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Körper & Seele

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von über Körper & Seele spannenden Büchern zum Thema 264.508.
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  • - Kryon med Metatron og det Interplanetariske Samfund i fem transmissioner
    von Merethe Bonnesen
    14,00 €

    Denne bog arbejder med bevidsthed og meditation på den 'moderne måde' gennem kanaliserede transmissioner, der løfter dig ind i de bevidstheds-tilstande, der er tilgængelige netop nu.Den energetiske transmission bliver formidlet til dig, som læser og vil skabe dyb kontakt med flere dimensions-lag, nye niveauer af dig som menneske, som sjæl, og som vandrer i dit jordiske liv. I de fem transmissioner arbejdes der bl.a. med:- Fødsel og genfødsel -genetablering af oprindelig sjælskontakt. - Fysisk healing og opgradering af dit nervesystem. - Glæde og lyksalighed som et grundvilkår. - Visdom, indre og ydre visdom.- Kærlig medfølelse, både med dig selv og med andre.Bogens tekst er kanaliseret fra Bevidsthederne Kryon, Metatron og det Interplanetariske samfund.  Transmission og healing starter direkte fra disse højfrekvente bevidstheder, når du læser ordene, og således skabes din egen kontakt til dette bevidsthedsfelt, den energetiske udveksling åbnes og du får direkte kontakt og støtte til din forvandling.Bogen er således meditation og bevidsthedsarbejde, healing og spirituel vækst i et.

  • - Beretning om en kapret sjæl
    von Kirsten Kaastrup Pedersen
    11,00 €

    En meget personlig beretning om mit 20 år lange sygdomsforløb efter et toksisk flåtbid.En borrelia infektion, som blev styrende for mit videre liv og helbred. Om mødet med et sundhedsvæsen, som ikke har været i stand til at hjælpe. For egen regning at finde behandling og lindring i den alternative verden. Sygdomsprocesserne og de anvendte alternative behandlingsformer er løbende beskrevet i den rækkefølge de opstår og forklaret såvel anatomisk som ud fra den viden, jeg har tilegnet mig undervejs.

  • von Maya Dusenbery
    20,00 €

  • - Teach Yourself
    von Simon Rea
    25,00 €

    Written by a Lecturer in Sport and Fitness with over ten years' experience in teaching and devising degree modules, Sports Science: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear, jargon-free English and providing added-value features like summaries of key experiments and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or exam.Each chapter covers a key introductory area, so by the end of the book you'll have a clear understanding of the essential principles of sport science. Starting with key points in anatomy and physiology, it covers sports psychology, biomechanics and also introduces sports nutrition, as well as how to plan research in sport.It is structured to mirror the way sports science is taught on many first year undergraduate and foundation degree courses. By the end you'll have a clear understanding of the essential principles of sport science.

  • - Elementer til en receptionshistorie
    von Niels Brügger
    12,00 €

    Der er i dag ingen tvivl om, at den nu afdøde franske filosof Jean-François Lyotard på godt og ondt er uløseligt knyttet til og identificeret med begrebet 'det postmoderne', samt at dette begreb - ligeledes på godt og ondt - har bevæget sig fra human- og samfundsvidenskabelige diskussioner og ind i dagligsproget. Helt centralt i disse to bevægelser står Lyotards bog fra 1979 Viden og det postmoderne samfund. Men hvordan blev Lyotards mest kendte bog læst, diskuteret og kritiseret i sin umiddelbare samtid? Det er emnet for Lyotard og det postmoderne samfund. Elementer til en receptionshistorie. Bogen præsenterer i kort og overskuelig form de væsentligste positioner i 1980ernes human- og samfundsvidenskabelige diskussioner af Lyotards bog i henholdsvis Danmark, Frankrig og hos Lyotard selv. Således præsenteres de franske teoretikere Gilles Lipovetsky, Alain Badiou, Michel Foucault, Jacques Bouveresse samt Luc Ferry og Alain Renaut, mens der fra Danmark bl.a. optræder Hans-Jørgen Schanz, Johan Fjord Jensen og Ole Thyssen.

  • von Markham Laura Markham
    28,00 €

    "Dr. Laura Markham's book is an extremely useful guide for parents in connecting with their children's emotions. It is highly gratifying to finally see a research-based guide for parents. Every parent will want a copy of this book." -- Dr. John Gottman, Author of Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child Experience a happier family life, with a lot less drama and a lot more love! In her ground breaking guide Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids, Dr. Laura Markham helped millions of parents better understand their children and their own emotions, so they could parent in a more empathetic and emotionally connected way. Now, parents can take Dr. Markham's simple yet transformative approach even deeper -- with this personalized, interactive and practice-filled companion workbook. Research-based, and parent-tested, the Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Workbook will help parents: - Use games and exercises to increase laughter and play, while decreasing tantrums and fights. - Teach your brain new skills so you don't get upset so often and can calm down faster. - Practice discipline strategies that teach kids self-management and emotional intelligence. - Strengthen your bond with your child so they want to cooperate. - Discover simple mindfulness and meditation exercises to find peace in a busy home.

  • - A Guide for Clinicians and Clients
    von Buchalter Susan Buchalter
    36,00 €

    "Creative, fun & fast therapeutic warm-ups!

  • von Daniel J. Siegel
    29,00 €

    Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson speak to audiences all over the world about their immensely popular best-sellers, The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline. The message Dan and Tina continually receive from their audiences, whether live or virtual, is that people are hungry for the opportunity to take the Whole-Brain ideas and go deeper with them. Thanks to this new workbook, they now can.The Whole-Brain Child Workbook has a unique, interactive approach that allows readers not only to think more deeply about how the ideas fit their own parenting approach, but also develop specific and practical ways to implement the concepts -- and bring them to life for themselves and for their children.-Dozens of clear, practical and age-specific exercises and activities-Applications for clinicians, parents, educators, grandparents and care-givers

  • - The Consciousness That Is Changing the World
    von Betty J Kovacs
    30,00 €

    NAUTILUS SILVER BOOK AWARDTHE SCIENTIFIC & MEDICAL NETWORK 2019 BOOK PRIZEAs Western culture struggles with its addiction to a tragically limited and negative worldview, evidence of our shaman-mystic-scientist past, persistently repressed by Church and State, is emerging with the blueprint for our evolution.  This blueprint is revealed in the heart wisdom of the mystic and the new science of quantum physics.  Its message is clear: we are immortal, divine, and creative.  This sacred tradition has survived underground and has been the source for every major creative awakening in Western history.  It is this wisdom of the heart on which our survival now depends.  Includes index and resources for further study.

  • - A Beginner's Guide to Highly Profitable Swing Trades - Proven Strategies, Trading Tools, Rules, and Money Management
    von Mark Lowe
    23,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Hope Winters
    12,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    - A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man
    von Peter Tompkins
    17,00 €

    The world of plants and its relation to mankind as revealed by the latest scientific discoveries. "Plenty of hard facts and astounding scientific and practical lore."--Newsweek

  • von Norman Vincent Peale
    30,00 €

  • - An Essential Survival Guide for DIY Preppers Who Want to Be Self-Reliant When SHTF, Including Tips for Living Off the Grid, Homesteading, and Stockpiling Properly
    von Dion Rosser
    29,00 €

  • von Patanjali
    16,00 - 27,00 €

  • - A Journey into Christian Hermeticism
    von Powell Robert Powell & Anonymous
    58,00 - 59,00 €

    Expanded edition of the most profound text of esoteric Christianity in modern times, which applies the Hermetic tradition of "as above, so below," to the Tarot as a path elucidating the deepest mysteries of our destiny-body, soul and spirit. This unparalleled spiritual text has received praise from spiritual representatives around the world.

  • - Advanced Methods to Learn, Remember, and Master New Skills and Information
    von Peter Hollins
    28,00 - 31,00 €

  • - Speak up. Set Boundaries. Say No. Take Back Control. Get What You Want
    von Patrick King
    25,00 - 31,00 €

  • - The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline
    von Peter Hollins
    25,00 - 29,98 €

  • - The Classic Manual For Working With And Preserving Your Own Buckskin, Hides, Skins, and Furs
    von Albert B Farnham
    25,00 - 39,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    - Thoughts for Boundless Living
    von Morgan Harper Nichols
    15,00 €

    All Along You Were Blooming is a dynamic collection of illustrated poetry and prose inspiring you to live boundlessly right where you are. With every turn of the page, Instagram poet Morgan Harper Nichols invites you into a life of hope, trusting there is purpose in every moment and new mercy every morning.

  • von Katib
    43,00 - 56,00 €

  • - Understanding adult ADHD and how to manage, treat, and improve it
    von Steven Wells
    19,00 - 24,00 €

  • - A complete guide to Reiki healing, the human energy field, and improving your health with Reiki
    von Kristin Komak
    19,00 - 25,00 €

  • - 100+ Quick and Easy Recipes for stage 1 and 2 After Gastric Bypass Surgery
    von John Carter
    19,00 - 26,00 €

  • - Step By Step Guide to Gastric Bypass Surgery
    von John Carter
    19,00 - 24,00 €

  • - Go from a nervous, nauseated, and sweaty speaker to an excited, energized, and passionate presenter
    von Mike Acker
    18,00 €

  • von Ellen G White
    25,00 €

  • - 84 Delicious Low-Carb Plant-Based, Egg & Dairy Recipes For A Ketogenic Diet (Nutrition Guide)
    von Lydia Miller
    52,00 - 63,00 €

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