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Bücher von Kartheek Balapala

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  • von Kartheek Balapala
    34,00 €

    Professionals declare to each other and the public the shared competency standards and ethical values they promise to uphold in their work and what the public and individual patients can and should expect from medical professionals. In fact, Medical professionalism is a belief system.They need to be punctual on time, objectivity in dealing with medical affairs, share the spotlight with politeness and nothing to get personal.Reflective writings are designed to help doctors with the thought process for reflection, which is critical for their professional development and appraisals. These personal stories from doctors and nurses show how reflective practice has helped them with their development.It is a way of studying our own experiences to improve the way we work. It is very handy tool for health professionals to carry on self evaluation and self analysis throughout their lives. The act of reflection is a great way to increase confidence and become a more proactive and qualified professional. It allows to recognize our own strengths and weakness. If the focus of reflection is improvement in patient care, this assists to expand and develop clinical knowledge and skills.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    34,00 €

    Overwhelming stress leads to psychological problems like depression and anxiety. The objective of the current publication was to emphasize the issues related to stress among students of various professional colleges and its association with various academic, social and health-related factors. Stress is the most prevalent and common problem faced by diverse groups of population. In the case of non academic factors, worries about the future was the main factor causing stress among students, whereas class workload was the critical contribution of stress with regard to the Academic factors. In the category of Personal factors, fi- nancial problems caused major stress to students. The influence of the hidden curriculum in a university setting ... what should happen and what happens in practice, often leads to a loss of idealism and ethical erosion.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    51,00 €

    Le raisonnement clinique, tout comme le jugement clinique, est le processus par lequel les cliniciens recueillent les signes, traitent les informations, comprennent la situation ou le problème médical du patient, planifient et mettent en ¿uvre les interventions médicales appropriées, évaluent les résultats et tirent des enseignements de l'ensemble de ce processus. La pratique des professions de santé nécessite une pensée critique et un raisonnement clinique. L'esprit critique est le processus de réflexion intentionnel de haut niveau qui permet de définir et de comprendre le problème d'un client, d'examiner les pratiques fondées sur des preuves pour soigner le client et de faire les bons choix dans la prestation des soins. Le raisonnement clinique n'est souvent pas enseigné de manière explicite dans le programme des premières années d'études de médecine. Par conséquent, les étudiants en médecine observent le processus lors de stages cliniques sans comprendre ou presque les processus complexes qui le sous-tendent. Le raisonnement clinique a des implications importantes pour la sécurité des patients. Pendant les stages cliniques, les éducateurs doivent formuler la "façon de penser" qui facilite le développement du raisonnement clinique chez les étudiants. Le développement des compétences pour soutenir le développement du raisonnement clinique d'un étudiant en médecine favorise l'apprentissage de l'étudiant et assure une performance optimale du stage.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    51,00 €

    O raciocínio clínico é como o julgamento clínico, o processo pelo qual os clínicos recolhem sinais, processam informação, compreendem a situação ou problema médico do paciente, planeiam e implementam intervenções médicas apropriadas, avaliam resultados, e aprendem com todo este processo. A prática das profissões da saúde necessita de pensamento crítico e raciocínio clínico. O pensamento crítico é o processo de pensamento intencional de nível superior para definir e compreender o problema de um cliente, examinar a prática baseada em provas na prestação de cuidados ao cliente, e fazer escolhas correctas na prestação de cuidados. O raciocínio clínico não é muitas vezes explicitamente ensinado nos primeiros currículos escolares de medicina. Assim, os estudantes de medicina observam o processo enquanto estão em estágios clínicos, com pouca ou nenhuma compreensão dos complexos processos que lhe estão subjacentes. O raciocínio clínico tem implicações significativas para a segurança dos pacientes. Durante a colocação prática, os educadores precisam de articular a "forma de pensar" que facilita o desenvolvimento do raciocínio clínico entre os estudantes. O desenvolvimento de competências para apoiar o desenvolvimento do raciocínio clínico de um estudante de medicina apoia a aprendizagem dos estudantes e assegura um óptimo desempenho na colocação.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    51,00 €

    El razonamiento clínico es, al igual que el juicio clínico, el proceso mediante el cual los médicos recogen signos, procesan información, comprenden la situación o el problema médico del paciente, planifican y aplican las intervenciones médicas adecuadas, evalúan los resultados y aprenden de todo este proceso. El ejercicio de las profesiones sanitarias necesita el pensamiento crítico y el razonamiento clínico. El pensamiento crítico es el proceso de pensamiento intencionado de alto nivel para definir y comprender el problema de un cliente, examinar la práctica basada en la evidencia en la atención al cliente y tomar decisiones correctas en la prestación de la atención. El razonamiento clínico no suele enseñarse explícitamente en el plan de estudios inicial de la facultad de medicina. Por lo tanto, los estudiantes de medicina observan el proceso durante las prácticas clínicas con poca o ninguna comprensión de los complejos procesos que lo sustentan. El razonamiento clínico tiene importantes implicaciones para la seguridad del paciente. Durante las prácticas, los educadores deben articular la "forma de pensar" que facilita el desarrollo del razonamiento clínico entre los estudiantes. El desarrollo de habilidades para apoyar el desarrollo del razonamiento clínico de los estudiantes de medicina apoya el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y asegura un rendimiento óptimo de las prácticas.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    51,00 €

    Il ragionamento clinico, come il giudizio clinico, è il processo attraverso il quale i medici raccolgono i segnali, elaborano le informazioni, comprendono la situazione o il problema medico del paziente, pianificano e attuano interventi medici appropriati, valutano i risultati e imparano da questo intero processo. La pratica delle professioni sanitarie richiede pensiero critico e ragionamento clinico. Il pensiero critico è il processo di pensiero intenzionale di livello superiore per definire e comprendere il problema di un cliente, esaminare la pratica basata sull'evidenza nella cura del cliente e fare le scelte giuste nell'erogazione delle cure. Il ragionamento clinico spesso non viene insegnato esplicitamente nei primi corsi di studio di medicina. Di conseguenza, gli studenti di medicina osservano il processo durante i tirocini clinici con poca o nessuna comprensione dei complessi processi sottostanti. Il ragionamento clinico ha implicazioni significative per la sicurezza del paziente. Durante il tirocinio gli educatori devono articolare il "modo di pensare" che facilita lo sviluppo del ragionamento clinico tra gli studenti. Lo sviluppo di competenze che favoriscano lo sviluppo del ragionamento clinico degli studenti di medicina supporta l'apprendimento degli studenti e garantisce prestazioni ottimali durante il tirocinio.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    61,90 €

    Klinisches Denken ist wie klinisches Urteilsvermögen der Prozess, bei dem Kliniker Anzeichen sammeln, Informationen verarbeiten, die medizinische Situation oder das Problem des Patienten verstehen, geeignete medizinische Maßnahmen planen und durchführen, die Ergebnisse bewerten und aus diesem gesamten Prozess lernen. Die Ausübung von Gesundheitsberufen erfordert kritisches Denken und klinische Argumentation. Kritisches Denken ist der Prozess des absichtlichen Denkens auf höherer Ebene, um das Problem eines Kunden zu definieren und zu verstehen, die evidenzbasierte Praxis bei der Pflege des Kunden zu untersuchen und die richtigen Entscheidungen bei der Erbringung der Pflege zu treffen. Klinisches Denken wird in den frühen Lehrplänen des Medizinstudiums oft nicht ausdrücklich gelehrt. Daher beobachten Medizinstudenten diesen Prozess während ihrer Famulatur, ohne die ihm zugrunde liegenden komplexen Prozesse zu verstehen. Klinisches Denken hat erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Patientensicherheit. Während der Famulatur müssen die Ausbilder die "Denkweise" vermitteln, die die Entwicklung des klinischen Denkens bei den Studierenden fördert. Die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten, die die Entwicklung des klinischen Denkens der Medizinstudenten unterstützen, fördert das Lernen der Studenten und gewährleistet eine optimale Leistung im Praktikum.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    34,00 €

    Specjali¿ci deklaruj¿ sobie nawzajem i spo¿ecze¿stwu wspólne standardy kompetencji i warto¿ci etyczne, których obiecuj¿ przestrzegä w swojej pracy, a tak¿e to, czego spo¿ecze¿stwo i poszczególni pacjenci mog¿ i powinni oczekiwä od pracowników medycznych. W rzeczywisto¿ci profesjonalizm medyczny jest systemem przekonä: musz¿ by¿ punktualni na czas, obiektywni w zäatwianiu spraw medycznych, dzieli¿ si¿ ¿wiat¿em reflektorów z uprzejmo¿ci¿ i nie mie¿ nic osobistego. Pisma refleksyjne maj¿ na celu pomóc lekarzom w procesie my¿lenia do refleksji, która jest krytyczna dla ich rozwoju zawodowego i oceny. Te osobiste historie lekarzy i piel¿gniarek pokazuj¿, jak praktyka refleksyjna pomog¿a im w rozwoju. Jest to sposób studiowania w¿asnych do¿wiadcze¿ w celu poprawy sposobu pracy. Akt refleksji jest doskonäym sposobem na zwi¿kszenie pewno¿ci siebie i stanie si¿ bardziej proaktywnym i wykwalifikowanym profesjonalist¿. Ta ksi¿¿ka zostäa przet¿umaczona przy u¿yciu sztucznej inteligencji.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    31,00 €

    Przyt¿aczaj¿cy stres prowadzi do problemów psychologicznych, takich jak depresja i l¿k. Celem niniejszej publikacji by¿o zwrócenie uwagi na zagadnienia zwi¿zane ze stresem w¿ród studentów ró¿nych uczelni zawodowych i jego zwi¿zek z ró¿nymi czynnikami akademickimi, spo¿ecznymi i zdrowotnymi. Stres jest najcz¿stszym i najcz¿stszym problemem, z którym borykaj¿ si¿ ró¿ne grupy spo¿eczne. W przypadku czynników pozauczelnianych g¿ównym czynnikiem wywo¿uj¿cym stres w¿ród studentów by¿y obawy o przysz¿o¿¿, natomiast obci¿¿enie prac¿ w klasie by¿o krytycznym wk¿adem stresu w odniesieniu do czynników akademickich. W kategorii Czynniki osobiste problemy fi- nansowe by¿y g¿ównym czynnikiem powoduj¿cym stres w¿ród studentów. Wp¿yw ukrytego programu nauczania w ¿rodowisku akademickim... co powinno si¿ dziä i co dzieje si¿ w praktyce, cz¿sto prowadzi do utraty idealizmu i erozji etycznej.Ta ksi¿¿ka zostäa przet¿umaczona przy u¿yciu sztucznej inteligencji.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    46,00 €

    Medical statistics is a subdiscipline of statistics that involves summarizing, collecting, presenting and interpreting data in medical practice, and utilizing them to estimate the magnitude of associations and test hypotheses. A medical statistician in an academic research unit, will invariably be part of a team responsible for generating ideas and then designing, implementing and analysing clinical studies. Quantitative research lays down the guide lines for health care decision makers with statistics--numerical data collected from measurements or observation of a phenomenon that describes the characteristics of specific population samples. Descriptive statistics emphasizes on the utility, efficacy and costs of medical goods and services. Purpose of biostatistics is to disentangle the data received and make valid inferences that used to solve problems in public health. Biostatistics is the application of statistical methods to conduct research in the areas of biology, public health, and medicine. Statistics involves mathematics + logic + judgement.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    51,00 €

    Clinical reasoning, is like clinical judgment, the process by which clinicians collect signs, process information, comprehend patient's medical situation or problem, plan and implement appropriate medical interventions, evaluate outcomes, and learn from this entire process. The practice of health professions needs critical thinking and clinical reasoning. Critical thinking is the process of intentional higher level thinking to define and understand a client's problem, examine the evidence-based practice in caring for the client, and make right choices in the delivery of care. Clinical reasoning is often not explicitly taught in the early medical school curriculum. Hence, medical students observe the process while on clinical placements with little or no understanding of the complex processes underlying it. Clinical reasoning got significant implications for patient safety. During practice placement educators need to articulate the "way of thinking¿ that facilitates the development of clinical reasoning among students. Developing skills to support the development of a medical student¿s clinical reasoning supports student learning and ensures optimal placement performance.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    34,00 €

    The quality of work done by students is assessed by the record of marks and continuous grades seen in the transcript. After completion of undergraduate degree, the student work for post graduate degree and then for a doctoral degree. This book is intended to go through some of the critical concepts of teaching and learning at medical university. Entry-level medical education programs are tertiary-level courses undertaken at a medical school. Traditionally initial medical education is divided between preclinical and clinical studies. The former consists of the basic sciences such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology. Assessments are an essential part of university life. The responsibility of medical schools is particularly great when it comes to assessing students, because medical schools are entrusted by the public and the regulator to produce not just knowledgeable but capable and safe doctors.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    34,00 €

    Mind mapping technique assists in multiple disciplines to clarify thinking, organise thoughts and information, provide overviews of complex topics, and help build mental models and ideas with ease. This book on mind maps covers applied neurophysiological concepts as a part of general medicine for medical students. This can serve as a revision book, provide a bird's eye view of some of the critical medical concepts, and help the student organise their learning of a subject. Used for mapping, especially in corporate hospitals where medical profession is probably second only to project managers in making extensive use of information maps. This profession can be deeply committed to the use of information maps in its study programs.This is an amazing tool to put any of your ideas and concepts into color branches on the paper, so that will assist in easy memory and task achievement for future goals.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    34,00 €

    Competency based medical education (CBME) is based on the pillars of faculty development. Undergraduate, Post graduate and Continuous professional development are the three critical sectors of medical education. Robust assessment method plays a pivotal role in the determination of caliber of a competent medical professional. A change in the professional, institutional, and organizational culture encircling the training of medical professionals is an important prerequisite for implementing CBME. Medical college as an educational system deals with department goals leading to institutional goals leading to community targets which inturn are connected to sociopolitical realities. The objective of this work is to initiate new teaching strategy at medical school to overcome biases against CBME in the culture of medical education.

  • von Kartheek Balapala
    32,00 €

    Cykl reakcji seksualnych jest sekwencj¿ zmian fizycznych i emocjonalnych, które zachodz¿, gdy osoba staje si¿ seksualnie pobudzona i uczestniczy w dziäaniach seksualnie stymuluj¿cych, w tym w stosunku i masturbacji. Wiedz¿c, jak twoje ciäo reaguje w kädej fazie cyklu, mo¿esz zmaksymalizowä swój zwi¿zek i pomóc w okre¿leniu przyczyny problemów seksualnych. Cykl reakcji seksualnych ma zasadniczo cztery fazy: podniecenie, p¿askowy¿, orgazm i rozwi¿zanie. Zarówno m¿¿czy¿ni, jak i kobiety do¿wiadczaj¿ tych faz, ale czas reakcji zazwyczaj jest inny. Na przyk¿ad, jest bardzo mäo prawdopodobne, aby oboje partnerzy osi¿gn¿li orgazm w tym samym czasie. I wtedy intensywno¿¿ reakcji i czas sp¿dzony w kädej fazie ró¿ni¿ si¿ w zale¿no¿ci od osoby. Zrozumienie tych ró¿nic z pewno¿ci¿ pomo¿e partnerom lepiej zrozumie¿ swoje ciäa i reakcje, a tak¿e wzmocni prze¿ycia seksualne. Kiedy kobieta zostaje pobudzona i w¿¿czona, naczynia krwiono¿ne w jej genitaliach rozszerzaj¿ si¿ i wype¿niaj¿ wi¿ksz¿ ilo¿ci¿ krwi. Istnieje zwi¿kszony przep¿yw krwi w ¿cianach pochwy, co powoduje, ¿e p¿yn przechodzi przez nie i wydzielaj¿ tworz¿ce g¿ówne ¿ród¿o smarowania, co sprawia, ¿e pochwa jest mokra.

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