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Bücher veröffentlicht von Tranzlaty

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  • - Tranzlaty English Íslenska
    von George Orwell
    23,00 €

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come" "Ég veit ekki hvenær Þessi uppreisn kemur" "nothing says it can't be in a week from now" "Ekkert segir að Það geti ekki verið eftir viku" "or it could come in a hundred years" "eða Það gæti gerst eftir hundrað ár" "I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet" "Ég sé Það eins skýrt og ég sé stráið undir fótum mínum" "sooner or later justice will be done" "Fyrr eða síðar nær réttlætið fram að ganga" "Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades" "Festið augun á Þessu markmiði, félagar" "remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!" "Mundu Það fyrir alla stutta afganginn af lífi Þínu!" "And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here" "Og umfram allt, ekki láta Þennan boðskap minn deyja út hér" "pass this message on to those who come after you" "Flyttu Þessi skilaboð til Þeirra sem á eftir Þér koma" "then future generations shall carry on the struggle" "þá munu komandi kynslóðir halda baráttunni áfram" "they will fight on until our kind is victorious" "Ūeir munu berjast áfram ūar til okkar líkar sigra" "And remember, comrades, your resolution must never falter" "Og munið, félagar, að ásetningur ykkar má aldrei bregðast" "No argument must allow you to be led astray" "Engin rök mega leyfa Þér að vera leiddur afvega" "Man and the animals have no common interest" "Menn og dýr eiga enga sameiginlega hagsmuni" "Never listen to anyone who tries to convince you otherwise" "Aldrei hlusta á neinn sem reynir að sannfæra Þig um annað" "the prosperity of the one is never the prosperity of the others" "Velmegun eins er aldrei velmegun hinna" "Man serves the interests of no creature except himself" "Maðurinn Þjónar hagsmunum engrar veru nema sjálfs sín"

  • von Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
    12,00 €

    "¡Tu padre tenía una nariz muy hermosa!""your father had a very handsome nose!"El príncipe estaba desconcertado por lo que dijo el hada.the prince was baffled at what the fairy said"¿Qué le falta a mi nariz?""what does my nose lack?""¡Oh! no le falta nada", respondió el Hada."Oh! it doesn't lack anything" replied the Fairy"¡Al contrario!""On the contrary!""¡Hay demasiada nariz!""there is too much of your nose!""Pero no importa las narices""But never mind about noses""Uno puede ser un hombre muy digno a pesar de que tu nariz sea demasiado larga""one can be a very worthy man despite your nose being too long"

  • von Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
    12,00 €

    "I loved your father as if he had been my brother""Baban¿ karde¿immi¿ gibi sevdim""your father had a very handsome nose!""Baban¿n çok yak¿¿¿kl¿ bir burnu vard¿!"the prince was baffled at what the fairy saidPrens, perinin söyledikleri kar¿¿s¿nda ¿äk¿na dönmü¿tü"what does my nose lack?""Burnumda ne eksik?""Oh! it doesn't lack anything" replied the Fairy"Ah! hiçbir eksi¿i yok." diye yan¿tlad¿ Peri"On the contrary!""Tam tersine!""there is too much of your nose!""Burnundan çok fazla var!""But never mind about noses""Ama burunlar¿ böver""one can be a very worthy man despite your nose being too long""Burnunun çok uzun olmas¿na rämen çok de¿erli bir adam olabilir.""I was telling you that I was your father's friend""Sana baban¿n arkadä¿ oldüumu söylüyordum"

  • von Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
    12,00 €

    "Il tuo naso è davvero molto ridicolo""your nose really is very ridiculous""Ma tu sei il figlio del mio migliore amico""but you are the son of my best friend""Ho amato tuo padre come se fosse stato mio fratello""I loved your father as if he had been my brother""Tuo padre aveva un naso molto bello!""your father had a very handsome nose!"Il principe era sconcertato da ciò che la fata dicevathe prince was baffled at what the fairy said"Cosa manca al mio naso?""what does my nose lack?""Oh! non manca nulla" rispose la Fata"Oh! it doesn't lack anything" replied the Fairy"Al contrario!""On the contrary!""C'è troppo del tuo naso!""there is too much of your nose!""Ma non importa per i nasi""But never mind about noses""Si può essere un uomo molto degno nonostante il naso sia troppo lungo""one can be a very worthy man despite your nose being too long""Ti dicevo che ero amico di tuo padre""I was telling you that I was your father's friend"

  • von Beatrix Potter
    15,00 €

    Roedd ei chwaer-yng-nghyfraith, Mrs. Rebeccah yr hwyaden bwd yn wahanol iawn Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rebeccah the puddle duck was very different Roedd hi'n barod iawn i adael y ddeor i rywun arall she was perfectly willing to leave the hatching to someone else "Does gen i ddim amynedd i eistedd ar nyth am wyth diwrnod ar hugain" "I have not the patience to sit on a nest for twenty-eight days" "Ac nid oes gennych yr amynedd chwaith, Jemima" "and you don't have the patience either, Jemima" "Byddech chi'n gadael i'r wyau fynd yn oer, rydych chi'n gwybod y byddech chi!" "You would let the eggs go cold, you know you would!" "Rwyf am ddeor fy wyau fy hun," quacked Jemima puddle hwyaden "I wish to hatch my own eggs," quacked Jemima puddle duck "Byddaf yn eu torri i gyd ar fy mhen fy hun," meddai "I will hatch them all by myself," she confirmed

  • von Beatrix Potter
    15,00 €

    Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rebeccah the puddle duck was very different Yengesi, su birikintisi örde¿i Bayan Rebeccah çok farkl¿yd¿ she was perfectly willing to leave the hatching to someone else Yumurtadan ç¿kmay¿ bäkas¿na b¿rakmaya tamamen istekliydi "I have not the patience to sit on a nest for twenty-eight days" "Yirmi sekiz gün yuvada oturacak sabr¿m yok" "and you don't have the patience either, Jemima" "Senin de sabr¿n yok, Jemima" "You would let the eggs go cold, you know you would!" "Yumurtalar¿n söumas¿na izin verirdin, yapacä¿n¿ biliyorsun!" "I wish to hatch my own eggs," quacked Jemima puddle duck "Kendi yumurtalar¿m¿ kuluçkaya yat¿rmak istiyorum," diye ¿arlatan Jemima su birikintisi örde¿i "I will hatch them all by myself," she confirmed "Hepsini tek bä¿ma yumurtadan ç¿karacä¿m," diye onaylad¿

  • von Beatrix Potter
    15,00 €

    Su cuñada, la Sra. Rebecca, el pato del charco, era muy diferente Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rebeccah the puddle duck was very differentEstaba perfectamente dispuesta a dejar la eclosión a otra persona she was perfectly willing to leave the hatching to someone else "No tengo paciencia para sentarme en un nido durante veintiocho días" "I have not the patience to sit on a nest for twenty-eight days" "Y tú tampoco tienes paciencia, Jemima" "and you don't have the patience either, Jemima" "¡Dejarías que los huevos se enfriaran, sabes que lo harías!" "You would let the eggs go cold, you know you would!" -Deseo incubar mis propios huevos -graznó Jemima el pato charco- "I wish to hatch my own eggs," quacked Jemima puddle duck "Los incubaré todos yo sola", confirmó "I will hatch them all by myself," she confirmed

  • von Beatrix Potter
    15,00 €

    Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rebeccah the puddle duck was very different Jej szwagierka, pani Rebeccah kaczka z käü¿, by¿a zupe¿nie inna she was perfectly willing to leave the hatching to someone else By¿a cäkowicie gotowa pozostawi¿ wykluwanie si¿ komü innemu "I have not the patience to sit on a nest for twenty-eight days" "Nie mam cierpliwöci, by siedzie¿ na gnie¿dzie przez dwadzie¿cia osiem dni" "and you don't have the patience either, Jemima" - A ty te¿ nie masz cierpliwöci, Jemimo. "You would let the eggs go cold, you know you would!" "Pozwoli¿by¿ jajkom ostygn¿¿, wiesz, ¿e by¿ to zrobi¿!" "I wish to hatch my own eggs," quacked Jemima puddle duck "Chc¿ wyklü w¿asne jaja" - kwakäa kaczka Jemima "I will hatch them all by myself," she confirmed - Wykluj¿ je wszystkie sama - potwierdzi¿a

  • von Beatrix Potter
    15,00 €

    Sua cognata, la signora Rebeccah, l'anatra delle pozzanghere era molto diversa Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rebeccah the puddle duck was very different Era perfettamente disposta a lasciare la schiusa a qualcun altro she was perfectly willing to leave the hatching to someone else "Non ho la pazienza di sedermi su un nido per ventotto giorni" "I have not the patience to sit on a nest for twenty-eight days" "E nemmeno tu hai la pazienza, Jemima" "and you don't have the patience either, Jemima" "Lascerai che le uova si raffreddino, sai che lo farai!" "You would let the eggs go cold, you know you would!" "Voglio far schiudere le mie uova", starnazzò l'anatra delle pozzanghere di Jemima "I wish to hatch my own eggs," quacked Jemima puddle duck "Li farò schiudere tutti da sola", confermò "I will hatch them all by myself," she confirmed

  • von Beatrix Potter
    15,00 €

    Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rebeccah the puddle duck was very different ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿she was perfectly willing to leave the hatching to someone else ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿"I have not the patience to sit on a nest for twenty-eight days" "¿¿ 28¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿""and you don't have the patience either, Jemima" "¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿, ¿¿¿""You would let the eggs go cold, you know you would!" "¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿, ¿¿ ¿¿¿!"

  • von Beatrix Potter
    15,00 €

    Sa belle-s¿ur, Mme Rebeccah la canard flaque d'eau, était très différente Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rebeccah the puddle duck was very different Elle était tout à fait disposée à laisser l'éclosion à quelqu'un d'autre she was perfectly willing to leave the hatching to someone else Je n'ai pas la patience de rester assis sur un nid pendant vingt-huit jours "I have not the patience to sit on a nest for twenty-eight days" Et tu n'as pas la patience non plus, Jemima "and you don't have the patience either, Jemima" Tu laisserais les ¿ufs refroidir, tu sais que tu le ferais ! "You would let the eggs go cold, you know you would!" Je veux faire éclore mes propres ¿ufs, dit Jemima en faisant couler le canard "I wish to hatch my own eggs," quacked Jemima puddle duck Je vais les faire éclore toute seule , a-t-elle confirmé "I will hatch them all by myself," she confirmed

  • von George Orwell
    24,00 €

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come""Niente dice che non può essere tra una settimana""nothing says it can't be in a week from now""o potrebbe arrivare tra cento anni""or it could come in a hundred years""Posso vederlo chiaramente come vedo la paglia sotto i miei piedi""I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet""Prima o poi giustizia sarà fatta""sooner or later justice will be done""Fissate gli occhi su quell'obiettivo, compagni""Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades""Ricordatelo per tutto il breve resto della vostra vita!""remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!""E soprattutto, non lasciate che questo mio messaggio si spenga qui""And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here""Trasmettete questo messaggio a coloro che verranno dopo di voi""pass this message on to those who come after you""Allora le generazioni future continueranno la lotta""then future generations shall carry on the struggle""Continueranno a combattere fino a quando la nostra specie non sarà vittoriosa""they will fight on until our kind is victorious"

  • von Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
    14,00 €

    Votre nez est vraiment très ridicule"your nose really is very ridiculous"Mais tu es le fils de mon meilleur ami"but you are the son of my best friend"J'ai aimé ton père comme s'il avait été mon frère"I loved your father as if he had been my brother"Ton père avait un très beau nez!"your father had a very handsome nose!"Le prince était déconcerté par ce que la fée avait dit.the prince was baffled at what the fairy saidQu'est-ce qui manque à mon nez?"what does my nose lack?"Oh! il ne manque de rien répondit la Fée"Oh! it doesn't lack anything" replied the FairyAu contraire!"On the contrary!"Il y a trop de votre nez!"there is too much of your nose!"Mais peu importe les nez"But never mind about noses"On peut être un homme très digne même si son nez est trop long"one can be a very worthy man despite your nose being too long"

  • von Oscar Wilde
    18,00 €

    Son âme l'appelaHis Soul called out to him J'ai habité avec toi pendant toutes ces années "I have dwelt with thee for all these years" et j'ai été ton serviteur "and I have been thy servant" Ne m'éloigne pas de toi "Don't send me away from thee" Quel mal t'ai-je fait ? "what evil have I done thee?"Et le jeune pêcheur ritAnd the young Fisherman laughed Tu ne m'as fait aucun mal "Thou has done me no evil" mais je n'ai pas besoin de toi "but I have no need of thee"

  • von Oscar Wilde
    18,00 €

    La Sua Anima lo chiamòHis Soul called out to him"Ho abitato con te per tutti questi anni""I have dwelt with thee for all these years""e io sono stato tuo servo""and I have been thy servant""Non mandarmi via da te""Don't send me away from thee""Che male ti ho fatto?""what evil have I done thee?"E il giovane pescatore riseAnd the young Fisherman laughed"Non mi hai fatto alcun male""Thou has done me no evil""ma io non ho bisogno di te""but I have no need of thee"

  • von Oscar Wilde
    18,00 €

    Su Alma lo llamóHis Soul called out to him"He habitado contigo durante todos estos años""I have dwelt with thee for all these years""y yo he sido tu siervo""and I have been thy servant""No me envíes lejos de ti""Don't send me away from thee""¿Qué mal te he hecho?""what evil have I done thee?"Y el joven pescador se rióAnd the young Fisherman laughed"No me has hecho ningún mal""Thou has done me no evil""pero no tengo necesidad de ti""but I have no need of thee"

  • von Jonathan Swift
    14,00 €

    Je m'étais endormi sur le dosI had happened to fall asleep on my backEt maintenant mes bras et mes jambes étaient attachés au soland now my arms and legs were fastened to the groundet mes cheveux, qui étaient longs et épais, étaient attachés aussiand my hair, which was long and thick, was tied down tooJe ne pouvais que regarder vers le hautI could only look upwardLe soleil a commencé à devenir chaudThe sun began to grow hotet la lumière m'a fait mal aux yeuxand the light hurt my eyesJ'ai entendu un bruit confus autour de moiI heard a confused noise around memais ne pouvait rien voir d'autre que le cielbut could see nothing except the skyEn peu de temps, j'ai senti quelque chose de vivantIn a little time I felt something aliveil bougeait sur ma jambe gaucheit was moving on my left leg

  • von Antoine Galland
    13,00 €

    Érase una vez un pobre sastreOnce upon a time there lived a poor tailortuvo un hijo llamado Aladino.he had a son called AladdinAladdin era un chico descuidado y ocioso que no hacía nada.Aladdin was a careless, idle boy who would do nothingAunque, le gustaba jugar a la pelota todo el díaalthough, he did like to play ball all day longEsto lo hizo en las calles con otros niños ociososthis he did in the streets with other little idle boysEsto afligió tanto al padre que murió.This so grieved the father that he diedSu madre lloraba y oraba, pero nada ayudaba.his mother cried and prayed but nothing helpeda pesar de su súplica, Aladdin no enmendó sus caminos.despite her pleading, Aladdin did not mend his ways

  • von Antoine Galland
    13,00 €

    C'era una volta un povero sartoOnce upon a time there lived a poor tailorebbe un figlio chiamato Aladinohe had a son called AladdinAladino era un ragazzo sbadato e ozioso che non avrebbe fatto nullaAladdin was a careless, idle boy who would do nothingAnche se, gli piaceva giocare a palla tutto il giornoalthough, he did like to play ball all day longQuesto lo faceva per le strade con altri ragazzini oziosithis he did in the streets with other little idle boysQuesto addolorò così tanto il padre che morìThis so grieved the father that he diedSua madre piangeva e pregava, ma nulla aiutavahis mother cried and prayed but nothing helpednonostante la sua supplica, Aladino non si rimise a farsi strada.despite her pleading, Aladdin did not mend his ways

  • von Jonathan Swift
    14,00 €

    Me había quedado dormido boca arribaI had happened to fall asleep on my backy ahora mis brazos y piernas estaban sujetos al sueloand now my arms and legs were fastened to the groundy mi cabello, que era largo y grueso, también estaba atado.and my hair, which was long and thick, was tied down tooSolo podía mirar hacia arribaI could only look upwardsEl sol comenzó a calentarseThe sun began to grow hoty la luz lastimó mis ojosand the light hurt my eyesEscuché un ruido confuso a mi alrededorI heard a confused noise around mepero no podía ver nada excepto el cielobut could see nothing except the skyEn poco tiempo sentí algo vivoIn a little time I felt something aliveSe movía sobre mi pierna izquierdait was moving on my left leg

  • von Antoine Galland
    13,00 €

    Il était une fois un pauvre tailleurOnce upon a time there lived a poor tailoril avait un fils appelé Aladdinhe had a son called AladdinAladdin était un garçon négligent et oisif qui ne voulait rien faireAladdin was a careless, idle boy who would do nothingBien qu'il aimait jouer au ballon toute la journéealthough, he did like to play ball all day longC'est ce qu'il a fait dans la rue avec d'autres petits garçons oisifsthis he did in the streets with other little idle boysCela a tellement attristé le père qu'il est mortThis so grieved the father that he diedSa mère pleurait et priait, mais rien n'y aidait.his mother cried and prayed but nothing helpedmalgré sa supplication, Aladdin n'a pas réparé ses habitudes.despite her pleading, Aladdin did not mend his ways

  • von Jonathan Swift
    14,00 €

    Mi era capitato di addormentarmi sulla schienaI had happened to fall asleep on my backe ora le mie braccia e le mie gambe erano fissate a terraand now my arms and legs were fastened to the grounde anche i miei capelli, lunghi e folti, erano legatiand my hair, which was long and thick, was tied down tooPotevo solo guardare verso l'altoI could only look upwardsIl sole cominciò a diventare caldoThe sun began to grow hote la luce mi faceva male agli occhiand the light hurt my eyesHo sentito un rumore confuso intorno a meI heard a confused noise around mema non riusciva a vedere altro che il cielobut could see nothing except the skyIn poco tempo ho sentito qualcosa di vivoIn a little time I felt something alivesi muoveva sulla mia gamba sinistrait was moving on my left leg

  • von Oscar Wilde
    10,00 €

    "Ha detto che avrebbe ballato con me se avessi portato le sue rose rosse""She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses""ma in tutto il mio giardino non c'è una rosa rossa" gridò il giovane studente"but in all my garden there is no red rose" cried the young StudentDal suo nido nel leccio l'usignolo lo udìfrom her nest in the holm-oak tree the nightingale heard hime guardò attraverso le foglie, e si meravigliòand she looked out through the leaves, and wondered "Nessuna rosa rossa in tutto il mio giardino!" gridò."No red rose in all my garden!" he criede i suoi bellissimi occhi pieni di lacrimeand his beautiful eyes filled with tears"Da quali piccole cose dipende la felicità!""On what little things does happiness depend!"

  • von Oscar Wilde
    11,00 €

    Elle a dit qu'elle danserait avec moi si je lui apportais des roses rouges'She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses'mais dans tout mon jardin il n'y a pas de rose rouge s'écria le jeune Etudiant.'but in all my garden there is no red rose' cried the young StudentDe son nid dans le chêne vert, le rossignol l'entenditfrom her nest in the holm-oak tree the nightingale heard himet elle regarda à travers les feuilles, et se demandaand she looked out through the leaves, and wondered Pas de rose rouge dans tout mon jardin ! s'écria-t-il'No red rose in all my garden!' he criedet ses beaux yeux remplis de larmesand his beautiful eyes filled with tearsDe quelles petites choses dépend le bonheur !'On what little things does happiness depend!'

  • von Oscar Wilde
    10,00 €

    "Ella dijo que bailaría conmigo si le traía rosas rojas"'She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses'"Pero en todo mi jardín no hay rosa roja", gritó el joven estudiante'but in all my garden there is no red rose' cried the young StudentDesde su nido en la encina el ruiseñor lo oyófrom her nest in the holm-oak tree the nightingale heard himy miró a través de las hojas, y se preguntó.and she looked out through the leaves, and wondered "¡No hay rosa roja en todo mi jardín!", gritó.'No red rose in all my garden!' he criedy sus hermosos ojos llenos de lágrimasand his beautiful eyes filled with tears'¡De qué pequeñas cosas depende la felicidad!''On what little things does happiness depend!'

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