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  • - An uncommon dialogue
    von Neale Donald Walsch
    13,00 €

    When Neale Donald Walsch was experiencing a low point in his life, he decided to write a letter to God. What he did not expect was a response and the result was Conversations with God Book 1. Book 3 takes us even further in our questioning and search for answers, dealing with the universal truths of the highest order, and the challenges and opportunities of the soul. This incredible series contains answers that will change you, your life, and the way you view other beings.

  • von Hope Jahren
    15,00 €

    Lab Girl is a book about work and about love, and the mountains that can be moved when those two things come together. It is told through Jahren's remarkable stories: about the discoveries she has made in her lab, as well as her struggle to get there; about her childhood playing in her father's laboratory; about how lab work became a sanctuary for both her heart and her hands; about Bill, the brilliant, wounded man who became her loyal colleague and best friend; about their field trips - sometimes authorised, sometimes very much not - that took them from the Midwest across the USA, to Norway and to Ireland, from the pale skies of North Pole to tropical Hawaii; and about her constant striving to do and be her best, and her unswerving dedication to her life's work.Visceral, intimate, gloriously candid and sometimes extremely funny, Jahren's descriptions of her work, her intense relationship with the plants, seeds and soil she studies, and her insights on nature enliven every page of this thrilling book. In Lab Girl, we see anew the complicated power of the natural world, and the power that can come from facing with bravery and conviction the challenge of discovering who you are.

  • von Oliver Sacks
    13,00 €

    'An inexhaustible tourist at the farther reaches of the mind, Sacks presents, in sparse, unsentimental prose, the stories of seven of his patients. The result is as rich, vivid and compelling as any collection of short fictional stories' Independent on Sunday As with his previous bestseller, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, in An Anthropologist on Mars Oliver Sacks uses case studies to illustrate the myriad ways in which neurological conditions can affect our sense of self, our experience of the world, and how we relate to those around us. Writing with his trademark blend of scientific rigour and human compassion, he describes patients such as the colour-blind painter or the surgeon with compulsive tics that disappear in the operating theatre; patients for whom disorientation and alienation - but also adaptation - are inescapable facts of life.

  • - The Global Declaration of Interdependence
    von Kåre Nissen
    18,00 €

    In 70,000 years, we have reshaped Earth's biology twice. First, we killed all the megafauna on the planet, and then we planted and domesticated everything, including ourselves. We upgraded ourselves from believing to knowing, dethroned God, and did put ourselves on the throne, inherited the earth, and a responsibility that we and our closest ancestors have never taken seriously. We have enough to eat and no one eats us anymore. Our only enemy is our own lack of knowledge of who and what we and our neighbors really are. We need a revolution so that we can learn that there is space and need for everyone and that there is really nothing to be afraid of. We need an educational revolution.

  • - Familierevolutionen du ikke så komme
    von Lise Kissmeyer
    14,00 - 27,00 €

    Hvad gør du, når dit barns sport pludselig fylder det hele? Hvordan får du hverdagen, familien, økonomien, søskende, dit sportsbarns personlige udvikling til at fungere bedst muligt? "Sportsforælder - Familierevolutionen du ikke så komme" er en bog til forældre, der pludselig har fået hverdagen lavet om. Det er ikke en bog, der handler om det sportslige. Dem er der nok af. Det er en bog med mennesket i centrum. Hvordan bliver du den bedste udgave af en sportsforælder. En udgave der passer til dig og dine og det, der er vigtigt for dig.

  • - - få mere ud af livet
    von Jakob Munck
    16,00 €

    Tiden er din vigtigste ressource. Den kan ikke erstattes. Hver dag eksisterer kun én gang. Enten bruger du den godt, eller også bruger du den ikke godt. Et godt liv er et liv, hvor man udnytter tiden effektivt. Det er et liv med udfordringer, opgaver, mening, sorger og glæder, had og kærlighed. For at få del i dette liv og få så meget af det som muligt, skal du lære at planlægge. Det er det, som denne bog handler om. Den handler om at blive rig. Ikke på penge, men på gode oplevelser, venner og kærlighed. Den handler om at få et godt liv.

  • von Neville Goddard
    16,00 €

  • - How to Be a Femdom and Have the Perfect Female Domination Domestic Discipline Marriage or Relationship
    von Conner Hayden
    16,00 €

    The #1 thing men secretly desire of women, yet typically won't admit it.Are you the one who likes to be in control, especially when it comes to making decisions for you and your partner?Do you and your significant other naturally fall into the dominant female and submissive male roles in your relationship, yet do not feel as if you utilize this couple dynamic to its fullest potential?Have you heard of or seen your friends in a female led relationship, the idea peaking your interest, but do not know how to implement this lifestyle into your own daily routine?Because women are quickly becoming more and more aware of the influence they can have on the world and thus breaking out of their shells, female led relationships are becoming increasingly popular in today's modern times, and for a good reason.According to Her Way, having the woman be the dominant partner in a relationship has many benefits, some of which include: A better sex life Improved communication Less pressure on the man to make sure his wife or girlfriend is happy Increased satisfaction in the relationshipA relationship based on female dominance isn't solely about the control, but also about how it sets a stronger foundation for both sides of the party.In Female Led Relationship Guide, you will discover: Why a female led relationship doesn't necessarily mean BDSM, and how you can make it work for both you and your partner The key to finding the right balance between the dominant and submissive, and if it's even possible How this couple dynamic can be the solution to intimacy issues, as well as build the foundation for a healthy relationship The #1 thing you must do before beginning a female led relationship, or else it will do you and your partner more harm than good The major topics of concern to address with your significant other, and how to go about discussing them The shocking reason why men seek out dominant women to take charge in a relationship -- it may not be what you think! The varying degrees of dominance that can cater to anyone's comfort zone and lifestyleAnd much more.Ladies, even if you're unsure about being the dominant one in the relationship and don't know if it suits your personality, the degree in which you dominate your partner depends on your wants and needs. Female led relationships aren't black or white, you can easily form your own perfect combination that will satisfy any and all of your desires.Rather than hiring a pricey relationship counselor to help guide you and your partner through a rough patch of boredom and lack of chemistry, here you have everything you need to spice up your love life and reconnect as a pair.Do your relationship a favor and join the modern version of relationships where women are the ones who take charge. Keep up -- the times are changing!If you want to explore the powers of female dominance and experience another level of connection with your partner, then click the "Add to Cart" button right now.

  • von Bettina Møller Jensen
    13,00 €

    Al forandring starter i os selv, men det kan ofte være krævende og uoverskueligt at gennemføre på egen hånd. Når vaner skal ændres, er det altid en fordel at have en ramme at læne sig op ad.Daglig taknemmelighed er videnskabeligt dokumenteret at have positiv indvirkning på vores tilfredshed med vores liv.Daglig taknemmelighed hjælper med at få fokus på alt det, der allerede virker, og som du er glad for.Jo mere fokus du har på det, du godt kan lide, jo mere selvforstærkende bliver følelsen. Loven om Tiltrækning reagerer på, hvordan du føler om det, du har mest fokus på.Denne taknemmelighedsarbejdsbog er den naturlige følgesvend til dig, der allerede er i gang med at udvise daglig taknemmelighed, men den er også til dig, der er helt ny i processen.Arbejdsbogen er konktet og lavpraktisk og er udviklet, så den passer til taknemmelighedsgruppen på Facebook, men kan også bruges separat. Bogen indeholder blandt andet en inspirationsliste, hvis du oplever, at det er svært at komme i gang. Du finder eksempler, så du kan se, hvordan du kan gribe det an. Desuden indeholder bogen 108 små inspirationscitater om Loven om Tiltrækning.En smuk og uundværlig bog til dig, der gerne vil have den fulde effekt af en daglig taknemmelighedspraksis.

  • - The Revolutionary Theory of Reality
    von Michael Talbot
    21,00 €

    Nearly everyone is familiar with holograms?three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser. Two of the world's most eminent thinkers believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind. University of London physicist David Bohm, a protégé of Einstein and one of the world's most respected quantum physicists, and Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, an architect of our modern understanding of the brain, have developed a remarkable new way of looking at the universe. Their theory explains not only many of the unsolved puzzles of physics but also such mysterious occurrences as telepathy, out-of-body and near-death experiences, "lucid" dreams, and even religious and mystical experiences such as feelings of cosmic unity and miraculous healings. Now featuring a foreword by Lynne McTaggart, Michael Talbot's The Holographic Universe is a landmark work whose exciting conclusions continue to be proven true by today's most advanced physics, cosmology, and string theory.

  • - Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy
    von Max Gerson
    38,00 €

  • von Gratethings
    19,00 €

    Exercise your happiness daily with a diary for gratitude filled with motivational quotes. In this journal for gratitude, you have the perfect chance to start appreciating life more through gratitude and happiness. Focus your attention on the good things in your life and remember the daily moments. All quotes in this journal for practising gratitude are non-religious so you can make your own life prayers even if you are not a believer! Attitude change! Mindfulness and positivity for you! Write down all your favourite thoughts, quotes, phrases and things you are happy for. Positive thinking yields to many benefits.

  • von David Deida
    38,00 €

    The Ultimate Spiritual Guide for Men What is your true purpose in life? What do women really want? What makes a good lover? If you're a man reading this, you've undoubtedly asked yourself these questions - but you may not have had much luck answering them. Until now. In The Way of the Superior Man, David Deida explores the most important issues in men's lives - from career and family to women and intimacy to love and spirituality - to offer a practical guidebook for living a masculine life of integrity, authenticity, and freedom. Join this bestselling author and internationally renowned expert on sexual spirituality for straightforward advice, empowering skills, body practices, and more to help you realize a life of fulfillment, immediately and without compromise. ''t is time to evolve beyond the macho jerk ideal, all spine and no heart,'' writes David Deida. ''It is also time to evolve beyond the sensitive and caring wimp ideal, all heart and no spine.''The Way of the Superior Man presents the ultimate challenge - and reward - for today's man: to discover the 'unity of heart and spine' through the full expression of consciousness and love in the infinite openness of ....

  • von David J Schwartz
    21,00 €

    Millions of readers have acquired the secrets of success through The Magic of Thinking Big. Achieve everything you always wanted: financial security, power and influence, the ideal job, satisfying relationships, and a rewarding, happy life.Set your goals high...then exceed them!Millions of people throughout the world have improved their lives using The Magic of Thinking Big. Dr. David J. Schwartz, long regarded as one of the foremost experts on motivation, will help you sell better, manage better, earn more money, and-most important of all-find greater happiness and peace of mind.The Magic of Thinking Big gives you useful methods, not empty promises. Dr. Schwartz presents a carefully designed program for getting the most out of your job, your marriage and family life, and your community. He proves that you don't need to be an intellectual or have innate talent to attain great success and satisfaction-but you do need to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that will get you there. This book gives you those secrets!Believe you can succeed and you will:-Cure yourself of the fear of failure-Think and dream creatively-You are what you think you are-Make your attitudes your allies-Learn how to think positively-Turn defeat into victory-Use goals to help you grow-Think like a leader

  • - A Spiritual Technique to Master the Art of Relationships
    von Teal Swan
    16,00 €

    Connection can exist at any level of our being: We can be mentally linked, emotionally linked, energetically linked, and/or physically linked to something. The Connection Process presents three powerful esoteric processes that restore you from a state of separation to a state of connection with yourself and others. By engaging in the processes, youll be able to:perceive fundamental truths about yourself and others;see, hear, feel, and understand yourself and others; anddevelop a deep sense of connectedness with the world.Think about how good it would feel for someone to completely understand youand how great it would be if they were so perceptive of your internal world that they knew exactly what you need or what to say. Think of how good it would be to enjoy harmony in your relationships instead of suffering through conflicts.Connect with yourself, others, and the world around you with your heart, body, emotion, and mindand enjoy the lasting joy that comes from making true connections.

  • - The All-Natural Solution for Cancer & Chronic Disease
    von Charlotte Gerson
    49,00 €

    Healing the Gerson Way, is written in an easy-to-read style with step-by-step instructions for implementing the Gerson Therapy. While it is best known for its success in aiding people to heal many types of cancer, Gerson Therapy has an excellent track record in helping to overcome virtually all other degenerative and chronic diseases.Charlotte & Beata clarify the science of The Gerson Therapy and clearly demonstrate why our chemical filled, nutritionally empty, modern diet is a fundamental cause of today's worsening health crisis. Most of all, it offers a natural and powerful nutritional program that rebuilds and re-boots your immune system, re-establishing your body's natural defenses, returning you to complete health.With chapters devoted to everything you can think of, it details every process and procedure, from finding the right equipment and how to use it, to food preparation, use of supplements, hints and tips to make things easier and much more, including 90 pages of Gerson-approved recipes.

  • von Viktor E Frankl
    19,00 €

    El Doctor Frankl, psiquiatra y escritor, suele preguntar a sus pacientes aquejados de multiples padecimientos: Por que no se suicida usted? Y muchas veces, de las respuestas extrae una orientacion para la psicoterapia a aplicar: a este, lo que le ata a la vida son los hijos; al otro, un talento, una habilidad sin explotar; a un tercero, quizas, solo unos cuantos recuerdos que merece la pena rescatar del olvido. Tejer estas tenues hebras de vidas rotas en una urdimbre firme, coherente, significativa y responsable es el objeto con que se enfrenta la logoterapia. En esta obra, Viktor E. Frankl explica la experiencia que le llevo al descubrimiento de la logoterapia. Prisionero, durante mucho tiempo, en los desalmados campos de concentracion, el mismo sintio en su propio ser lo que significaba una existencia desnuda. Como pudo el que todo lo había perdido, que habia visto destruir todo lo que valia la pena, que padecio hambre, frio, brutalidades sin fin, que tantas veces estuvo a punto del exterminio, como pudo aceptar que la vida fuera digna de vivirla? El psiquiatra que personalmente ha tenido que enfrentarse a tales rigores merece que se le escuche, pues nadie como el para juzgar nuestra condicion humana sabia y compasivamente. Las palabras del doctor Frankl alcanzan un temple sorprendentemente esperanzador sobre la capacidad humana de trascender sus dificultades y descubrir la verdad conveniente y orientadora.

  • von Tim Castle
    22,00 €

    Immerse yourself in 'The Art of Negotiation', a compelling masterpiece penned by the renowned author, Tim Castle. Published in 2018, this book is a treasure trove of knowledge that delves into the intricacies of negotiation, a skill that is indispensable in the modern world. The genre of this book is non-fiction, and it provides a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of negotiation. With a unique blend of theory and practical examples, Castle presents a thorough exploration of the subject. Published by IAS Publishing, 'The Art of Negotiation' is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their negotiation skills. It's not just a book; it's an investment in your future. Grab your copy today and step into the world of effective negotiation.

  • - Recognizing the Patterns and Learning to Break Free
    von Julie L. Hall
    18,00 €

    A practical and empathetic look at how Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) affects not just those who have been diagnosed, but its devastating impact on families--with strategies and tips for healing.

  • 16% sparen
    - The 4 Steps to Reset Your Body, Mind, Relationships & Purpose
    von Dr Rangan Chatterjee
    18,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    - Alternativ Medicin
    von Tinna Jensen
    24,00 €

    Bogen omhandler Medicinsk Cannabis historie i Danmark gennem 5 år, set fra den Alternative side af naturmedicinen. Der er en del patient-historier, både skrevet af patienten selv, men også historier, som er blevet overgivet til forfatter.

  • - A Keepsake of Milestone Moments
    von Annabel Karmel
    14,00 €

    Baby's First Year Journal is a heartwarming and insightful book penned by the renowned author, Annabel Karmel. Published in 2019 by Dorling Kindersley Ltd, this book falls under the genre of parenting guides. The book serves as a comprehensive guide, offering a wealth of information for parents navigating the first year of their baby's life. Annabel Karmel, a leading authority on feeding babies and children, shares her expertise and experiences in this beautifully crafted journal. The book is brimming with practical advice, helpful tips, and nutritious recipes, making it an indispensable resource for new parents. The publisher, Dorling Kindersley Ltd, is known for its high-quality publications, and this book is no exception. It is a must-have for every parent who wants to make their baby's first year a memorable and enjoyable journey.

  • - How to Make the Most Important Decision of Your Life
    von Merle a Bombardieri Msw Licsw
    27,00 €

    FROM CONFUSION TO CONFIDENCE IN FIVE STEPSSECOND EDITION COMPLETELY REVISED AND UPDATEDThe Baby Decision is a clear, compassionate guide to making a parenting or childfree decision with confidence.  Many women of childbearing age and their partners find it hard to make this life-changing decision. Without a crystal ball, what can you do? Some women say “I like the idea of motherhood, but how do I know I’d really enjoy it?  What will happen to my job, my relationship, my sanity?”  Or they say, “I’m leaning toward being childfree, but will I be sorry later?”                Merle Bombardieri, MSW, LICSW has been helping people make this decision for over thirty years in her therapy and coaching practice and in her Baby Decision Workshops.  With a depth that only a psychotherapist can provide, she shows you strategies for dealing with doubt and ambivalence and uncovering your deepest self-knowledge. Through anecdotes, exercises, guidelines, and checklists, she leads you to your best possible choice.                Imagine the relief of finally cutting through the tangled vines of pros and cons and seeing a clear decision emerge. Merle helps you not only to make a decision but to use it as an opportunity for you and your relationship to grow.                You will learn how to:•             Use dozens of “Secret Doors” exercises to uncover hidden feelings and wisdom.•             Separate your own needs and preferences from societal myths and expectations.•             Give full consideration to the rewards and opportunities of living childfree.•             Talk constructively with your partner even if you disagree.•             Manage work-life balance and keep your relationship strong.•             Make decisions about one-child families, single and gay parenting, fertility and adoption.•             Borrow some of the benefits of the other choice.You will also learn how to trust your decision and make the most of it.•             Includes resources and bibliography.•             Bonus section: Preparing your body for a healthy pregnancy.Upcoming Events"The Baby Decision" Parenthood Decision Making WorkshopsOctober 30, 2016 Cambridge Center for Adult Education (

  • von Steven Forrest
    35,00 €

  • von Rainer Maria Rilke
    24,00 €

    From the writer of the classic Letters to a Young Poet, reflections on grief and loss, collected and published here in one volume for the first time.“A great poet’s reflections on our greatest mystery.”—Billy Collins“A treasure . . . The solace Rilke offers is uncommon, uplifting and necessary.”––The Guardian Gleaned from Rainer Maria Rilke’s voluminous, never-before-translated letters to bereaved friends and acquaintances, The Dark Interval is a profound vision of the mourning process and a meditation on death’s place in our lives. Following the format of Letters to a Young Poet, this book arranges Rilke’s letters into an uninterrupted sequence, showcasing the full range of the great author’s thoughts on death and dying, as well as his sensitive and moving expressions of consolation and condolence.Presented with care and authority by master translator Ulrich Baer, The Dark Interval is a literary treasure, an indispensable resource for anyone searching for solace, comfort, and meaning in a time of grief.Praise for The Dark Interval “Even though each of these letters of condolence is personalized with intimate detail, together they hammer home Rilke’s remarkable truth about the death of another: that the pain of it can force us into a ‘deeper . . . level of life’ and render us more ‘vibrant.’ Here we have a great poet’s reflections on our greatest mystery.”—Billy Collins “As we live our lives, it is possible to feel not sadness or melancholy but a rush of power as the life of others passes into us. This rhapsodic volume teaches us that death is not a negation but a deepening experience in the onslaught of existence. What a wise and victorious book!”—Henri Cole

  • - A Journey into the Japanese Secret to Living a Long, Happy, Purpose-Filled Life
    von Amanda Kudo
    21,00 €

    A prescriptive and handy guide to the hot new lifestyle trend.

  • - An Introduction
    von Linda Steg
    98,00 €

    The updated edition of the essential guide to environmental psychologyThoroughly revised and updated, the second edition, Environmental Psychology: An Introduction offers an overview of the interplay between humans and their environments. The text examines the influence of the environment on human experiences, behaviour and well-being and explores the factors influencing environmental behaviour, and ways to encourage pro-environmental behaviour. The revised edition is a state-of-the art review of relevant theories and research on each of these topics.With contributions from an international panel of noted experts, the text addresses a wealth of topics including the main research methods in environmental psychology; effects of environmental stress; emotional impacts and meanings of natural environment experience; aesthetic appraisals of architecture; how to measure environmental behaviour; cognitive, emotional and social factors explaining environmental behaviour; effects and acceptability of strategies to promote pro-environmental factors; and much more. This important book:* Discusses the environmental factors that threaten and promote human wellbeing* Explores a wide range of factors influencing actions that affect environmental conditions* Discusses the effects and acceptability of approaches that aim to encourage pro-environmental behavior* Presents research results conducted in different regions in the world* Contains contributions from noted expertsWritten for scholars and practitioners in the field, the revised edition of Environmental Psychology offers a comprehensive review of the most recent research available in environmental psychology.

  • von J. Krishnamurti
    22,00 €

    Krisnamurti examines culture, education, religion, politics, and tradition as well as the ambition, greed, envy, and lust for power that he believes are deteriorating factos in human society.

  • von Henrik Krag
    35,99 €

    "Selvudvikling for det hele menneske" er en seriøs og enkel adgang til personlig udvikling. Gennem øvelser og casestories bliver du ført ind i selvudviklingens grundprincipper og metoder. Med en række teknikker viser bogen, hvordan du kan:- slippe negative bindinger til fortiden og fremtiden- tage ansvar for dit eget liv- forløse traumer- give slip på skyldfølelser- se det væsentlige i livetDu lærer også, hvordan du kan bruge chakrasystemet som et nyttigt redskab til at opnå følelsen af både helhed, glæde og livskvalitet. Og du får en kort meditation, der ved daglig brug vil gøre underværker i dit liv, samt forslag til gode og afstressende vaner.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlHenrik Krag har beskæftiget sig indgående med personlig udvikling, og han har gennem mange år både professionelt og personligt været en del af selvudviklingsmiljøet i Vækstcenteret i Nørre Snede.

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