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  • von Tabita Wulff
    46,99 €

    Naturmedicin, som mere end en million danskere benytter sig af, kan være et godt supplement til lægeordineret medicin. ”Naturmedicinguide” er et opslagsværk, som giver dig en grundig oversigt over de midler, der findes på det danske marked. Du får indblik i produkter, såvel godkendte naturlægemidler som kosttilskud, deres anvendelse, virkning og bivirkning.Du får også gode tips om aktive stoffer i planter, homøopati, lægeurter, som du selv kan finde i naturen, brug af æteriske olier, alternativ medicin til gravide, børn og ældre, naturlægemidler til dyr samt et væld af råd og videnskabelig dokumentation.”Naturmedicin” udkom første gang i 2002. Vi anbefaler, at man altid konsulterer egen læge, hvis man brug for råd og vejledning i forbindelse med sygdom. Tabita Wulff er en dansk forfatter og journalist, som er kendt for sit meget store fokus på blandt andet helse- og urtemedicin. Hun har udgivet mere end et dusin bøger i forskellige genrer om emner så forskellige som rygestop, naturmedicin og cirkushistorier.

  • von Kim Gørtz
    21,00 €

    Filosof, ph.d. og coach Kim Gørtz har skrevet en del bøger om filosofi og ledelse. Gennem længere tid har han villet skrive en bog om manden; hans genvordigheder, smerte, sorg, savn og forhåbninger. Erkend dig selv, mand kommer på et filosofisk, eksistentielt og personligt grundlag vidt omkring vor tids mands genvordigheder. Kim Gørtz beskriver med et glimt i øjet mandens væsen fra den antikke helt til den moderne slyngel. Han sammenligner og modstiller og tegner et billede af vor tids mand, der uanset type vil trives med at erkende sig selv som mand for at kunne håndtere livets grundfølelser, leve og opleve livet og se tilbage på sig selv som den mand, han virkelig er og ønsker at være. Med udgangspunkt i øjeblikket deler Kim Gørtz mandens erkendelsespraksis op i tre momenter: Dér, hvor han stopper op og opdager, at han enten blot er en skoldet skid i et par lærredsbukser eller en flue i en flaske, som farer relativt forvirret rundt og mangler et højere formål med sin tilværelse. Dér, hvor han ser sig selv efter i sømmene og går på opdagelse dybt inde og langt ude. Erkendelsesøjeblikket indtræffer, når han bevæger sig forbi og igennem det punkt, hvor han vitterlig formår at forbinde sin tilværelse med et formål, som er større og mindre end ham selv. Her finder han vished, balance, ro og fylde i livet. Erkend dig selv, mand er en filosofs frejdige, kække, ligefremme og bevidst anmassende fortælling – som en delvis egenberetning – om manden. Bogens formål er at inspirere manden til at styrke sin selvindsigt og handlingsudfald gennem tilvejebringelse af hans selverkendelse, finurligheder og genvordigheder, med henblik på at kunne være sig selv og være mand på den måde, han virkelig er og ønsker at være – og ikke på den måde, han tror, han skal være. Erkend dig selv, mand er bind 1 i VILDFARELSERNES TRILOGI, der handler om at få øje på alt det, vi aldrig har set eller ikke har kunnet se før, det, vi godt vidste, var der, men som vi havde glemt eller måske endda fortrængt.

  • - How to spot the differences in the way men & women think
    von Allan Pease
    13,00 €

    In this classic international bestselling book, Allan and Barbara Pease highlight the differences in the ways men and women think.

  • 16% sparen
    - Help Your Child be More Resilient, Independent and Creative
    von Dr. Daniel J Siegel
    16,00 €

    A highly effective guide to helping your child develop resilience and independence from the acclaimed bestselling authors of The Whole-Brain Child.

  • - Simple Tools from 60 Great Thinkers to Improve Your Life Today
    von The School of Life
    31,00 €

    A unique selection of the greatest thinkers from the fields of philosophy, political theory, sociology, art, architecture and literature, with enjoyable profiles of what they have to teach to us today.

  • von Nancy Bardacke
    26,00 €

    With Mindful Birthing, Nancy Bardacke, nurse-midwife and mindfulness teacher, lays out her innovative program for pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond. Drawing on groundbreaking research in neuroscience, mindfulness meditation, and mind/body medicine, Bardacke offers practices that will help you find calm and ease during this life-changing time, providing lifelong skills for healthy living and wise parenting. SOME OF THE BENEFITS OF MINDFUL BIRTHING: Increases confidence and decreases fear of childbirth Taps into deep inner resources for working with pain Improves couple communication, connection, and cooperation Provides stress-reducing skills for greater joy and wellbeing

  • - Passionate Rope Bondage and Intimate Connection
    von Lee Harrington
    25,00 €

    Sexually curious adults can learn how to enjoy bedroom bondage in an easy step-by-step fashion while still being tasteful, playful, and authentic .

  • 14% sparen
    von Darlene Lancer
    19,00 €

    Learn how to heal from the destructive hold of shame and codependency by implementing eight steps that will empower the real you and lead to healthier relationships.Shame: the torment you feel when you're exposed, humiliated, or rejected; the feeling of not being good enough. It's a deeply painful and universal emotion, yet is not frequently discussed. For some, shame lurks in the unconscious, undermining self-esteem, destroying confidence, and leading to codependency. These codependent relationships--where we overlook our own needs and desires as we try to care for, protect, or please another--often cover up abuse, addiction, or other harmful behaviors. Shame and codependency feed off one another, making us feel stuck, never able to let go, move on, and become the true self we were meant to be. In Conquering Shame and Codependency, Darlene Lancer sheds new light on shame: how codependents' feelings and beliefs about shame affect their identity, their behavior, and how shame can corrode relationships, destroying trust and love. She then provides eight steps to heal from shame, learn to love yourself, and develop healthy relationships.

  • - The Hidden Driver of Excellence
    von Daniel Goleman
    10,00 €

  • - A Guide to Living in an Intimate Relationship with a Partner who is on the Autism Spectrum
    von Maxine Aston
    21,00 €

    Does your other half have Asperger Syndrome (AS) or do you suspect that he or she is on the autism spectrum? This quick and helpful guide provides all the information you need for relationship success with your AS partner. Maxine Aston offers relationship advice that draws on over a decade of counselling experience.

  • - The Science of Near-Death Experiences
    von Jeffrey Long
    22,00 €

    "There is currently more scientific evidence to the reality of near death experience (NDE) than there is for how to effectively treat certain forms of cancer," states radiation oncologist Dr. Jeffrey Long is his groundbreaking new book Evidence of the Afterlife.

  • von The School of Life
    13,00 €

    We often stay stuck with the level of confidence we have because we implicitly regard being confident as a matter of slightly freakish and unrepeatable good luck. In fact, as this essay charmingly shows, the opposite is true. Confidence is a skill based on a set of ideas about our place in the world - and its secrets can quietly be learnt.

  • von Hans Selye
    30,00 €

    Considering stress, this text covers the discovery of stress; the dissection of stress; the disease of adaptation; and implications and applications. Annotated references are also included.

  • - A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way
    von Rick Carson
    23,00 €

    Your gremlin interprets your every experience. He has nothing good to say about you or anything you do, not to mention your dreams and aspirations. Just when you feel you've out-argued or overcome him, he changes his disguise and his strategy. What he hates is simply being noticed. That's the first step to his taming. This title shows you how.

  • - The Everyday Practice of Enlightened Living
    von Donna Farhi
    22,00 €

    Internationally renowned and bestselling author Donna Farhi moves yoga practice beyond the mat into our everyday lives, restoring the tradition's intended function as a complete, practical philosophy for daily living. Expanding upon the teachings of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the core text of the yoga tradition, Donna Farhi describes yoga's transforming power as a complete life practice, far beyond its common reduction to mere exercise routine or stress management. This is the philosophy of yoga as a path to a deeper awareness of self. Drawing upon her years of teaching with students, Farhi guides readers through all the pitfalls and promises of navigating a spiritual practice. Farhi's engaging and accessible style and broad experience offer important teachings for newcomers and seasoned practitioners of yoga alike. And because her teachings of yoga philosophy extend into every corner of daily life, this book is an equally accessible guide to those seeking spiritual guidance without learning the pretzel bendings of the physical practice itself. As one of the top teachers worldwide, Farhi's exploration of the core philosophy of yoga is destined to become an instant classic.

  • von Muktibodhananda Swami
    48,00 €

    Hatha Yoga Pradipika is divided into different portions, each of which explain a certain part of Yoga. Hatha Yoga involves the yoga of the body, and yet this book does not restrict itself to the physical aspects of yoga, but delves deeper to how yoga can awaken the chakras and the kundalini energy, helping the person who practices it achieve spiritual liberation. There are different upadesas or chapters to Hatha Yoga Pradipika, out of which the shatkarmas are discussed elaborately in one of them. These are yogic practices which are created to completely purify the body. There are different methods like neti, involving saline water through the nostrils, and the cleaning of sinuses among other things. There are other practices like dhauti and basti, which are described in detail. There are other upadesas that describe tantric practices in yoga, involving various methods which are all designed as enemas to cleanse the body. There are different exercises, for example to improve the frenulum of the tongue and to awaken the kundalini shakti effectively. The final upadesa is about samadhi, which is the final meditative state of yoga where the practitioner is said to become one with the cosmos. It talks of the alchemy of life, and how this state of spiritual enlightenment can be attained through continuous practice. Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a translation of Swami Svatmarama s original text, making it palatable and easier to understand than the original.

  • - A Woman's Journey into Dreamtime Australia
    von Marlo Morgan
    12,00 €

    Offers a fictional account of the spiritual odyssey of an American woman in Australia. Summoned by a remote tribe of nomadic Aboriginals to accompany them on a walkabout through the outback, she learns how they live and thrive in natural harmony with the plants and animals that exist in the rugged geography of the desert region.

  • 14% sparen
    - A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal
    von Desmond Morris
    11,98 €

    FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY EDITION - WITH A NEW PREFACE BY THE AUTHORHere is the Naked Ape at his most primal - in love, at work, at war.

  • 10% sparen
    von Alain de Botton
    13,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    17,00 €

  • von Slavoj Zizek
    18,00 €

    If we want to be true atheists, do we have to begin with a religious edifice and undermine it from within?Slavoj Zizek has long been a commentator on, and critic of, Christian theology. His preoccupation with Badiou's concept of 'the event' alongside the Pauline thought of the New Testament has led to a decidedly theological turn in his thinking. Drawing on traditions and subjects as broad as Buddhist thought, dialectical materialism, political subjectivity, quantum physics, AI and chatbots, this book articulates Zizek's idea of a religious life for the first time. Christian Atheism is a unique insight into Zizek's theological project and the first book-length exploration of his religious thinking. In his own words, "to become a true dialectical materialist, one should go through the Christian experience." Crucial to his whole conception of 'experience' is not some kind of spiritual revelation but rather the logic of materialistic thought. This affirmation of Christian theology whilst simultaneously deconstructing it is a familiar Zizekian move, but one that holds deep-seated political, philosophical and, in the end, personal import for him.Here is Zizek's most extensive treatment of theology and religion to date.

  • 26% sparen
    von Gisele Bündchen
    27,00 €

    "World-renowned model and wellness advocate Gisele Bundchen presents a collection of 100 delicious, accessible recipes focused on kickstarting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while finding balance and intention through food. Superstar model and environmental activist Gisele Bundchen believes wellness begins with food. At home, she follows an 80/20 plan, with 80% of her diet focused on fueling her body with healthy and lean proteins and nutrient-rich vegetables while the remaining 20% is reserved for eating with more flexibility (hello mom's chicken lasagna!). In her first cookbook, she devotes the first quarter of the book to walking readers through adjusting to this new mindset and offers practical guidance for making it work. From breaking cycles to setting intentions, the merits of an occasional juice fast, buying in bulk, minimizing waste, and meal planning, this book of 100 recipes is as much about cooking as it is about living with mindfulness. Just like many of us, Gisele is no stranger to restrictive diet fads and unhealthy eating habits. In Nourish, she provides guidance on how to create a routine filled with positive intention, delicious food, and gratitude to improve your health and mindset"--

  • von Marc Auge
    13,00 €

    A provocative study of the ‘non-space’ which defines our age’s love for excess of information and space

  • von Christian Behl
    38,00 €

    This book highlights the key phases and central findings of Alzheimer¿s Disease research since the introduction of the label ¿Alzheimer¿s Disease¿ in 1910. The author, Christian Behl, puts dementia research in the context of the respective zeitgeist and summarizes the paths that have led to the currently available Alzheimer¿s drugs. As the reader is taken through the major developments in Alzheimer's Disease research, particularly over the past thirty years, Behl poses critical questions: Why are the exact causes of Alzheimer's Disease still in the dark, despite all the immense, worldwide research efforts in academia as well as in the pharmaceutical industry? Why has the majority of an entire research field kept focusing on a single hypothesis that establishes the deposition of the amyloid beta peptide in the brain as the key trigger of Alzheimer's pathology, even though this concept has still not been convincingly proven in the clinics? Are there other hypotheses that might explain the pathogenesis of this complex brain disease, and if so, why were these perspectives not adequately followed?In this book, Behl tries to answer these questions. Starting with the historical background, the author illustrates the long and arduous research journey, its numerous setbacks, and the many alternative explanations for the disease, which have started gaining increasing attention and acceptance in the Alzheimer¿s research community only more recently. With his deep dive into the history and progression of this research, including the most recent developments, Behl explains why he believes that it is high time to promote a paradigm shift in Alzheimer¿s Disease research.The book is written for all researchers in the fields of neurobiology and neurodegeneration, as well as other biomedical fields, who would like to gain a broad and beyond the surface insight into (the key developments of) one of the most promoted research fields of our time. With its extensive literature references and over 100 illustrations, the book is also attractive for students and interested lay persons. Elaborating on all the different aspects and research approaches of this research field, the author aims to convince the reader that the underlying causes of Alzheimer¿s Disease may be much more complex than previously thought and that this must be considered for future research directions. While he hopes that the Alzheimer¿s research community is finally ready to shed its ¿amyloid-straitjacket¿ that has hampered progress for too long, he is also convinced that a much-needed paradigm shift can guide future Alzheimer¿s Disease research and provide a new and broader perspective on this age-dependent brain disease.

  • 13% sparen
    von Bruce Hood
    17,00 €

  • von Sabine Hossenfelder
    13,00 €

    Do we have free will? Is the universe compatible with God? Do we live in a computer simulation? Does the universe think?Physicists are great at complicated research, but they are less good at telling us why it matters. In this entertaining and groundbreaking book, theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder breaks down why we should care. Drawing on the latest research in quantum mechanics, black holes, string theory and particle physics, Existential Physics explains what modern physics can tell us about the big questions.Filled with counterintuitive insights and including interviews with other leading scientists, this clear and yet profound book will reshape your understanding of science and the limits of what we can know.

  • 10% sparen
    von William MacAskill
    12,98 €

    THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'Unapologetically optimistic and bracingly realistic, this is the most inspiring book on ';ethical living' I've ever read.' Oliver Burkeman, Guardian ';A monumental event.' Rutger Bregman, author of Humankind ';A book of great daring, clarity, insight and imagination. To be simultaneously so realistic and so optimistic, and always so damn readable well that is a miracle for which he should be greatly applauded.' Stephen Fry Humanity is in its infancy. Our future could last for millions of years or it could end tomorrow. Astonishing numbers of people could lead lives of great happiness or unimaginable suffering, or never live at all, depending on what we choose to do today. As we approach a critical juncture in our history, we can make profound moral decisions about how humanity's course plays out. We can create positive change on behalf of future generations, to prevent the use of catastrophic weapons and maintain peace between the world's great powers. We can improve our moral values, navigating the rise of AI and climate change more fairly for generations to come. The challenges we face are enormous. But so is the influence we have. If we choose wisely, our distant descendants will look back on us fondly, knowing we did everything we could to give them a world that is beautiful and just.

  • von Tracey Meyers
    40,00 €

    This highly illustrated guide teaches yoga therapists and mental health professionals how to integrate Yin Yoga into practice and treatment plans as part of a holistic approach to healing and treating a variety of mental health challenges and brain injuries. Yin yoga is an accessible form of yoga consisting of mainly floor based low force stretching, perfect for all patients regardless of physical limitations. The use of Yin yoga when combined with breath work and meditation can decrease anxiety, improve overall mood, and create a sense of well-being.With explanations on the principles of practice, such as asanas, meditation, breathwork and how to integrate different psychological methods to decrease emotional suffering and increase self-care along with examples of how to apply these principles for a range of mental health conditions; this guide is essential reading for all practitioners interested in an integrated approach to healing.

  • von Amelia Nagoski
    18,00 €

    Solve the cycle of overwhelm and exhaustion, and empower yourself to create positive change. This interactive workbook from the experts behind the New York Times bestseller Burnout offers up the tools and tips to help get you there. We all want to achieve wellness. But wellness is not a state of mind or a state of being--it's a state of action. It's the freedom to oscillate through all the cycles of being human: from effort to rest, sleeping to waking, autonomy to connection. Burnout, on the other hand, happens when we get stuck. The Burnout Workbook will help you notice when you get stuck and show you how to get unstuck - inside you'll find:* engaging questions* exercises to practise skills* visual guides* stories* quotesand more!Feel better, minimize stress, manage your emotions, and live a more joyful life. Whether or not you've read Burnout, this workbook will help you learn what true wellness can look like in your life.

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