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Körper & Seele

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von über Körper & Seele spannenden Büchern zum Thema 264.567.
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  • - Theorizing with Abductive Analysis
    von Iddo Tavory & Stefan Timmermans
    21,00 €

  • von Abi Morgan
    13,00 - 17,00 €

    An ordinary day. The end of ordinary life. 'Very moving but never sentimental, tough but never cynical . . . gripping, funny and always honest' DAVID NICHOLLS

  • - Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal
    von Jim Loehr
    20,00 €

    The runaway "New York Times" national bestseller provides a groundbreaking program for maximizing energy, eliminating burnout and restoring balance.

  • - Ultimate Guide to Self-Sufficient Living, Wilderness Skills, Survival Skills, Shelter, Water, Heat & Off the Grid Power
    von Richard Man
    29,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    von Elizabeth Day
    13,00 - 17,00 €

  • von Zoe Chance
    15,00 €

  • von Nahshon Cook
    32,00 €

  • von Ravenwolf
    29,00 €

  • - A Down-To-Earth Motivational Guide to Self-Transformation
    von Damgard Karinna Damgard
    21,00 €

  • von Daniel Amen
    17,00 €

  • von John Luckovich
    28,00 €

    "John Luckovich does not beat around the bush and lets us know right away that the material in this book is explicitly for inner work and soul development. And with great eloquence and patience, he unpacks this potentially complex material in a way that makes it understandable and relevant. While there are a number of teachers working in this area who have my love and respect, I dare say there is no one in the world who has spent more time contemplating the meaning and context of this material than John."- from the foreword, written by Russ Hudson, author, The Wisdom of the EnneagramThe Enneagram is a profound tool for self-observation and inner work. While there are plenty of resources on the topic, most Enneagram literature is largely limited to entry-level descriptions of the Nine Types. The Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram focuses on a crucial but misunderstood facet of the Enneagram Typology--our "animal" Instinctual Drives and how they are related to our spiritual nature.While nearly every school of thought on the Enneagram acknowledges the importance and role of the Instinctual Drives, there''s a deep lack of understanding what they actually are, the role they play in personality, and most importantly, their implications for inner work. This book achieves, for the first time, a coherent theory of the instinctual drives based in biology, evolution, and developmental psychology, and it paves the way toward a more accurate view of inner work that directly addresses our animal nature. In so doing, it turns our current understanding of the Enneagram on its head by showing that the personality does not exist in parallel with our instinctual drives, but in reaction to them. In other words, instinct comes first - and one''s Enneagram type is nothing more or less than a strategy to fulfill instinctual needs. This clarified orientation has important implications for our spiritual development, self-remembrance, and the transformation of our personhood into a conduit of Essence.  

  • 15% sparen
    - Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence
    von Anna Lembke
    26,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    - Mest til selvforsvar
    von Simon Bank
    27,00 €

    Denne bog er en introduktion til Jiu-Jitsu - mest til Selvforsvar.Der er medtaget et bredt udvalg af teknikker. Teknikkerne er udvalgt blandt de teknikker, som begyndere eller let øvede vil kunne fokusere på og få udbytte af næsten med det samme og nogen stykker, der stiller lidt større krav. Teknikkerne er vist i deres basale udgave for at give det bedst mulige udtryk. Igennem længere tids træning lægges flere og flere detaljer på udførelsen og det bliver mere og mere rettet mod effektivitet og mindst mulig brug af styrke med størst muligt udbytte.Som introduktion til Jiu-Jitsu er der valgt at starte med komplette forsvarsteknikker og hvordan de udføres. Det vil sige, at der i hver af disse indgår en lang række elementer fra Jiu-Jitsu til at gennemføre det enkelte forsvar. Selvforsvarsteknikkerne er i indholdsfortegnelsen angivet med angrebet set fra angriberens side. Der er også medtaget en del basis træningselementer for at give et mere komplet billede af Jiu-Jitsu træningens indhold. Disse er placeret i anden halvdel af bogen for fra en start at kunne hoppe ud i det spændende; de komplette forsvar. Basisteknikkerne er angivet med den japanske betegnelse og en dansk oversættelse. De ca. 480 billeder og og den fyldige tekst supplerer hinanden. Et billede siger mere end 1000 ord. Teksten er således et supplement til billederne. Der er naturligvis for forståelighedens skyld et overlap mellem tekst og billeder.

  • 14% sparen
    von Daniel Gilbert
    16,00 €

  • von Charles P. Webel & David P. Barash
    216,00 €

    An introductory text to peace and conflict studies covering an abundance of important global topics from pre-history to the present.

  • - Research, Theory and Practice
    von Owen Hargie
    92,00 - 230,00 €

  • - The True Five Tibetan Rites
    von Peter Kelder & Carolinda Witt
    14,00 €

    "The monks found this routine to be a key to their age-defying vitality and inner fulfillment."- Natural Health MagazineWould you like more energy, vitality, and zest to feel more purposeful and accomplish your goals - without spending too much time or money?In this inspiring book, you will discover how to harness the Tibetan monks' famous anti-aging secrets for a longer and happier life ... five simple movements that take just 10-15 minutes per day. Set yourself up for success and learn from the best - the actual teachings of the 'ageless' monks - with insider secrets and practice tips from expert teacher Carolinda Witt. By following the simple and easy instructions in this book, you can:Dramatically increase your energy, and feel like you can keep going and going.Restore that youthful feeling - which lasts longer.Build a stronger, less stiff, and more flexible body to do more and live more fully. Reduce stress and improve sleep for a more pleasurable and enjoyable life.Develop a more focused, positive, and purposeful mind - become inspired to complete or begin projects you love.Lift your mood - feel calmer and more peaceful. By the end of The Eye of Revelation, you can immediately start practicing 'The Five Tibetan Rites' to transform your Energy, Balance, Strength, Positivity, and Health - TODAY. Carolinda has been teaching the Rites for over twenty-three years and is the author of the bestselling book, The Illustrated Five Tibetan Rites. She has also produced a Five Tibetans Online Training Course and a DVD. Carolinda attributes her 'Five Tibetan Rites' practice to her youthful appearance and energetic outlook.

  • - The Basics
    von Komilla Sutton
    40,00 - 56,00 €

    Renowned vedic astrologer Komilla Sutton teaches students all around the world through her webinars and books. This is her first and best-selling book, aimed at beginners and those moving from tropical to vedic astrology.

  • von James Allen
    18,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    - Everything I Know About Modern Lesbian and Bi Culture
    von Daisy Jones
    12,00 €

    A personal, modern guide to the queer culture of women.

  • - Foolproof, Quick & Easy 800 Instant Pot Recipes for Beginners and Advanced Users (pressure cooker recipes)
    von Simon Rush
    37,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    von Irving Finkel
    13,00 €

  • - A Story of Human Feeling
    von Karl Deisseroth
    13,00 €

  • - All You Need to Know for Mastering Weapons of Influence and the Art of Mind Control Using Dark NLP, Brainwashing, Hypnosis, and Persuasion Techniques
    von Blake Reyes
    30,00 €

  • von Yasir Qadhi
    17,00 €

  • - - et inspirationshæfte om naturterapi
    von Jette Rønn Smits
    16,00 €

    "Når naturen heler barndomstraumer - et inspirationshæfte om naturterapi" er en bog baseret på faglig viden og erfaringer med at bruge naturen i arbejdet med at hele barndommens traumer.I vores tilfælde blandt børn og unge, der kæmper med følgerne efter alkohol- og stofmisbrug i familien. Vi har erfaret, hvordan det at se og opleve naturen kan være med til at hele traumer, og mindske stress, fordi man finder en indre ro i naturen - fødder i græsset, mad over bål og afslapning og meditation med hele kroppen placeret mod jordens underlag. Bogen kan bruges i mange forskellige sammenhænge og bidrager med konkrete eksempler og øvelser i forhold til, hvordan naturen kan være en del af en helende proces. Der er blandt andet eksempler på, hvordan elementer fra naturen kan gøre svære emner nemmere at tale. Psykoterapeut David BR Camacho, som står bag bogen "Grøn terapi", skriver sådan her i sit gæsteforord: "Denne lille bog ser jeg kan gøre stor gavn for mange familier i Danmark, da den er bygget op af fine små lettilgængelige redskaber, øvelser og samværsbeskrivelser. Det er lige præcis sådan en håndbog der kan gøre en forskel. En bog, der kan åbne endnu mere op for, hvordan naturen kan bidrage til, at mennesket kan få endnu mere gavn af den, samt at vi som mennesker kan blive bedre til at mærke vores forbundethed med den. Som læser vil du finde masser af inspiration til bålmad, vandringsture og naturoplevelser, der kan styrke dit eget system og som også kan styrke fællesskabet i familierne i naturen.

  • - An Optimist Considers Mortality
    von Michael J Fox
    15,00 €

    'The book is great: moving but also properly funny.' Hadley Freeman, The Guardian'A memoir with an unusual sense of purpose. . . pithy, highly readable' The TimesThe entire world knows Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly, the teenage sidekick of Doc Brown in Back to the Future. His two previous bestselling memoirs, Lucky Man and Always Looking Up, dealt with how he came to terms with the illness, all the while exhibiting his iconic optimism. In No Time Like the Future: An Optimist Considers Mortality, Michael shares personal stories and observations about illness and health, ageing, the strength of family and friends, and how our perceptions about time affect the way we approach mortality. Thoughtful and moving, but with Fox's trademark sense of humour, his book provides a vehicle for reflection about our lives, our loves, and our losses.Running through the narrative is the drama of the medical madness Fox recently experienced, that included his daily negotiations with the Parkinson's disease he's had since 1991, and a spinal cord issue that necessitated immediate surgery. His challenge to learn how to walk again, only to suffer a devastating fall, nearly caused him to ditch his trademark optimism and "e;get out of the lemonade business altogether."e;Does he make it all of the way back? Read the book.

  • von Steve Bodansky
    24,00 €

  • - What are the Secrets of Mind Manipulation and Control?
    von Tony Brain
    23,00 - 41,00 €

    55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $ 27.95 instead of $ 36.99!In this book, you will get information on dealing with people who use dark psychology.

  • - Women and Desire in the Age of Consent
    von Katherine Angel
    11,48 €

    A provocative, elegantly written analysis of female desire, consent, and sexuality in the age of MeToo

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