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Bücher veröffentlicht von Deutscher Universitats-Verlag

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  • - Issues and Options for Reform
    von Anne Schafer
    80,00 €

    The increased use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is leading to noticeable changes within the organisational structure of the economy. Geographical distances within companies as well as between companies and their customers can be bridged more easily with the use of ICT. Thus, economic activities are less dependent on time and place. Taking into account the manifold changes in the economic structures, it has to be questioned whether and to what extent the current rules of international company taxation are still applicable in a reasonable way. With regard to this issue, a need for the development of suitable reform approaches covering the whole system of international taxation still existed. The doctoral thesis of Mrs. Schafer provides a major contribution to fulfill this need. Mrs. Schafer has worked out in a very comprehensive way the creation of new organizational structures as well as the resulting implications on tax law and the system of international taxation. Moreover, the existing literature on the subject at hand has been analyzed in a competent way. The special merit of the doctoral thesis of Mrs. Schafer consists in elaborating reform proposals for international company taxation which cover the different relevant issues of international taxation.

  • - Implications for Regulators and Auditing Practice
    von Christiane Strohm
    46,00 €

    In recent years, the Sarbanes-Oxley-Act has received intemational attention unlike few other laws. The rules presented in this act take influence on business practice and dominate the ongoing discussion on business constitution in the USA as well as in Europe. Christiane Strohm's dissertation investigates the effects of the Sarbanes- Oxley-Act and the revised 8 EU-Directive - as a response toward the US-law - on auditing. This study is innovative for several reasons. Combining an auditor independence risk model (Mock et. al. 2005) with considerations on task complexity (Bonner 1994, 1995), the author develops an experimental approach that can be put to future use in research on regulation. In the following, the American and European regulations are investigated in three separate experiments that are conducted with participants of international background. With this, the author provides - to my knowledge - the first empirical comparative analysis of the Sarbanes Oxley Act and the revised 8 EU- Directive. As both statutes provide representative examples for rules-based (Sarbanes-Oxley-Act) and for principles-oriented (8 EU-directive) regulation, this work deserves recognition from beyond the limited scientific community of those interested in auditing. The experimental design and the results generated by this study are of high significance for the general discussion on the advantages of either rules-based or principles-oriented regulation that characterizes the current controversial debate on corporate governance.

  • - A New Institutional Economics Approach to Foreign Direct Investment Policy Competition Between Governments in Europe
    von Stephan Dreyhaupt
    47,00 €

    As part of the research undertaken by the Department of Economics at the European Business School, this book explores the role that institutions play in the process of economic competition between jurisdictions for mobile investment. These "locational tournaments" are perpetuated not simply by classical factor endowments of their respective locations, but also by government interventions that impact both market imperfections and FDI flows. The resulting rivalry between competing institutional arrangements, which has been termed institutional competition, lies at the very heart of the author's analysis. The context for his research is provided by the global forces of trade and foreign direct investment that have expanded the scope for international production due to widespread liberalization of trade and capital flows, continuing regional integration, rapid technological innovations, and the resulting decrease in cross-border transaction costs. Foreign direct investment has been markedly affected by these developments. Countries depend now more heavily on foreign direct investment as a major portion of international capital flows, giving even smaller countries a greater potential and determination to compete for FDI. As a result, not only have attitudes towards FDI dramatically changed over the past decade, but so have the scope and intensity of the "'beauty contests" associated with it.

  • - The Latin American Evidence
    von Victor Silverio Posadas Hernandez
    46,00 €

    Interest in the Latin American emerging markets (LAEM) has increased considerably in recent years. However, in their stock markets the price determination process and how it compares with that of developed markets is still an open issue. Thus far, the LAEM and most of the emerging markets may have, as it is often claimed, paid a price for being too different, that is, for having weak institutions, failed macroe- nomic programs, political instability, poor corporate governance, and high trading costs. Although they may have indeed suffered for these reasons, this claim ignores the heterogeneity that exists among emerging markets regarding their market devel­ opment and institutional infrastructure (Yilmaz (2001)). Practitioners still think that the LAEM may lower an international investor's unconditional portfolio risk. In view of this belief concerning emerging markets, the present thesis seeks to answer three sets of questions: (1) What are the investment laws in the LAEM and how do they compare to developed countries? (2) How heterogeneous are the implicit trading costs in the LAEM and which factors are responsible for the heterogeneity? And how dif­ ferent is the implicit trading cost of the LAEM from the developed stock markets? And (3) does the predictability of stock returns in the LAEM differ from those docu­ mented for developed markets? A large number of investigations in modem financial economics have been dedicated to quantifying the trade-off between risk and expected returns of financial securities.

  • - Analysis of European Private Equity Firms
    von Degenhard Meier
    46,00 €

    Degenhard Meier explores the dimensions of post-investment value addition characterizing the interaction between private equity firms and their portfolio companies and derives plausible hypotheses which he tests in an innovative way, i.e. he takes the current discussion on alternative methods to structural equation modeling as a basis and develops this discussion further by shedding light on partial least squares - a variance-based approach to structural equation modeling.

  • von Stefan Wagner
    46,00 €

    Research on the patent system and the analysis of patenting activities have become an important field in economics and l)usin(\ss administration. The global demand for patcuit protection has been increasing strongly over the last decades. Institutional changes as well as the broadening of patentable subject matter pose new challenges to patentees and patent offices alike. Especially in Europe, the debate on the patentabihty of biotechnology and softwa- related inventions led to broad public attention to the design of the patent system. Given these developments, it is no wonder that practitioners as well as policy makers are turning to researchers for answers on how to cope with new challenges threatening the patent system. In his dissertation, Stefan Wagner attempts to answer some of these questions. Wagner apphes advanced econometric methods to large-scale data sets which were assembled specifically for the purpose of this thesis. His analysis focuses on various aspects of patent filings, examination and opposition at the European Patent Office. Each of the four self-contained chapters of this book addresses different issues which are important to all stake-holders of the patent system. Wagner closely analyzes institutional features of the European Patent Office, such as the duration of the examination of patent applications, the determinants of the occurrence of patent oppositions and the patentability of business methods under the European Patent Convention. In his concluding chapter he examines the managerial decision between outsourcing patent-related services to patent attorneys or generating them in-house.

  • - A Comparison of the United States and Germany
    von Arnd Plagge
    69,00 €

    In view of Germany's lackluster economic performance during the 1990s, i. e. , at a time when the American economy was booming, a relative lack of venture capital vis-a-vis the United States was lamented in Germany. Ger­ man government programs meant to help raise venture capital in order to fi­ nance "predominantly young, technologically innovative, unlisted small- and medium-sized enterprises which, despite low current profitability, are consid­ ered to have a suflficiently large growth potential," (Deutsche Bundesbank) were to a large extent unsuccessful since their inception in the 1960s. It is well-known that Germans tend to be more risk-averse than Americans, and it is therefore no wonder that the author of this book, Arnd Plagge, finds that Germany's venture capital market is relatively underdeveloped when compared to its counterpart in the United States. There can be no doubt that due to its investment focus on innovative start-up companies, venture capital can play an important role in fostering economic growth and the creation of modern high-skill jobs, especially by spurring the development of entirely new industries and products from such diverse and dynamic realms as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology as well as information and communication technology.

  • - Evidence from the US Venture Capital Market
    von Matthias Eckermann
    85,00 €

    This book has been submitted as dissertation at the Faculty of Business Man­ agement and Economics at Dresden University of Technology, Germany on January 19, 2005. Throughout the completion of this thesis, I received much encouragement and advice from mentors, colleagues and friends. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of them. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Michael Schefczyk for providing a fruitful research atmosphere at the SAP Chair for Entrep- neurship and Innovation at Dresden University of Technology. His comments and support helped me develop and complete this thesis. Moreover, I thank Prof. Schefczyk for supporting my ambitions to conduct research in the United States. Second, I am especially grateful to Prof. Andrew L. Zacharakis, Ph.D. for hosting me as visiting scholar at Babson College and for supervising my project during this time. This thesis benefited tremendously from his knowledge and from his out­ standing support. His encouragement and support also helped me survive less pro­ ductive times. A great debt is to Prof. Dr. Herman Locarek-Junge who accepted the burden of being my second examiner at Dresden University of Technology. The final paper benefited tremendously from conversations with several experi­ enced researchers and practitioners in the United States. I want to thank Elaine I.

  • - Informal Constraints and Enforcement of Bank Regulation in Mongolia
    von Chuluunbaatar Enkhzaya
    85,00 €

    Chuluunbaatar Enkhzaya examines the "inadequate" behaviour of banks in Mongolia by analysing the institutional framework of the banking system, especially in lending. She focuses on the genesis of informal institutions of lending and their interaction with formal institutions of lending. Herewith, informal institutions such as the attitude to risk were indirectly observed by diagnosing the "action-regulating" knowledge of bankers. In order to ensure an effective allocation of the scarce financial resources of Mongolia the author therefore suggests a change - as simultaneous as possible - of formal and informal rules.

  • - An Empirical Approach of the European Automotive Industry
    von Luis Martin Diaz
    46,00 €

    The acknowledgement that a network of cooperating companies, e.g. a supply chain, could be more successful in achieving competitive advantage than individual businesses, constitutes one of the most significant paradigm shifts in modern business management as it leaves behind the notion of adversarial companies engaged in fierce competition with one another in order to gain a competitive advantage. The ¿Survival of the Fittest¿ in what has been called ¿The Era of Network Competition¿ depends on how well companies are able to structure, coordinate, and manage relationships with their business partners. In their search for the best possible place under the sun, companies have redefined their understanding of cooperation and have not only improved the efficiency of cooperation with partners (e.g. suppliers, customers, and complementors) but also discovered the existence of synergies with competitors. The apparently paradoxical situation of cooperating with competitors (or it might be thought of as competing with cooperating partners) shows that collaboration is a widespread approach at all levels of strategic management. In light of these thoughts, the question arises why there are still companies that neither cooperate with business partners nor with competitors; although it seems obvious that this could be advantageous. This work attempts to offer an answer to this question.

    44,99 €

    Der Autor erarbeitet am Beispiel der Fremdwährungsumrechnung von Kreditinstituten einen Vorschlag, wie Controlling und externes Rechnungswesen verzahnt werden können, um die Trennung in zwei unterschiedliche Rechnungskreise zu vermeiden.

  • - Die Umweltthematik Bei Wirtschaftsverbanden, Gewerkschaften Und Naturschutzorganisationen Seit 1960
    von Joachim Amm
    54,99 €

  • - Grundlagen, Integrationsprodukte, Anwendungsbeispiele
    von Michael Kaib
    55,00 €

  • - Erfolgsfaktoren innerstadtischer Einkaufszentren
    von Thomas Bühler
    54,99 €

  • - The Perspective of the U.S. Food Industry
    von Denise Dahlhoff
    46,00 €

    Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have been a preferred growth strategy of fums, becoming even more popular in recent years with U.S. companies. Often, transaction prices reach Ievels ofbillions ofEuros (e.g., Kraft Foods' acquisition ofNabisco in 2000). It is noteworthy that the motives of such transactions are not limited to material assets. lmmaterial market-based assets, such as brands, have played an increasing role. Both practitioners and academics have widely recognized brands' significance for companies. Until now, however, research has neglected to investigate the importance of market-based assets in M&As. This research provides a tool which can be used to quantizy the relative importance of market-based assets that are ofparticular interest in M&As. The contribution of this research is twofold. The first contribution is the examination of specific M&A motives in the U.S. food industry based on a sample of recently proposed M&As and their influence on shareholder value drivers. The second is the development and empirical application of a measurement tool. This tool is able to quanti:ty motives of particular M&A cases and their relative importance.

  • - Kosten- und kundenorientierte Entwicklung von Direct-Banking-Produkten
    von Patrick Knust
    64,99 €

    Patrick Knust zeigt, dass mit Hilfe des Target Costing eine integrierte kosten- und kundenorientierte Entwicklung von Direct-Banking-Produkten unterstutzt werden kann, und uberpruft die erfolgreiche Anwendbarkeit und die praktische Umsetzung des Ansatzes an Hand einer Fallstudie bei der comdirect bank AG.

    54,99 €

    Der Autor entwickelt die These, daß die Industrialisierung der Wissenschaft das funktionale Korrelat einer Verwissenschaftlichung der Industrie ist und daß diese beiden Phänomene zwei nur analytisch zu trennende Momente desselben gesellschaftlichen Prozesses darstellen.

  • - A Valuation Study
    von Antje Schirm
    53,00 €

    Antje Schirm develops a pricing model for credit risk securitisation, explaining fair note issuance pricing by the underlying credit portfolio risk. The underlying credit portfolio risk is modelled in a market context and the observed payout mechanisms of securitisation structures are translated into a derivatives pricing context. Both these blocks together permit a comparison of fair model prices to issuance prices observed in the young securitisation market, such that discrepancies are uncovered.

  • - Venture Capital-backed Startups in Silicon Valley and Tokyo
    von Philipp Riekert
    96,00 €

    Philipp D. Riekert's theory of comparative corporate governance of venture capital-backed startup companies focuses on the complementarities between financing, human resource, and market strategies of the startup company, and takes a functional view towards entrepreneuership as bringing about innovation by combining the functions of initiation, uncertainty-bearing, and coordination.

  • - Ein Systemorientierter Ansatz Am Beispiel Der Automobilindustrie
    von Ebrahim Djabarian
    59,99 €

  • - Konzeption, Messung Und Empirische Analyse
    von Daniel Daum
    54,99 €

  • - Eine Empirische Analyse Der Eindrucksbildung ALS Erfolgsfaktor
    von Pakize Schuchert-Guler
    64,99 €

    Der persönliche Verkauf ist ein Marketing-Instrument, das schon eingesetzt wurde, bevor überhaupt von Marketing die Rede war. Sowohl im Business-to-Business- als auch im Kon­ sumgüter-Bereich hat er für viele Branchen zentrale Bedeutung. Das zeigt sich nicht zuletzt an entsprechenden Budgets, die nicht selten innerhalb des Marketing-Budgets dominierend sind. Wenn man allerdings das Ausmaß der wissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit dem per­ sönlichen Verkauf mit anderen Teilgebieten des Marketing vergleicht, entsteht ein völlig an­ deres Bild: In der deutschsprachigen ebenso wie in der internationalen Marketing-Literatur, in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften ebenso wie in Lehrbüchern wird der persönlicher Verkauf eher am Rande behandelt. Woran mag diese Diskrepanz zwischen der großen Relevanz eines Fachgebiets und dem begrenzten wissenschaftlichen Interesse daran liegen? Sicher ist der persönliche Verkaufwe­ niger glamourös als etwa die Welt der Werbung und bietet weniger Entfaltungsmöglichkeit für methodische Brillanz als der Bereich der Marktforschung. Offenbar bereitet der Verkauf für die Anwendung des gängigen Forschungsinstrumentariums auch besondere Probleme. So sind die gängigen Befragungsmethoden auf Interaktionen zwischen Verkäufern und Kunden nur schlecht anwendbar. Auch die Rekrutierung von Auskunfts- oder Versuchspersonen be­ reitet mehr Schwierigkeiten als in weiten Gebieten der Konsumentenforschung.

  • von Susanne Hensel-Boerner
    54,99 €

    Mit der Customized Computerized Conjoint Analysis (CCC) und der Choice-Oriented Individualized Conjoint Analysis (CHIC) stellt Susanne Hensel-Börner neue computergestützte hybride Conjoint-Varianten vor, die sie einer umfangreichen empirischen Validitätsprüfung unterzieht.

  • - Importeurssteuerung Durch Deutsche Automobilhersteller
    von Bernd Brockmeier
    54,99 €

  • - Ein Prinzip Zur Sicherung Langfristiger Wettbewerbsfahigkeit
    von Conrad Mauritz
    54,99 €

  • - Potentiale Und Gestaltungsempfehlungen
    54,99 €

    Die Autorin zeigt am Beispiel des Finanzdienstleistungssektors, dass Telearbeit weitreichende Potentiale zur Optimierung der Mitarbeiter- bzw. Kundennähe sowie der Kooperationsbeziehungen bietet.

    54,99 €

    Dissertation Handelshochschule Leipzig 1997

  • - Stellenwert, Erfassungskonzept und empirische Befunde
    von Gertrud Schmitz
    54,99 €

    Gertrud Schmitz untersucht differenziert, wie Versicherungsvertreter zur Erzielung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen der Versicherer beitragen koennen, ob ihr dazu notwendiges Verhalten vom Grad ihrer Zufriedenheit abhangt und inwieweit die Zufriedenheit der Versicherungsvertreter durch die Versicherer beeinflussbar ist.

  • - Civil Process and Economic Perspective
    von Qing-Yun Jiang
    46,00 €

    Foreword Qing-Yun Jiang was born in Fujian, China. He studied International Business Administration at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade in Shanghai, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Economics. In 1997, he started studying at the University of Hamburg. After his Master study and his successful completion of the necessary law examinations, he was admitted as a doctoral student in the law faculty in 2001. In addition to his study of German civil, criminal and administrative laws, Jiang demonstrated an increasing interest in law and economics, especially in the relationship between law and economic development. It is now a well-established fact that the rule of law, the protection of property rights and a swift and timely resolution to conflicts are corner stones of economic development and long-term economic growth. In many developing countries court delays are a major shortcoming of the legal system. This is true for countries in Latin America and in many Asian countries. Empirical findings show a 15 year length of civil procedure from the first filing of the case to the Supreme Court decision. This leads to court crises in the sense that private disputes are not brought to the court. Private parties attempt to circumvent the official legal system all together. When making contracts they resort to self enforcing contracts, to self help and, if available, to private alternative dispute settlement. In his thesis, Jiang presents an empirical study of court delays in China.

  • von Volker Arends
    54,99 €

    Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universit'at Bayreuth, 2000.

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