,00 €

    An essential tool for healers, therapists, activists, and survivors of trauma who are interested in a justice-centered approach to somatic transformationThe Politics of Trauma offers somatics with a social analysis. This book is for therapists and social activists who understand that trauma healing is not just for individuals--and that social change is not just for movement builders. Just as health practitioners need to consider the societal factors underlying trauma, so too must activists understand the physical and mental impacts of trauma on their own lives and the lives of the communities with whom they organize. Trauma healing and social change are, at their best, interdependent. Somatics has proven to be particularly effective in addressing trauma, but in practice it typically focuses solely on the individual, failing to integrate the social conditions that create trauma in the first place. Staci K. Haines, somatic innovator and cofounder of generative somatics, invites readers to look beyond individual experiences of body and mind to examine the social, political, and economic roots of trauma--including racism, environmental degradation, sexism, and poverty. Haines helps readers identify, understand, and address these sources of trauma to help us bridge individual healing with social transformation.

  • 11% sparen
    - Living better together, the African way
    von Nompumelelo Mungi Ngomane
    17,00 €

    A guide to Ubuntu - the South African philosophy that emphasises the common humanity and interconnectedness of all people.

  • - Indigenous Wisdom, Psychedelic Therapy, and the Path of Transformation: A Practitioner's Guide
    von Francoise Bourzat
    17,00 €

    "Françoise Bourzat has written an authoritative book on guided psychedelic therapy with important lessons for anyone thinking of either guiding or being guided." -Michael Pollan via TwitterA comprehensive guide to the safe and ethical application of expanded states of consciousness for therapists, healing practitioners, and sincere explorers Psychedelic medicines also known as entheogens are entering the mainstream. And it's no wonder: despite having access to the latest wellness trends and advances in technology, we're no healthier, happier, or more meaningfully connected. Psilocybin mushrooms, ayahuasca, and LSD-as well as other time-tested techniques with the power to shift consciousness such as drumming, meditation, and vision quests-are now being recognized as potent catalysts for change and healing. But how do we ensure that we're approaching them effectively? Françoise Bourzat-a counselor and experienced guide with sanctioned training in the Mazatec and other indigenous traditions-and healer Kristina Hunter introduce a holistic model focusing on the threefold process of preparation, journey, and integration. Drawing from more than thirty years of experience, Bourzat's skillful and heartfelt approach presents the therapeutic application of expanded states, without divorcing them from their traditional contexts. Consciousness Medicine delivers a coherent map for navigating nonordinary states of consciousness, offering an invaluable contribution to the field of healing and transformation.

  • 11% sparen
    - Daily mindfulness from the creator of Hamilton the Musical
    von Lin-Manuel Miranda
    17,00 €

    ~ NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER ~ From the creator of Hamilton: The Musical and star of His Dark Materials, this beautifully illustrated book of pep talks will inspire you at the beginning and end of each day.

  • von R H Jarrett & James (La Trobe University Victoria) Allen
    13,00 €

  • - The Complete Book
    von Irina Kartaly
    29,95 €

    Pole Dance Fitness is a guide to performing the best pole dance exercises to create one intense workout. The book contains specific information, practical descriptions, and full-color photos designed to help the reader understand the best approach for each exercise, movement, trick, or spin.

  • 14% sparen
    - How to Deal with People Who Treat You Like Dirt
    von Robert I Sutton
    12,00 €

    Robert Sutton is the bestselling author of The No Asshole Rule, on building civilized workplaces, which has sold 800,000 copies around the world, Good Boss, Bad Boss and Scaling Up Excellence. He is a professor at Stanford's Department of Management Science and Engineering, fellow at IDEO and has published over 150 articles in academic journals and outlets such as the Harvard Business Review, the McKinsey Quarterly, and the Financial Times. He tweets @work_matters

  • - Guide to Traditional Chinese Food Energetics
    von Daverick Leggett
    24,00 €

    This manual is intended as a resource for students and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, such as Acupuncture, Shiatsu and Qi Gong. The book details the energetic properties of around 300 common foods, and explains the principles of Chinese medicine and how to apply them for daily use.

  • - The Swedish Art of Balanced Living
    von Linnea Dunne
    12,98 €

    Discover the Swedish ethos of balanced living with Lagom.

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