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Körper & Seele

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von über Körper & Seele spannenden Büchern zum Thema 264.524.
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  • - Stories That Heal
    von Rachel Naomi Remen
    17,00 €

  • - Mending the Fragmented Self
    von Sandra Ingerman
    22,00 €

    Describes the dramatic results of combining soul retrieval with contemporary psychological concepts. This work revives the ancient shamanic tradition of soul retrieval for healing emotional and physical illness.

  • - According to C G Jung
    von Theodor Abt
    45,00 €

    This is the long-awaited book by Theodor Abt, who has been training analysts internationally in the art of picture interpretation since 30 years. His long experience in this field has led him to develop his own method, resulting in this book.Some 150 color pictures accompany the text, making this book a valuable resource to have on the bookshelf for consultation in the following areas:-Formal aspects-The symbolism of space-The symbolism of colors-The symbolism of numbers.From the author's Foreword:'This guidebook is the result of my teaching picture interpretation at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich-Küsnacht 1977-1994 and, since 1995, at the Research and Training Centre for Depth Psychology according to C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz in Zurich, Switzerland. ... It is born out of practice and meant as an aid for practice. This book is an attempt to show how to illuminate a picture with its own light, as Marie-Louise von Franz once put it. On the other hand, we shall also see how to best avoid prejudice arising from our own fixed ideas as to what a picture should mean.'

  • - A Guide to Critical Reasoning
    von Jill (McMaster University) LeBlanc
    67,00 €

    In tune with the needs of students, Thinking Clearly focuses squarely on core issues of critical reasoning.

  • - Brain Development and Learning From Birth to Adolescence
    von Jane Healy
    27,00 €

    The classic guide to understanding children's mental development is now updated and better than ever!Hailed by parents and educators, Your Child's Growing Mind is a window into the fascinating process of brain development and learning. It looks at the roots of emotion, intelligence, and creativity, translating the most current scientific research into practical suggestions for parents and teachers. Dr. Healy also addresses academic learning, offering countless suggestions for how parents can help without pushing. She explains the building blocks of reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics and shows how to help youngsters of all ages develop motivation, attention, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Using the science of childhood development, she also examines today's hot issues, including learning disabilities, ADHD, influences of electronic media, and the hazards of forced early learning. From infancy to adolescence, this is the perfect guide to helping and enjoying a youngster's mental, personal, and academic growth.

  • von Robert A Johnson
    22,00 €

    A noted author and Jungian analyst teaches how to use dreams and inner exercises to achieve personal wholeness and a more satisfying life.

  • von Manly P. (Manly P. Hall) Hall
    31,00 €

  • - Complete Palmistry Course Book with Exercises
    von Johnny Fincham
    28,00 €

    89,00 €

    This text demonstrates that identities are constructed "live" in the actual exchange of talk. It identifies how a person can be ascribed to a category, and the ways in which people are able to create their own "identity" beyond the classic categories of age, gender, class and ethnicity.

  • - Overleveringen du aldrig fik
    von Ole Anand
    8,98 €

    Tør øjnene som nybagt far, genkend situationerne som rutineret far - og få dig et godt grin. Uanset hvad skal du nok klare den! Hermed en håndbog ud i faderskabet, som du enten kan hive frem efter 1 måned, 3 mdr. eller et halvt år efter dit barns fødsel. Tag rådene til dig eller lad vær. Du får her en letfordøjelig og meget brugbar erfaringshistorie, skrevet i en humoristisk, dog empatisk og lad os bare sige det: Mandig stil! Uddrag fra forordet: "Nu har jeg aldrig været den bedste til at bede om hjælp, men det er jeg kommet efter. Det tog lidt tid at indrømme, men vi havde en halvhård start med dette vores første barn. Især var den hård for moderen. Vi havde brug for hjælp, og det fik vi. Derfor føler jeg også, at jeg skylder at give lidt tilbage på en eller anden måde. Og bogen her er da en start." Der er nok mange derude, der har haft børn længe, som vil grine af mine frustrationer, men jeg er sikker på der også er nogle der vil sætte pris på det, og jeg skriver jo netop dette af to grunde: For selv at komme ud med frustrationerne. For at dele dem og bekræfte evt. ubekræftede forældre, specielt fædre, i at de ikke er ene om disse frustrationer. God læselyst, kære farmand!

  • - Vitaminernes optimale forekomst i naturlige fødevarer
    von Tonny Lang
    16,00 €

    Bind 1 af naturlige næringsstoffer til et sundere liv,sætter fokus på vitaminerne og deres optimaleforekomst i naturlige fødevarer. Under de enkeltevitaminer er der omfattende levnedsmiddel tabeller,der viser næringsindholdet i forskellige naturligefødevarer. Der skitseres forskellige forslag til dagligforebyggelse af velfærdssygdomme, gennem optimaleindtag af næringsstofferne og forskellige udrensningskure.Bogen indeholder også nogle råd til advarselssignalerfor om man er ved at udvikle sygdomme og forslag tilhvordan man kan bruge mad som medicin.

  • - A humorous guide for foreigners and their Danish friends
    von Kay Xander Mellish
    19,00 €

    Life in one of the world's most homogenous countries can be tough on foreigners. Why do Danish adults wear elf hats to parties? Should you wear one too? Why are Danish adults so kind and gentle around their friends, yet so vicious to strangers in bicycle lanes? Why is it OK in Denmark to talk openly about sex, but embarrassing to admit to ambition? 'How to Live in Denmark' is based on the podcast by Kay Xander Mellish, who has lived in Denmark since 2000. It answers these questions and many more about daily life as a non-Dane in 'the happiest country in the world'.

  • von The School of Life
    12,00 €

  • von Lisa Strbac
    35,00 €

    Renowned for her empowering homeopathy courses, the author, Lisa Strbac, delves into the fascinating world of tissue salts, covering essential topics such as dosing techniques, preparation methods and selecting the right remedy for specific ailments. With captivating illustrations, this small and simple guidebook empowers you to harness the natural healing properties of tissue salts for optimal health and vitality.Tissue salts are an amazing place to start in one's holistic health journey because they are prescribed based on physical symptoms rather than the wider 'like cures like' homeopathic principle. With 12 core tissue salts, compared to the thousands of homeopathic remedies, it is by far a simpler and less overwhelming place to begin.Whether you're new to holistic healing or seeking to deepen your understanding, this essential resource is your guide to unlocking the transformative power of tissue salts.

  • 12% sparen
    von Emily Austin
    15,00 €

    Enid is many things: lesbian, serial dater, deaf in one ear, space obsessive, true crime fanatic. When she's not listening to grizzly murder podcasts, she's managing her crippling phobia of bald people and trying hard not to think about her mortifying teenage years - which is hard, when she's lost the password to her old YouTube account and the (many) vlogs that her teen self once uploaded. She worries about herself, worries about her depressive mother, worries about the new bald man at work. But as Enid fumbles her way through her first serious relationship and navigates a new family life with her estranged half-sisters, she starts to worry that someone is following her. As her paranoia spirals out of control, Enid must contend with her mounting suspicion that something is seriously wrong with her. Because at the end of the day there's only one person she can't outrun - herself.Full of charm, humour and heart, Interesting Facts About Space is a pitch-perfect exploration of the the strange ways we try to connect with others, and the power of sharing our secret selves with the people we love.

  • 10% sparen
    von Julian Baggini
    13,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Ludovic Slimak
    12,00 €

    In this acclaimed bestseller, an explorer and Neanderthal hunter takes us on a riveting journey of discovery'With the style of a poet and imagination of a philosopher, Ludovic Slimak probes the minds of Neanderthals. . . This fun and provocative book is a reminder that we still have a lot to learn about biological intelligence' Steve BrusatteWhat if we have completely misunderstood who the Neanderthals truly were?For over a century we saw them as inferior to Homo Sapiens. Today, Neanderthals are seen as fully human, different from us only because of their distant cultural traditions. But does the truth lie somewhere else entirely?Neanderthal hunter and paleoanthropologist Ludovic Slimak understands these enigmatic creatures like no one else after studying them for three decades. Taking us on a fascinating archaeological investigation from the Arctic Circle to the deep Mediterranean forests, he traces their steps, deciphering their stories through every single detail they left behind.In this stunning, bold book, he argues that Neanderthals should be understood on their own terms. They had their own history, their own rituals, their own customs. Their own intelligence. A remarkable intelligence, for sure, but an intelligence that may have been very different from ours - although it can still teach us much about ourselves.A thought-provoking detective story, written with wit and verve, The Naked Neanderthal shifts our understanding of deep history - and in the process reveals just how much we have yet to learn.

  • von David Emerson
    44,00 €

    Survivors of trauma-whether abuse, accidents, or war-can end up profoundly wounded, betrayed by their bodies that failed to get them to safety and that are a source of pain. In order to fully heal from trauma, a connection must be made with oneself, including one's body. The trauma-sensitive yoga described in this book moves beyond traditional talk therapies that focus on the mind, by bringing the body actively into the healing process. This allows trauma survivors to cultivate a more positive relationship to their body through gentle breath, mindfulness, and movement practices. Overcoming Trauma through Yoga is a book for survivors, clinicians, and yoga instructors who are interested in mind/body healing. It introduces trauma-sensitive yoga, a modified approach to yoga developed in collaboration between yoga teachers and clinicians at the Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute, led by yoga teacher David Emerson, along with medical doctor Bessel van der Kolk. The book begins with an in-depth description of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including a description of how trauma is held in the body and the need for body-based treatment. It offers a brief history of yoga, describes various styles of yoga commonly found in Western practice, and identifies four key themes of trauma-sensitive yoga. Chair-based exercises are described that can be incorporated into individual or group therapy, targeting specific treatment goals, and modifications are offered for mat-based yoga classes. Each exercise includes trauma-sensitive language to introduce the practice, as well as photographs to illustrate the poses. The practices have been offered to a wide range of individuals and groups, including men and women, teens, returning veterans, and others. Rounded out by valuable quotes and case stories, the book presents mindfulness, breathing, and yoga exercises that can be used by home practitioners, yoga teachers, and therapists as a way to cultivate awareness, tolerance, and an increased acceptance of the self.

  • 13% sparen
    von Julie Menanno
    17,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Dr Mariel Buque
    18,00 €

    How to pass on strength not pain to those you love.When a physical wound is left unhealed, it continues to cause pain and can infect the whole body. When emotions are left unhealed, they similarly cause harm that spreads to other parts of our lives, hurting our family, friends and colleagues. Eventually, this hurt spreads further, affecting entire communities and families across generations.This is intergenerational trauma. It can lead us to become people-pleasers, co-dependent in relationships and even estranged from our families. The wounds are complex and continue to invade our minds, bodies and spirits long after.In Break the Cycle, Dr Mariel Buqué delivers the ground-breaking guide to healing inherited trauma. Weaving scientific research with practical exercises and stories from her therapy room, Dr Buqué will help you understand how trauma is inherited from one generation to the next, break the cycle and disrupt the flow of intergenerational trauma with therapeutic exercises, and encourage you to pass on strength - not pain - to future generations.With a holistic approach to healing that has been absent from the field of psychology for too long, Break the Cycle will help you shift intergenerational trauma to intergenerational abundance.

  • 24% sparen
    von Dan Churchill
    27,00 €

    "We are not all super athletes, but we all perform in one way or another, every single day. Whether we're training for a marathon, smashing that big presentation, or chasing after kids, we need energy and focus for a healthy mind and body. To be our best, we need to feel our best, and what we eat makes the difference. Dan Churchill, The Healthy Chef, has spent more than a decade coaching high performers--everyone from professional hockey greats to famously fit celebrities like Chris Hemsworth or Lindsay Vonn to 100-mile runners-to be "legendary eaters." Churchill's philosophy and methods are simple--ditch the complicated science of performance nutrition and focus on five fundamental values: Eat good. Eat easy. Eat more. Eat deliberately. Eat special. Written in his fun and friendly voice, Eat Like a Legend provides recipes for food you can actually cook--food that's packed with fiber, nutrients, and other good stuff calibrated to enhance focus, determination, gut health, muscle mass, and endurance, no matter what you do. In this lifestyle cookbook, Churchill gathers the best of the best food with simple, step-by-step instructions--the tastiest dishes in his repertoire that will provide the energy you need to perform in your daily life, including: acai bowls (that are actually good for you), chicken alfredo you can eat every day, crispy sticky salmon on sesame greens, one-skillet apple pie, sexy tofu scramble with avo-dill salsa, legendary baked ziti with a kale pesto, game-day (and work-day) shrimp tikka masala, pad thai in a flash with sunny-side up eggs, gooiest brownies ever (you'll never guess how). All of these recipes go from pantry and fridge to plate quickly and Churchill includes tips for when to eat them relative to exercise for optimum health. Many of the recipes are interactive, featuring a QR code which can be scanned to instantly drop you into his studio kitchen, where he prepares the meal at hand and answers common questions about the ingredients and cooking method. Featuring dozens of full color photographs, Eat Like a Legend is balanced, delicious, accessible nutrition for everyone"--

  • 18% sparen
    von Stephen Nachmanovitch
    14,00 €

    A foundational text since 1990 and previously translated into nine languages, Free Play is a masterful and joyful meditation on how improvisation can be applied to not just art but the art of living - and in doing so unlock boundless creativity

  • von Jason Shurka
    22,00 €

    The Pyramid Code is a fascinating first-hand account of the anonymous author's experience with an undercover organization known as TLS (The Light System) and the unveiling of many of life's mysteries that were revealed to him on his path.His story Is a true and accurate representation of the beginning of his journey into the spirit world, his memories from a very important past reincarnation in ancient Egypt, his knowledge and wisdom of the sacred mysticism of the Pyramid, the construction of the Pyramids and hidden codes within, as well as his knowledge of the new era in which humanity is heading towards.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jessica Maguire
    18,00 €

    Build a map towards a healthy, happy and whole future by getting to the root cause of your chronic health issues and learning the tools you need to reset your nervous system.

  • 27% sparen
    von Maisie Hill
    18,00 €

    Maisie Hill turns her attention to our stress hormones and nervous system - and how women can revolutionise the way in which they interact with the world to harness our inner power and live our best lives. How we're wired has a lot to do with why we worry about the same things. We need to stop beating ourselves up and find the tools to thrive. Are you a habitual people-pleaser that leaves you feeling resentful and pissed off - with them and yourself? Do you lose all your time and energy because you're unable to say ?no'? Do you struggle to express your feelings, needs and desires - experiencing an irritability and rage that's eroding your career and relationships? Maybe you're struggling to do things that will make a difference to your health, such as over-drinking, over/under-exercising, and dietary and other lifestyle changes. Sound familiar? Then this is your chance to deal with that beautiful brain of yours. Starting now. It's time to do things differently. Find a new way to feel connected to your cycle and the wisdom of your body. Become full of emotional resilience so you can stop holding back and crack on with your life. And more than anything, become that person who ? calmly and unapologetically ? makes herself and the things you need a priority in your life. And who listens the inner whisper that brought you to this book for no other reason that you know?deep down?how important it is. Maisie shows us the simple and effective ways to get unstuck and change things with wise words and case studies from her own coaching practice, tried and tested on women who have struggled with the same issues. It's the essential guide to how to be human.

  • von Carissa Broadbent
    12,00 €

  • von Gaurav Garg
    20,00 €

    Assertiveness is one of the most valuable skills anyone can cultivate, yet also one of the most challenging. After a lifetime of cultural conditioning toward compliance and conflict avoidance, embracing assertive communication requires transformative personal growth. It takes courage to find your voice after being silenced. My aim in writing this book is to provide guidance and encouragement for that journey based on both professional expertise and personal experience. I spent over a decade passive and afraid to advocate for myself. People-pleasing and swallowing negative emotions took immense psychological effort - not to mention enabling others to take advantage of me. Eventually I reached a breaking point and committed to change. Through researching assertiveness skills, practicing them even when uncomfortable, and immersing myself in personal development, I slowly transformed my communication tendencies. The more I asserted my boundaries, expressed my needs, and claimed my worth, the more empowered I felt. It significantly improved my confidence, relationships, and career. Of course no one masters assertiveness overnight. It's a lifelong process, and I still stumble on occasion. But the overall trajectory has been transformative. My only regret is not embarking on the assertiveness journey sooner.It is my hope this book will shorten your learning curve. The pages ahead provide actionable steps for building assertiveness tailored to your specific challenges and personality. You'll learn how to navigate difficult conversations, confront manipulative behavior, break lifelong passive habits, overcome self-doubt and much more.

  • von Eric John Campbell
    15,00 €

    The Universe created your world as a playground for you to enjoy. Whenever you create something, you express the light of the Universe in a way only you can do.The vital thing you must realize about life on earth is that your beliefs create your reality. When you believe something is true, you begin noticing and attracting things in your world that confirm your belief.In this book, you'll learn how to let go of old limiting beliefs and integrate new ones that attract a life to you that feels like heaven on earth. With these new beliefs, you'll shine your light as brightly as possible and inspire everyone you cross paths with to do the same.

  • von Neville Goddard
    25,99 €

    This reference book contains ALL 14 Neville Goddard Books published between 1939 and 1966. This book is - The Complete Collection of Neville Goddard - on Manifesting with the Law of Assumption. This includes all of Neville Goddard's original books, the transcripts of his 1948 course lectures, the 1951 radio lectures, and the Neville Goddard Book: The Creative Use of the Imagination by Margaret Ruth Broome, a personal student of Neville Goddard. The full contents of this reference book by Neville Goddard are as follows: - At Your Command (1939) - Your Faith Is Your Fortune (1941) - Freedom For All (1942) - Feeling Is The Secret (1944) - Prayer - The Art Of Believing (1945) - The Search (1946) - Master Class - Five Lessons (1948) - Out Of This World (1949) - Radio Lectures - Station KECA (1951) - The Creative Use Of Imagination (1952) - The Power Of Awareness (1952) - Awakened Imagination (1954) - Seedtime And Harvest (1956) - I Know My Father (1960) - The Law And The Promise (1961) - He Breaks The Shell (1964) - Resurrection (1966) Possessing a self-educated and uncommonly sharp intellect, Neville Lancelot Goddard espoused a spiritual vision that was bold and total: Everything you see and experience, including other people, is the result of your own thoughts and emotional states. Each of us dreams into existence an infinitude of realities and outcomes. When you realize this, Neville Goddard taught, you will discover yourself to be a slumbering branch of the Creator clothed in human form, and at the helm of limitless possibilities. - Mitch Horowitz - Neville Goddard is best described as an enlightened mystic and hermetic. His knowledge was so deep and all-encompassing that any seeker will find what they're looking for with him! There is nothing like him in knowledge and depth! Neville Goddard's wish was to make people aware of their creative power. He was not only concerned with manifestation, but also with re-understanding and consciously applying the profound mechanisms of our existence. And this knowledge can be fully understood and consciously applied using this reference book by Neville Goddard. When man begins to discover this power within him, he never plays the part that he formerly played. He doesn't turn back and become just a reflector of life; from here on in he is the affector of life. - Neville Lancelot Goddard - The categories of this Neville Goddard Book are: - Neville Goddard Collection and Books - Manifestation and Manifesting

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